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Author: IvanMNG Subject: DONT DO IT!

Posts: 5
Registered: 03-13-2009

posted on 03-13-2009 at 12:10 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I married a "model quality" woman named Irina. We were married for 7 years, with one child. I sponsored her parents for permanent resident visas. The very day that she received word from her father that they received their visas, she started cheating on me. We knew six other Russian woman / American man couples. Only one of them is still married, and she is threatening divorce. The girls all know how generous divorce settlements are, and they plan on them. They want at least one kid to assure child support payments.

Bottom line: they are from a land where morality doesn't exist. Cheating on a man is just no big deal to them. Lying is OK for them, but bad for everyone else. Double standards and refusal to accept responsibility like you have never seen. It is all about exchanging sex for a better life - nothing more.

Buyer beware!
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By BrentBurnedInCA (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 04-02-2009 at 11:58 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I totally disagree.

On April 25th will be my 10th anniversary with my Russian wife. I know over 100 couples who have married women form Russian & then Ukraine. And only hands full are divorced now. Compare that to the national average of 50%

The determining factor is picking the right one. Most guys that have failed marriages fall in lust not love. Finding common interests is critical, finding a sole mate. Not bring home an arm trophy.

If you want a lasting relationship, make sure you enjoy each others company, interests, music and so forth. Understand each other’s goals and expectations. Know what her hopes and dreams are. Make sure she knows yours. The marriages I have seen fail I could see from day1. Use you big brain not the little one.

View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By ken (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 05-07-2009 at 04:01 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
i see both sides of this

what ken says about finding the right one is an obvious answer about all women who list themselves on the internet, especially fsu countries, where scamming is out of control.

what brentburnedinca wrote is also very true, there is a lot of gold diggers out there and dishonest women on the sites.even on your sites ken!..and you would know of this..
Have a good look at the women on the sites and if you look closely you will see only beautiful, young women who have had a professional photo shoot..and not to forget how that photo will end up being altered in some way or another..I know, when i went to visit my lady, i didn't recognize her at all, in fact, when she turned up on a date wearing the same cloths in her profile, did my suspicions relaxed and this is she is with..Her teeth on the afa profile are perfect, perfectly altered that is, and so was her eyes made to look more alluring. A totally different woman in real life and i found out later, so was her attitude.......
Also brent, look at the bikini photos and the half naked photos, these women are all scammers, who seemed to be in search of their soul mate even if he is 30 years older then her...A lot of them on and most of the other sites...
I was talking to my english speaking guide in Ukraine and she told me about how she was approached by marriage agencies to write letters to the men and how one of her friends works in a Nikolaev agency as a interpreter and is in serious relations with 4 different men via the agency..
here is one rule that not many men who write to these women know about:
when a woman signs up for the agency, she will receive full support and protection from all the agencies she is listed with. she will receive help with pre written and stored letters, she will receive commission from everything from letters, live chat and apartments and even taxis that she can help you with..
But the main rule is, if a man visits her in her city, she MUST make herself available..
a agency in Nikolaev approached a young women with this proposal even though the agency knew she had a local boyfriend..and that agency has a gold rating with jims agencies scams.

you right ken, it's about finding the right one...

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By sickofscammers (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 05-14-2009 at 12:28 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Why Not?

You have one success out of six, perhaps zero. If I was a statistician, I would say not enough data. Flip a coin six times. If you get six heads, does that mean you will get heads all the time?

Now, you have to tell us. It was all her fault, right? You were the model husband?
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By ragingbull (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 05-15-2009 at 01:41 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
agencies good or bad?


What do you think about agencies overall?
I have read your post about Natasha Club and the problems you have experienced with that site, i have made a comment on another post on this site how 'good' agencies are affiliated with 'bad' agencies..For example, 1st. International Marriage Network will use the services of AFA for interpreting letters from their site, back to the agency where the woman is listed with her local agency..People notice a lot of scammers on 1st. International, i know i have come across quite a few, but some people say AFA is one of the best...But best at what?
Some people say socials are the go while others say you are wasting your money..
Some people say try to get the woman away from the agency, while others say if she doesn't speak English, move on..

Questions for anyone;

How many times does a man have to travel to FSU to work out a good system?
Why do men go to this trouble?
Is it worth it?
Why are men drawn to FSU women?


View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By sickofscammers (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 05-15-2009 at 17:19 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

The agency that my gf used is Edem Club, probably the same one that gave Natasha Club the fake profile. They also own at least one two bedroom apartment in Kiev. At first, I assumed that since this is a business, it is subject to laws similar to the United States protecting consumers. This is not so.

My gf and I decided to meet for the first time in Kiev. A few weeks or so before my visit, her cell phone went out. I could not go to Kiev to meet her and not have a means to contact her with. Against the advice that we always read, I sent her some money. For her train fare and a day or two's accomodations, I sent her some more money a week before I left for Kiev. It turned out that she was very honest. She gave me proper accounting of her expenditures when I got there.

