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Author: SwanSword Subject: Virginity: The Definitive Post!

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Registered: 10-18-2010
Location: New Jersey

posted on 10-18-2010 at 15:59 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Virginity: The Definitive Post!

I'm willing to discuss any part of this post. I welcome constructive criticism. I hope Truth doesn't offend anyone.

Females begin existence as virgins. Virginity implies possible and eventual loss of innocence. Females are able to lose innocence, but males are not. Males are always innocent, regardless of sexual behavior, because mammalian males naturally mate multiple females. Mammalian females naturally mate one male. Humans are mammals.

The water from the virgin consecrates her marriage bed for creation of new blessed life in her holy and chaste womb.

The blood from the virgin seals the blood covenant of marriage between God, Who gave the virgin her sacred release and sealed it behind her hymen; The virgin's bridegroom, who assumes the position of conquest over the supine, surrendered virgin, and pierces her, sending his invading army inside her unexplored territory; an army by which she shall conceive; And the virgin, whose blood sacrifice of innocence atones for sin held as genetic mutation in the man's reproductive chromosomes!

The virgin pierced by her bridegroom is the temporal reflection of which Christ pierced by the Roman soldier is the Eternal Reality. Both the virgin and Christ release blood and water when pierced, proving that the virgin belongs to her bridegroom, and that Jesus belongs to Rome.

The mammalian male naturally mates the mammalian female only when the female is fertile, in a single mating act after which the female conceives. Flawed studies using animals in captivity, showed that imprisoned animals display similar perversions as prison inmates. Mammals naturally mate as mentioned above.

If the human female is mated according to nature, she will conceive after she is mated, and she will never learn the man's pleasure. She will know only suffering. She conceives by the man, but she does not sin. She conceives without stain.

But if she mates against nature: when conception does not occur, she will learn the man's pleasure. The female was created with a share in the pain of atonement of God The Son. The male was created with a share in the pleasure of creation of God The Father.

If each experiences their God-given share, the woman will conceive a genetically flawless immortal Son of God, because her blood sacrifice of innocence and pain of atonement atone for sin in the man's seed, yielding the flawless seed of God The Father, making the virgin's child a biological Son of God, and God his biological Father.

This is how The Blessed Virgin conceived The Christ Child. But she did not subsequently learn the pleasure inside the man's endowment, so she did not sin. Her child was born a biological Son of God The Father.

When the chaste virgin conceives of her blood sacrifice of innocence, she conceives an immortal child. But if she then learns the man's pleasure, the flawless genetic code of her unborn child is mutated, and he becomes an ordinary mortal, to eventually die.

Female sensual pleasure is the reason people die. It's original sin. That's why experienced females suffer sensual guilt! Feminism is the quest for equal masculinity, meaning equal freedom from sensual guilt, because masculine males suffer no guilt for sensual pleasure. Feminism is organized penis envy, promising liberation from sensual guilt, through equality in masculinity!

There's no reason to get all upset. That's just the way it is. But if a woman kneels at her husband's feet, with her head veiled and bowed in reverence to his God-Ordained Masculine Authority over her, and confesses her sins, including sensual pleasure,

her husband will spank her and then fill her fertile, guilt-laden but contrite reproductive tract with his masculine forgiveness. When the woman conceives, she knows God has forgiven her.

But she cannot confess directly to God, because her heavenly Father will not hear His daughter's confession of sensual pleasure. He would be incensed to rage, as would any father hearing such a confession from his own daughter.

That is why God said to the woman, “Your heart shall be for the man, and he shall be your master!” before a woman learns sensual pleasure she is equal to the man. But after she sins, God will not hear her prayers on her own behalf.

The problem with a girl losing her virginity outside the bonds of sacramental matrimony is that the guy will dump her. She is infinitely desirable for her chaste innocence, but after she is soiled, the guy wants to continue his search for a chaste virgin bride. The soiled woman is out of the competition.