The agency was another story. I used Moneygram. Among other things, Moneygram needs a number code from the recepient to get the money. Since my gf had no phone and no internet, the website was my only means to give her the number code. Edem Club saw to it that they got 10% of the money I sent her. I complained to Army of Brides, the website that the agency used, but Army of Brides denies getting any of the money and they wanted proof to do anything about it. I think I finally convinced my gf that the practice is crooked, but back then, she did not think anything was wrong with it. Her response was without the agency, we would not have met. That is probably what the agency led her to believe that she must give the 10%.

That was just the beginning. I wanted to keep my accomodations in Kiev at $100 a day or less. Looking at the internet for hotels, that would be no problem except for the reservation fee. For some reason, Ukraine hotels charge a reservation fee of up to 50%. There was no way I would pay that. There are plenty of hotels. It was November. I hear even if it was summer, there would be plenty of room. Edem Club convinced my gf that $120 a day for their apartment was a bargain. When my gf called the hotels, they included the reservation fee, so she agreed with them. I knew because the fees were broken down on the internet. I almost did not meet my gf because of this. I took my time to answer her. When she wrote back, Edem Club lowered their apartment fee to $100 per day. I still frowned on that, but I accepted it.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By ragingbull (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 05-16-2009 at 00:14 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Agencies good or bad?


I have been told by a western person now living in Ukraine, that most of the problems come from local agencies that are American owned but operated by local people.
Local people earning more money at an agency then on the 8-5 job.

The person says that most of the time the woman is more interested in corresponding to you then meeting you, but as part of the rules of joining the agency, she must make herself available to the client.
The person goes on to say that a dishonest woman will find reasons why she cannot see you for days while you are in her city and then It's for a short amount of time.

Also that, most of the time, It's the interpreter that is writing you and not the the woman who you think.

I received a private email from the interpreter that i had with all my dates with one woman and when i was reading the email, i went numb. Because i could not tell the difference between the correspondence from the woman that i had been writing to and the interpreters private email letter..Everything was worded exactly the same, even down to the placing of the emoticons ;)
But i had a feeling that i had been scammed before i left Ukraine, this private email that i received, added to confirming it.

I have read on another topic that Natasha Club is a huge scam agency, but it seems that all these FSU agencies all share the same data bases and work together in a system called, Partner Programming.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By sickofscammers (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 05-16-2009 at 00:41 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Someone who thinks he is communicating with my gf is probably communicating with the interpreter. How is that rule going to be followed if this man wants to meet? I remember communicating with a lady in Zaporozhye for a few months. I sent her a Christmas gift, even. She did not want to meet in February. She said it was too soon. When I asked her if it was really too soon, or is it I was too old. She said I was too old. I was not too old to communicate with for two months. A normal lady, wanting to get married would not wait another several months. Nothing made sense except I was not communicating with her, but an interpreter.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By ragingbull (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 05-16-2009 at 01:34 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Agencies good or bad?

I have also seen of the internet via 'the stan jensen report', that agencies place advertisments in local newspapers wanting women to 'man' the computers..

I remember a English speaking guide ( who has nothing to do with marriage agencies) tell me that she was approached to join an agency to write love letters to men.In other words, not to interpret letters, but she was the behind the letters, not the face on the profile.
50 letters per day with commission, this is why the agency people can look you in the eye and say that they don't pay the women, but what they won't say is, It's the interpreter who pays the 'face' on the profile...

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By sickofscammers (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 06-06-2009 at 17:26 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
BrentBurnedInCA is totally correct

I have had several long term relationship experiences, the last one to a Russian woman. What I figure from this experience is this:

1) People lie to each other to get what they want
2) Life/relationships is one big game. Be nice to a woman you get creamed, be nice to a man (from womans point of view), you get used.
3) Most native/native marriages that don't involve children fail and many that do, also fail.
4) A woman who lives in a country where women have little rights, few men who want a decent family life and where there is little stability, it is a no brainer that men offering a more secure way of life are attractive to Russian women.

So, I would say 99% of Russian womens' main aim is to have a better life when it comes to relationships with western men and not because you are the love they always desired. They are using you.

However, I think there are a small minority that are genuine.

My Russian woman tried to blackmail me into getting her green card
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By beentheredonethat (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 06-24-2009 at 07:10 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
about beentheredonethat post

hey everyone!
You guys are so funny here so I just can't pass by.

"1) People lie to each other to get what they want"

Oh God, those are the words of wisdom! lolol have you just realised that?

"4) A woman who lives in a country where women have little rights, few men who want a decent
family life and where there is little stability, it is a no brainer that men offering a more secure way of life are attractive to Russian women."

Lol do you really believe that women have little rights in Russia? Aren't they allowed to vote? Don't they get 50% of his property if they get divorced? Or isn't it like they get 33% of his wage if they have one child and 50% if they have more than one. Aren't there many directors and politicians who are women. What rights are you talking about? You seem like you don't know what you are talking about.

"So, I would say 99% of Russian womens' main aim is to have a better life when it comes to relationships with western men and not because you are the love they always desired."

Lol@"you are the love they always desired." Like an old ugly farter or what? Nah, do you really believe that?

"They are using you."

Yay! The only intelligent phrase here! Yeah, right, you are being used, but not only by Russian women. There might very well be a guy behind the messages sent or just a scammer. You think 99% of Russian women are scammers, that's not true, the truth is that 99% of Russian women are disgusted with an old fugly guy trying to buy and ship a wife oversees and the only ones you get to know are scammers.

The simplest way to avoid a scammer is to stop sending implicitly horny messages to 20 year old model looking girls and try to find someone of your age. No scammer would use a picture of a 40 year old woman, as well as no 20 year old girl would be attracted by a picture of an average 40 year old man. That's obvious as hell.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By RussianWoman (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 06-24-2009 at 19:23 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
the love they always desired

Lol@"you are the love they always desired." Like an old ugly farter or what? Nah, do you really believe that?

Russian Woman, you didn't see that the statement started with "not because".
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By ragingbull (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 08-21-2009 at 16:53 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I'm with RussianWoman on this one...

I am with Russian Woman on this one, I personally feel that if you get scammed by a woman you A. don't know what to look out for (understandable) or B. Your intentions are less than genuine. If you are a 45 to 80 year-old man and your looking for a model quality 20 year old you are destined to get royally skrewed and honestly if B is more your situation than maybe you would be better off going through an escort service.

I recently wrote an article about how to go about finding a foreign woman step by step. I'll post it below. If you follow this guideline verbatum regardless of what you think will work best for you I can 99.9% guarantee this will work every time.

Most men are not realistic, they have less than genuine intentions, or they are just plain dumb. This is the main reason scammers in this industry exist IMHO. Statements that generalize all Russian women as scammers or of having lesser morals are just ignorant and rude.


There are many different ways you can go about finding a foreign bride. Different things work for different people but if you are considering joining an agency for introductions or tours here is a little advice that will prove to be very useful to you.