And, every man wants to marry a girl he can call 'his own.' If she's already had some other guy inside her reproductive tract, no man can call her his own. It really turns a guy on when the virgin suffers her pain of atonement, because it means she will conceive an immortal Son of God.

The sensation of falling in love is the anticipation of creating God in the image of two lovers who will never be apart; whose dreams will all come true, because they're parents of God. Their Child will have absolute power over the physical reality.

Immortality and absolute power are the deepest desires of the human heart. All you virgins: GO FOR IT!! You can all be The Mother of God!! The Second Coming of Christ is a Race of Immortal God's Who have Absolute Power over the physical reality.

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posted on 10-19-2010 at 14:21 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Long post

That was a rather long post. I noticed at least a couple of debatable points in it.

For example, the idea that a man cannot lose his purity does not ring true to me.

Also, I had never heard the spear piercing Christ's side analogy. This may be a bit of a stretch.

I think a man who is in touch with his true feelings will desire a virgin for his bride. However, he should not expect such if he has lost his purity. If so, the couple would enter marriage on radically unequal footing, with unequal risk involved.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By friend4354 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 10-19-2010 at 14:21 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Long post

That was a rather long post. I noticed at least a couple of debatable points in it.

For example, the idea that a man cannot lose his purity does not ring true to me.

Also, I had never heard the spear piercing Christ's side analogy. This may be a bit of a stretch.

I think a man who is in touch with his true feelings will desire a virgin for his bride. However, he should not expect such if he has lost his purity. If so, the couple would enter marriage on radically unequal footing, with unequal risk involved.
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posted on 03-10-2011 at 19:13 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Male Virginity

The Catholic Church invented male virginity. But Priests and Bishops are the last people I would consult for an analysis of human mating behavior. Males naturally mate multiple females, so the male suffers no guilt for impregnating one virgin, and then hunting for a fresh virgin; at least not masculine males.

The male fulfills his natural function by mating multiple virgins. After a virgin's cherry is popped, the man who pierced her has exclusive rights to her reproductive tract and the fruit thereof.

The woman fulfills her natural function as a woman by mating one male for life, to whom she belongs. A man's first virgin is his legal wife, and her children are the legal heirs to the man's estate.

Limiting a man to one legal wife was never intended to limit men to one woman. If a man is honest to his wife, and allows her to meet and get to know prospective nineteen-year-old mistresses who desire nothing other than to bear the man's offspring in their tight tanned toned virgin bodies, and then to nurse the man's children on their large firm well-formed pointed-up breasts while he watches his mistress nurture his child, the legal wife gains a daughter.

She doesn't lose a husband. What wives hate is lying. If a man tells his wife he'd like a perky, taut young virgin with long thick hair draped over her large firm breast, and her name is Amber, and she's dying to meet her, there's no deception involved.

Both man and wife are allowed to fulfill their genetic programming, and the mothers of the man's children can all be friends, because they all conceived children by the same man. A woman can't get that kind of insight into her exclusive lover any other way. Through the man's mistresses discussing what seems to please the man, all of his mates are better equipped to give the man pleasure the way he likes it.

I have words to offer the to the pansy-ass, "Hot babes want a man who can crack open some good ol' American whoop-ass, not another girlfriend! The most striking genetic breeders love masculine males who aren't afraid to pin a girl's helpless body under his hard, masculine physique, disregard her person-hood, and use her as flesh to sate his primal urge.