1. Always do your research on the company before joining their service: The biggest issues with most agencies are their legitimacy in this industry. It is extremely crucial to find out who provides the best service before you decide to travel. Make sure that you check the company out on the Better Business Bureau and other companies such as This will give you a great idea as to the track record of success with any business your doing research on. Another way to get well informed on an IMA (International Marriage Agency) would be to check out the company in question’s testimonials or reference page. If the company you are researching has virtually no references or testimonials this most likely is a major reflection on the business practices performed by the agency you are checking out.
2. Be Realistic: Now that you know what agency you want to do business with there are many things you should start doing to prepare yourself for your future trip. First and foremost would be to write a list of everything your looking for in your future bride. BE REALISTIC! The average man that fails in this very diverse industry falls in “lust” not love. Make sure that your search criteria for women stays within about 20 years of your own age at the very most. The majority of the men who look into this make a huge mistake by dating women considerably younger than they are. Sometimes you may have success, but if you are an older man and your looking for a woman with a 20 age difference you have to be realistic of what her intentions might be at that point and you might also want to re-evaluate your own intentions as well. Ask yourself; are you looking to have a good time and that’s it, or do you want to actually find a meaningful relationship with a genuine, good hearted, marriage minded woman. Typically the age difference comes into play later on down the road after you have already invested much time, effort, and money into this. Don’t set yourself up for heartbreak a couple years down the road. Be realistic.
3. Figure out where you want to travel: The average of people who actually make the choice to travel with an IMA is miniscule. This is a good and bad thing. Its good because the approximate 3% of people who actually do go on a Singles Tour have a HUGE variety of potential marriage candidates when they get to the country their interested in. It is also a good thing because for the women the service is typically free if it’s coming from a legitimate IMA. What this means for you is that your opportunity of meeting as many women as you need to find what your looking for is much more doable. The negative aspect of this is that most men will never know what they are missing out on, and most of these women will spend years on an IMA site and may never get the opportunity to find a good husband. With this being said look at your schedule, plan a date that works best for you according to when tours are being held, and book a reservation. Now you can start thinking of WHEN you will be going and not IF. This is a huge step that separates the men who are serious from the men who are interested but will never go and will never know what they are missing.
4. Correspondence: Once you have figured out where you want to travel, go to the IMA website and start looking for women to write to within the area you will be visiting. Correspondence for some people is key. For others it isn’t necessary at all. Your letter or email to the woman should be genuine. You should mention your intentions of traveling to her country on a set date, and you should also include a picture of yourself. Try briefly mentioning a few things about yourself but don’t get into too much detail. Because most men don’t actually do a tour or personal introduction there are a multitude of men on the Internet that simply write women just to be pen pals. In the industry they are referred to as “Keyboard Romeos”. That being said, it is crucial that you stand out above the rest of the men who don’t even intend to meet these women as most of the women receive an exhausting amount of letters and emails. If you aren’t able to get any good quality correspondence going don’t worry, most people don’t start corresponding until after they have met a woman in person and know for a fact that they have good chemistry. A Singles Tour held by an IMA will get rid of a lot of guesswork as you will have the opportunity to date many women during your trip.
5. Keep your options open: One of the biggest mistakes that most men make on a Singles Tour is that they don’t keep their options open. When you meet that special someone and the sparks really fly it will be easy to forget about the Socials and other ways that you can meet more women, such as more personal introductions. Don’t let this happen to you. As amazing as your potential bride to be may seem, many men have dropped out of all of the activities provided for the duration of the tour so that they can exclusively date the girl they think might be THE ONE. If you do this you are opening yourself up to the possibility of it not working out and at that point you will have wasted your opportunity to really meet the right one. Always keep your options open. If you are upfront and honest about how serious you are with your search, most women will respect your decision.
6. Fiancée Visa: Once you have met the girl you want to invest more time and effort into dating exclusively you can choose to fill out a Fiancée Visa. Some men will start filling the K-1 Visa out by the end of their first trip. Others may want to get to know the woman more through correspondence before deciding to start doing the paperwork. Whichever way you go about doing it the choice is yours. Personally I feel that after you have met someone and have had the ability to get to know her pretty well your best bet would be to start corresponding with her exclusively for a while before you decide to go through all of the paperwork. If you have the means available it would also be advantageous to visit again on your own with the intentions of dating her more exclusively. Once you decide that you want to start filling out the K-1 Visa you should keep a couple things into consideration. First it takes about six to seven months to process a Fiancée Visa. Secondly, immigration laws will require that you have proof that you and your future wife have spent time together in her country. Make sure to take plenty of pictures of you two together while you’re over there if you have good chemistry. While the paperwork is being processed there will be a few things that your fiancée will need to pay for on her end. She will need to do a physical exam and also an interview with the US Embassy in her country. It would be a wise decision for you to cover these costs for her but NEVER SEND MONEY TO SOMEONE YOU HAVEN’T MET! Like I said previously you have to prove you have been with her so if a woman you have corresponded with says that she needs you to help her with the cost of obtaining a visa and you haven’t met her in person DON’T SEND HER MONEY. She is certainly a scammer. It is extremely difficult for someone from a different country to get a normal visa to the US and because of this the chances of the woman lying to you are so great it’s just not worth the risk.
7. While you wait, keep your relationship alive: If you have ever been involved in a long term relationship then I’m sure you already know that it can be very hard work. It is important during the K-1 Visa process that you keep your relationship alive with your future bride. Try buying her a cell phone with a good international plan so that you can talk on the phone. Try and send her an email or text message at least once a day. Make sure that if you have a scheduled time to talk with her on the phone you don’t miss it. Most International Marriage Agencies also provide online English classes that you can purchase for your bride to be. A big way you will be able to tell if she is right for you will be her willingness to learn your language. You might also want to start taking initiative in learning her language as well. All of these things are key in keeping your relationship with your foreign bride alive.
8. Go get her: While some men have not done this and still been successful it is in my personal experience it is very advantageous for you to go to your fiancée’s country and escort her to the US. You have to remember that this is going to be one of the biggest decisions of her life. Picking her up and escorting her back to the US not only shows some initiative on your own part but it also provides her the support she will need to make this courageous leap for you. Remember that she is leaving behind everything that she knows and she might give you a mixture of emotions that should not be misconstrued. Mainly she will feel excited, nervous, and overwhelmed. Make sure to be receptive to her feelings and do what you can to be by her side no matter what.
9. The 90-day trial period: Before you and your fiancée decide to completely tie the knot make sure that you have all of your bases covered. Keep in mind that you are her only source of support when she first arrives so you will want to make sure to be by her side every step of the way. Help her meet your family and also people you are friends with. Make sure when you introduce her to the people of importance in your life that you include her in your conversations and make her feel welcome. Ask her what she would like to make herself feel more comfortable and welcome, and try to make it happen for her. Include her in your life as much as possible for the first couple of months at least so that you can truly decide if marriage is the right option for you.
10. Tie the Knot: Make sure that when you pop the question you do it the right way. Be romantic and thoughtful. Tell her how much she means to you. If you follow these steps you will have a much better opportunity of finding success in this industry than you would doing it another way.

Most of the men on these different forums in regards to dating internationally would recommend you keep an agency out of the equation and try and do it yourself. The decision is yours to make. Some things work differently for different people but honestly if you want someone to help you every step of the way an agency is the best option in my personal opinion. Make sure to do research. Most people in this industry are very passionate about how they feel you should go about doing this. Keeping in mind there are many ways to go about this, get hard facts before you allow yourself to be swayed in any direction.

The purpose of this article is to allow those of you who are considering international dating to know all of the options that are available to you. If the idea of traveling with a group of men to meet a whole lot of women does not sound of interest to you for whatever reason keep in mind that most International Marriage Agencies also provide personal introduction services and utilizing an agencies services eliminates not only the guesswork but also the trial by error that you most likely will be faced with in doing this on your own.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By MasonBurkhalter (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 01-11-2010 at 19:42 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
wow.... men still buy their wifes...

When you guys will get real....???
Do you hope find love via catalogues and agencies?
No matter how wonderful you might be on one side…. and warm hearted loving your potential brides on the other hand…. It’s not necessary a key for lasting relationship….
Happy Russian/American couple is not much different from American happy couple!!!
Similar temperament, chemistry, level of intelligence, sexuality, life values, goals and expectations…..and million other trivial things…. Can you find it via agency? Believe me….. language barrier is not going to be a positive factor either….
Please….. Don’t waste your money and have unreasonable expectations…
Buy a puppy if you are lonely….. Read a book…. Run a mile…. Go to the gym…. Be a volunteer in a dog shelter…. Take a trip…. Call your mother…..Please, don’t buy a wife!
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By LetsKeepItReal (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 07-18-2010 at 07:13 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Thanks everybody....

The first I remembered is someone like "veronikalove", if I don't mistake.
Besides I agree that Ukrainian Girls the best. Especially from the South Ukraine :)
Good luck :)

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Mark_Danial87 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 12-26-2010 at 02:36 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Honestly guys,

just find someone russian in your country, ask them to help you find a Russian lady. For a very small fee (maybe even for free, if you become friends) they’ll go in to all local Russian websites, will help you to create you profile e.t.c , e t.c. The nicest think about this, girls on local Russian sites are not looking specifically for foreign husband, they looking for an honest, mutual relationship. The fact that you are foreigner will be just a plus. You have no idea how all these foreigner oriented women are brain washed, they sit on these site for years, determine to find a foreign husband.

Another plus, if girl will reply you in English, there are more chances that it is her, not some scam. Another plus, there are more chances to get her personal e-mail, phone number, because it’s her who you are talking to.
And last thing: Offer your Russian friend in your country a trip to Russian. Offer to pay half cost of flight ticket to Russia for example in exchange for him/her to help you to hook up with all those girls you’ve met on the internet, person who will translate, booking hotels for youe t.c. Be careful anyways, just in case. Only go with the person you trust.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By annushka (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 12-27-2010 at 21:47 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

'what ken says about finding the right one is an obvious answer about all women who list themselves on the internet, especially fsu countries, where scamming is out of control.

what brentburnedinca wrote is also very true, there is a lot of gold diggers out there and dishonest women on the sites.even on your sites ken!..and you would know of this..
Have a good look at the women on the sites and if you look closely you will see only beautiful, young women who have had a professional photo shoot..and not to forget how that photo will end up being altered in some way or another..I know, when i went to visit my lady, i didn't recognize her at all, in fact, when she turned up on a date wearing the same cloths in her profile, did my suspicions relaxed and this is she is with..Her teeth on the afa profile are perfect, perfectly altered that is, and so was her eyes made to look more alluring. A totally different woman in real life and i found out later, so was her attitude.......
Also brent, look at the bikini photos and the half naked photos, these women are all scammers, who seemed to be in search of their soul mate even if he is 30 years older then her...A lot of them on and most of the other sites...
I was talking to my english speaking guide in Ukraine and she told me about how she was approached by marriage agencies to write letters to the men and how one of her friends works in a Nikolaev agency as a interpreter and is in serious relations with 4 different men via the agency..
here is one rule that not many men who write to these women know about:
when a woman signs up for the agency, she will receive full support and protection from all the agencies she is listed with. she will receive help with pre written and stored letters, she will receive commission from everything from letters, live chat and apartments and even taxis that she can help you with..
But the main rule is, if a man visits her in her city, she MUST make herself available..
a agency in Nikolaev approached a young women with this proposal even though the agency knew she had a local boyfriend..and that agency has a gold rating with jims agencies scams.

you right ken, it's about finding the right one...

sickofscammers .


All true. My ex was never seen in a bikini, etc. She passed herself off as a very decent and conservative girl. She wasn't that much younger than me. We wrote to each other for over a year before we met, and then for another 6 months after spending some time together before we decided to have her come to the US on a K-1 visa.

She was still a scammer. A patient one, at that. Her goal was simple: to get to the USA, to set herself up for a long period via child support & alimony, and to get her parents to the USA.

It is so obvious in retrospect, but she was a great actress.

My one warning sign, which appeared only after we were married, was her absolute refusal to ever say ANYTHING like "I was wrong", or to express true remorse for ANY action of hers.

A true narcissist.

Anyway, my advice to all American men is this: Russian women, though beautiful on the outside, tend to have very ugly souls. They have been raised in a place that is utterly incomprehensible to most Americans. They can and will take advantage of a generous, kind man with absolutely no remorse. They are NOT western people as we know them. Their attempts at acting like Christians, Europeans, etc. is just to help get themselves (and their families) out of the hellhole they call home.