When a girl gets forced, the pleasure isn't her fault, she she gets the pleasure without the guilt.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By SwanSword (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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Registered: 08-23-2011

posted on 08-23-2011 at 20:06 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
You are warped

You should know that you are very wrong. As a woman who has been in a monogamous relationship for almost ten years I can tell you with absolute certainty that lies or no lies women do not want to share their male with anyone. Also, forcing himself on a woman does not make a man "masculine", it makes him pathetic. How do you justify rape by adding sexual pleasure? AlsO, if women should not experience sexual pleasure why were we given the ability to climax? I find your opinions to be deeply disturbing and hope that this is a troll. If not, please do not justify violence against women with religion. It is offensive to women's rights and whatever God you worship.
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posted on 09-09-2011 at 23:38 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
The Man and The Virgin

Dear Tloynnin,

I apologize if anything I wrote offended you. Biology classifies the human being as belonging to the class: mammalia. There exists some recent atheist doctrine that proclaims perverted sexual behavior observed among animals in captivity is natural mammalian mating behavior. But atheists miss the obvious conclusion that animals in captivity behave like prison inmates.

The mammalian male pursues and mates the fertile female of like species, in a single mating act after which the female conceives offspring. Human females are NOT exempted from natural law! They are natural creatures; part of the natural world! If a virgin is mated according to natural law: once per conception, she will never learn forbidden pleasure. Therefore, she does not sin. For though the virgin conceives by the man, God can impute no guilt to the purity of suffering-innocence!

The human male naturally pursues and mates the virgin, only when she is fertile, in a single marital act after which the virgin conceives offspring. I should interject that the information I have written in this thread pertains only to white males performing the marital act on white females.

Other races have adopted marriage from Roman Catholic Doctrine, because Roman Catholicism, at least the part about marriage, has been institutionalized as an integral part of State law in the USA. However, my observation leads me to the conclusion that bearing and nursing children sired by multiple males is more the rule than the exception among ethnic-minority females.

The mammalian male will not naturally mate the virgin again until after she gives birth, nurses her offspring--and we know God intended that mothers nurse their young, because if infants were to receive formula, mothers would have a matching pair of industrial food-processing plants on their chests--regenerates her hymen, regains her virgin body but with larger firmer breast and fuller hips; a package even more attractive than before she gave birth; and she becomes fertile once more!

Marriage is a biological function of the white virgin. The water from the virgin consecrates her marriage bed for creation of new blessed life in her holy and chaste womb.

The blood from the virgin seals the blood covenant of marriage between God The Father, Who gave the virgin her sacred offering of atonement, and provided her hymen as a seal over her choicest ornament; The virgin's bridegroom, who assumes the position of conquest over the surrendered virgin, teaching her a woman's place in relation to the man, and sending his invading army into her unexplored intimate territory—an army by which she shall conceive; And the virgin, whose blood sacrifice of innocence atones for sin held as genetic mutation in the man's reproductive chromosomes! This is a function of human female biology.

The notion exists that civil courts can use judicial fiat to arbitrarily alter scientific fact—the virgin’s release of blood and water seal a blood covenant that proves she belong to the man, and that he has exclusive rights to her reproductive tract for life. Civil divorce hearings against unwilling husbands are repeat performances of the sequel to “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” called: “Divorce Hearing.” If a man wants his wife to bear and nurse more offspring, preferably man-child, but she wants a divorce, her husband can just tell the judge, “She’s my wife. I want access to her body, for my pleasure, and so she can continue to fulfill her purpose as a woman: to bear and nurse my offspring!

“By The Law Above All Other Law, I claim her as my wife of flesh and blood. I place my petition before The Throne of Almighty God: would my wife defy my God-Ordained Masculine Authority and refuse me access to her body; access for my pleasure, and to reproduce my image; I ask that she be given wages of disobedience: working slave labor 24/7; falling over from exhaustion onto a lonely bed and tear-soaked pillow, pondering the day’s ingratitude; raising kids and then growing old alone, and that her womb be closed up until she she goes barren from age, so girls can learn how to behave.

The virgin's share in The Pain of Atonement of God The Son, coupled to the virgin's blood sacrifice of innocence, yield the man's seed the flawless genetic material of God The Father, making God the biological Father of the chaste virgin's child: an immortal God-man who shall enjoy the advantage of Full Communion with God The Father, giving the child access to All Truth--and the derivative: Absolute Power over the physical reality!