Beautiful on the outside, but ugly on the inside.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By BrentBurnedInCA (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 12-27-2010 at 21:56 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Why are men drawn to FSU women?


' Why are men drawn to FSU women?

Becasue they have a plethora of beautiful, fit women that we lack in the USA.

Unfortunately, they do not have very good morals - my guess is as a result from the suppression of Christianity for so long under the USSR.
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posted on 12-28-2010 at 12:13 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
One other point -

This is definitely an interesting thread.

I just want to throw something out there for you guys to maybe consider in this conversation -

You are saying that women from other places like Russia don't have good morals and are just not good people inside - but that is to imply that women in America mostly have good values, morals, and intentions.

That is just not true. There are women in America who have terrible intentions, horrible moral values, and care only about themselves.

It seems that no matter where you are in the world, you just need to get to know someone before you can judge their personality or intentions.

Women in the U.S. are good actors too. I guess when it comes down to it, you might never really know someone's intentions.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Link_29 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 02-26-2011 at 17:49 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I am sorry if I am dragging up an old thread here, but you guys have to be kidding me. Seriously.

Lets break things a little down to reality, shall we?

a) we know, if you got some experience in life, and especially with women, that 99% of them are after one thing, and one thing only, and that is security. They all go about it in different ways, but overall, they are all the same. I have been married once in my own country, i have dated numerous women here (for info, i live in Norway, a tiny tiny country waaaaaaaaaaaay up north.. lol), and to be frank and honest, they are no different than women found in Russia or Ukraine for that matter. And if they dont find what they are looking for, maybe they discover that fact some time down the road, they will make sure they are secure for the future by any means possible. That means child support or whatever. However, here in Norway, its not THAT easy getting tons of money from that support thing, as well as alimony doesnt exist here, so all in all, unless a woman plans on going on welfare, she might as well just try something else. No money in scamming a Norwegian citizen that way. We have too many frekking laws for that to happen. And not to mention, we have a government that continually screw us over. They dont want competition:)

b) In every relationship, one has to be a realist. I feel that many people that go to FSU to find a woman, go there with all the wrong expectations. Many western men expect that russian women will fall head over heels in love with you simply because you have tons of money and they have none, but thats not correct at all. All you do is tempt them at a better life, and when they are bored with you (and all women would be, if you go down THAT road), they leave. And you have the guts to call them scammers afterwards. Shame on you. However, if you try being a bit realistic, you will find that getting a woman that is not a scammer isnt THAT hard anyway over there. FInd her in YOUR agerange (meaning how old you are minus up to 10 years maximum). Being 40 and dating a 18 year old will result in a tragedy. Trust me. It will do so in ANY country.

c) They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and you may have many good intentions when getting a FSU lady, but first and foremost, you want one because she is 1) available, 2) pretty as pretty comes, 3) has no money and you got tons compared to her, 4) She wants a better life, so why not stay with you. All those may be correct, but the last three are the road to hell for most of the relationships gathered from that experience. Its like making a scammer out of a nonscammer doing things that way. Again, be realistic in your seach, and you will be more successful.

d) My experience? I did this the hard waym, actually. I am currently married to a woman from the Ukraine. I have been for the past 5 years. I found her, you guessed it, right at And how come I could do that, when many people say that she runs a scam site? I seriously need to break that down as well, so you understand this perfectly:

1) Elenasmodels are NOT a perfect agency, and has many flaws. They do run programs that target stupid people especially, and who can blame them? It generates income, and many companies do it this way. Just look at your commercials for electronics from a storechain. You really think they think that you will only buy THAT dvd player? No, they KNOW you wont buy it, because they offer you something even BETTER at HIGHER price. You can call that a scam as well. But thats everyday life. Elenasmodels are no different.
2) Before I got my bearings with how that site worked, I spent about 1000 USD on letters and other crap that i seriously didnt need. But it was well worth it, since it tought me how things worked.
3) Every "model", almost without exceptions, are girls just looking for money in one way or another. Many has been hired from model agencies (i know a guy that runs such a model agency in Petersburg, and many of his girls get paid for this crap) to give men false lure into writing letters, and so on. If you are stupid enough to fall for that age old trick, you ask to be ripped off. Seriously.
4) Once you understand how it works, and you "lower" your standards a bit, and find an ordinary looking woman, you will (I repeat, you WILL) have better luck. FSU women are pretty yes, and they want out yes, but they wont always tell YOU that they want YOU. So even if you havent been successful after a year, maybe you need to get a different strategy.
5) My strategy was this: After spending lots of money finding out their models were fake, that many women are paid to write letters and so on, and have no good intentions, i found myself astounded that people would do such a thing. But then I remembered that its a job for those girls. They dont care, they need the money to live, so fine. They were easily spotted though, if you learn to READ the profiles instead of wanking to model pictures they have online. I found my woman, buried under 24 pages of undoubtly many fake girls, but also surely some genuine (I talked to many genuine women there as well, so many are not scammers at all). I emailed Elena asking about her (she came from Kiev), and she told me that she had no special knowledge about her, but she joined up about a year back and had not so many responses. Elena also told me that perhaps she wouldnt respond to my letters. That also hit right on, as she didnt respond at first. When she didnt, I suspected an inactive scammer account immediately, but something about her really intrigued me, so I had my Petersburg friend, who is connected all over FSU, to make some inquieries. Turns out she gave up Elenasmodels due to another dillemma: men wanting her for sex, asking for sex, willing to pay for sex, etc. The fact that Elenasmodels doesnt screen away those messages is beyond me. So what my friend did, he brought her to Petersburg and had her contact me (I have lots of friends there thanks to him and numerous visits), and we started exchanging emails, talking on the phone, etc. A year later, we were married. Just in time for the government to lift the visa requirement... lol... about 4 days too late. There went 1200 USD for nothing, but thats noones fault. I didnt know, as I had paid no attention to it.

For the record: My wife is 1.53m tall, weights about 50 kg and is normal looking woman with gorgeous eyes (which was what inspired me to contact her in the first place). I am guessing the tall models gets better responses, and they are the ones that scam people as well.

Remember that when you do look for a lady, be realistic. If you are, you can weed out scammers like you take away weeds in your flowerbeds. Very easy.

Sorry that I got sidetracked a bit, but telling me that FSU women are different than say, norwegian woman, or american woman, its a laugh in itself. They just play by different rules than us. Thats all. Once you learn how to play their game, you can easily checkmate them.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By michaelstrac (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 03-24-2011 at 15:30 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I agree

You make a really good point that i think a lot of guys just ignore because they want to be right. No matter where you go in the world, there will be some women who want to take your money and there will be some women who just want you for who you are. Guys who say they got scammed just didn't realize the mistakes they were making when they went through the process. If guys actually took the time to get to know some of these women they would realize they can have a successful marriage as long as they get with the right person who actually cares about having an enjoyable, nice life.
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posted on 07-26-2011 at 23:46 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

good luck for all

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By crystallan (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 08-03-2011 at 00:04 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I accidentally cut it on with the drives out
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By fanky (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 08-31-2011 at 19:13 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

anyone who thinks he is communicating with my gf is apparently communicating with the analyst. How is that aphorism traveling to be followed if this man wishs to accommodated? I bethink communicating with a adult in Zaporozhye for a few months. I beatific her a Christmas allowance, even. She did not wish to accommodated in February. She said it was too anon. if I asked her if it was absolutely too anon, or is it I was too old. She said I was too old. I was not too old to acquaint with for two months. A accustomed adult, wishing to get affiliated would not delay addition several months. annihilation fabricated faculty except I was not communicating with her, but an analyst.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By wilsongrady (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 09-05-2011 at 02:30 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

1. Making generalizations and applying them to a complete populations is unwise.

2. There are scammers, grifters, con artist everywhere in every country. Use common sense.

3. If you are 40 dating a 20 year old then you are a scammer if you want to admit it or not. Women know this from the start. It's usually the men who don't.

4. Russian people are very proud. Learn about their culture, their traditions, their successes, and their failures.

5. Learn the basics of their language. To visit a country and not knowing their language is setting yourself up to be scammed.

6. Love is a choice. The initial feeling of being in love will pass. Then the real love begins...assuming it was their to begin with. Choose to make an investment in getting to know your potential bride's emotional, physical, and security needs.

7. Remember the number one rule. DO NOT SEND money. If your relationship as evolved into greater financial support then meet her, her family, and her friends. This will provide you will valuable information to make your decision about entering the next stage of the relationship.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By btherin (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 10-11-2011 at 19:08 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Time has passed


Now, you have to tell us. It was all her fault, right? You were the model husband?'

Was I perfect? Nope, nobody is. Was I kind, generous, flexible, and giving her the security that all women crave? Yes I was. Did I ever cheat on her, hit her, or abuse her emotionally? No, I did not. Am I some very old, skanky guy who looked like her father? No, I am not. She lived in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, had a new car even before she had her driver's license (a pretty nice one with leather seats & all the amenities, not some korean piece of junk), medical and dental care, had her teeth straightened, etc., and I sponsored her parents for life in the USA.

The fact of the matter is that I was a pretty good husband, although I will never claim I was "perfect".

Hell, even she has acknowledged that. She became "bored" and fell for a "bad boy" because she needed "thrills" - all of this in her words. Since we have a child together, we do see each other frequently, and we do cooperate on raising our child. Of course the fat 4 digit "mommy support"... ooops, I mean "child support" check I give her every month is a reason to be nice. She has become a better mother, I will give her that, and we cooperate and treat each other with courtesy and dignity at this point. She lives with some guy in a nice house (that he is upside down on in a huge way, whereas I am more financially stable & secure).

She has even talked about getting back together, as she has "grown up" and discovered that "no man is perfect", stating that she had a pretty good life with me.

Unfortunately, my basic belief is that once a cheater, always a cheater, and I could never trust her again, so even though our child wishes to see the family back in one house, it will never happen. I know that eventually she will get "bored" again. I do not believe that she was a scammer from day one. The marriage lasted too long. I do believe that she and many of her countrymen do not believe that marriage is sacred, though, and cheating is just not a big deal to them. Her friend Tanya (Tatiana) from Uzbekistan is even worse - she was cheating on her husband Shaine while she was back in Uzbekistan awaiting her visa (they married and she had to return to await her residence visa). My lady had shown me some of her e-mails describing what Shaine had in store for him - he was "weak and spineless", and he better shape up to her liking, or she was going to have a child so that she could divorce him, get the house and alimony for a short period of time, and child support for 18 years. She actually put all that down in an e-mail as if it were a completely normal plan, like painting a house or something.

I do not hate her - she is the mother of my child, and I hope she stays healthy and that she continues to become a good mother. I just cannot trust her, nor anyone with that distinctly FSU set of values.

Caveat emptor, that is all I can say.
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posted on 10-11-2011 at 19:13 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator


They just play by different rules than us. Thats all.

You are so very correct. To them, rules like "do not cheat on your husband" do not apply.

That is my point.
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posted on 10-10-2018 at 13:26 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Why Russia/Ukraine?

I'm sure there are happy couples out there that met thorugh some kind of marriage broker/travel company or website where the man is from the Anglosphere and the wife is from Russia.

But just as a country to get women from, why Russia? When I was a kid, Russia was presented as an evil empire, where the children reported to the state if their parents said anything bad against the state, snuck away to a church meeting, etc. Russia sounded like the place where Orwell's 1984 was closest to being fulfilled. It sounded anti-family. Of course, the US probably seems like a big evil cultural empire to them, pumping out porn and promulgating ideas like 'gay marriage' and other things that offend their sensitibilities, which have probably swung a bit more toward Russian Orthodoxy.

Be that as it may, the years of Communism have done their damage. Russia has a high divorce rate.

I can sure see the appeal of finding a bride over there. There are plenty of beautiful women there. I'd imagine young women are 20 or 30 pounds lighter on average than their US counterparts. There are Slavic looking, Eurasian looking, etc. women to choose from, looking for husbands.

There are many Asian countries that have lower divorce rates and more traditional views of marriage to go to to look for wives. But if a man wants a white-looking woman, Asia is not generally the best place to go.

I suppose one could get a wife through a translator and all that, and it could work out. But both parties would really believe in marriage as something you stick with for life. If staying together is based on feelings and 'how the relationship' is doing based on any given point in time, that seems like a really high risk.

Indians have low divorce rates and traditionally they practiced arranged marriage. Even nowadays, families tend to get involved even if they date from what I hear. If you believe you are to get married and whoever that person is, you just stay together for life, and your whole family and social support network believes that and sanctions acting otherwise, then you may be very likely just to stay together.

I had a conversation with a Russian woman my wife had befriended. Many years ago, an American man had gone to Russia to find a wife. The girl he had been corresponding with had married someone else, I believe. He'd hired this young woman to be his translator. After a couple of weeks, he didn't find a woman to marry. He proposed to her. Her father consented. As he left one time, her father straightened up the guy's scarf, she said, as he went out into the cold, which seemed a caring and accepting gesture to her. They'd been married a few years. She seemed innocent and genuine.

One of the problems with marrying a model who puts herself online with some kind of agency is that she could be participating in a kind of scam where some dude or some less attractive woman is writing men love letters to get them to give money so they can pretend to give girls flower and candy. The man travels to Russia to talk with a particular girl, and they do bait and switch. She's not available-- but here is another girl. I talked to a guy who'd been married to a divorced Russian lady who had a kid for about 14 years. His cousin had experiened the old-switcharoo like that, and married the girl the other, less attractive girl, they'd matched him up with.

I'm married to an Indonesian woman. I met her while living and working in Indonesia. If I'd never married and I were considering finding a foreign woman, I'd probably try to find someone who isn't working for an agency that makes money off of letters, translators, etc., maybe an online forum that is just add supported that doesn't require membership or just by going overseas to visit or work. If you make friends overseas or with imigrants here and you are a decent guy and a good catch, they may try to set you up with relatives. My wife has tried to do that with decent guys we've met, trying to match them up with her cousins. No success yet.
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posted on 12-25-2018 at 00:32 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
This one's on you mate

Well, you do not complain about a tiger attacking you after you've baited it with raw meat?

So why do it here?

That is female nature and you either learn how to deal with it or find out about it the hard way. I think your situation was entirely avoidable but then again, I'm sure by now you know this yourself.
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