Ignorance stands between man's mind and control over natural laws. Full Communion with The Immutable Source of All Power allows the natural-born Sons of God to control physical reality, using only Their Will. Kinda like Jesus!

If the white virgin is mated according to natural law: only when she is fertile, in a single marital act after which she conceives, her child will be conceived a genetically flawless immortal Son of God. That was the original plan.

But the following night the woman gave the man the first witch's brew, and he fell into a deep sleep. The woman silently gazed upon the man's endowment, as she recalled what he had done the night before. It seemed like he was given a share in The Pleasure of Creation of God The Father: ultimate masculine fulfillment, while she was given only searing agony!

The man’s endowment showed its masculine power and spoke to the woman’s thoughts, 'Did God really say you should not partake of the man's endowment at all?’ She responded, ‘NO! God has said I may partake of the man's endowment only when I am fertile, in a single mating act after which I shall conceive. If I partake of it otherwise, or even touch it, I shall surely die, and all of humanity after me!'

But then she heard it speak to her again, 'You won't surely die! NO!, God knows the moment you learn The Pleasure of Creation of God The Father, you will become like God: knowing both The Pain of Atonement of God The Son and The Pleasure of Creation of God The Father: pleasure and pain: good and evil!'

So she grasped hold of the source of Truth; for she knew that the man knows Truth, and she doesn't have a penis, so Truth must be in the man's endowment. She was jealous of the man: the birth of penis-envy, which has today blossomed into the feminist movement, OR, organized penis-envy!

The woman assumed the position of conquest, a position forbidden to her; for God had said, 'Your position has been given to you: the position of surrender, that you might learn your place in relation to the man!' So, the woman took fruit from the Tree of The Knowledge of Both Good and Evil: The Antithesis of Holy Eucharist!

She learned pleasure forbidden to the female, as she stole the man's seed: the snake sowing the seed of deceit in the unborn child's Garden of Paradise! Female sensual pleasure caused genetic mutation in her unborn child, reducing him to a mere mortal. And forever after, every mother would pass the death sentence on her children—that they eventually grow old and die rather than live forever, because the woman wanted forbidden pleasure!

She saw that she was naked. Females suffer guilt for sensual pleasure, because female sensual pleasure is the cause of human death. Males do NOT suffer sensual guilt, because they were created to naturally experience pleasure. The female must be mated only when conception occurs, or she violates nature, the essence of sin. Female sensual pleasure is original sin: the reason people die.

Feminists campaign for suppression of all masculine expression, including standing while urinating. Is there any sane person who could possibly interpret feminism as anything other than a collective challenge to masculine males, “Give us masculine domination! Sow your seed inside our reproductive tracts! But you must force yourselves on us! Then we can just enjoy it without the guilt, because the pleasure isn’t our fault!”

When women act up, they’re asking for masculine forgiveness. They’ll keep acting up in more outrageous fashion until they get masculine domination! When the feminist receives masculine forgiveness, she becomes respectful, compliant and appreciative; because she has what every woman needs to be happy.

But after a woman has worked herself into a cyclical pattern of intentional sin, which could be any of a number of behaviors, she becomes crystallized in opposition to the male. The woman of guilt-laden womb desires the man’s seed of masculine forgiveness sown inside her sinful, but fertile and repentant reproductive tract!

After the woman learns pleasure forbidden to the her, she cannot approach God on her own behalf, because she can confess sensual pleasure to her own Heavenly Father. No father will hear his own daughter confess sensual pleasure! That’s only common sense. So, the woman’s sin is bathed in the man’s seed of masculine forgiveness, and new life springs forth in the man and woman’s own image.

New life inside her womb is God’s expression of Forgiveness to the woman. She receives God’s Forgiveness from the man. When a man’s generosity toward a woman prompts him to restrain her so he can fill her with masculine forgiveness, that she might know freedom from feminism, the woman should thank him! It’s great for all involved. The guy has fun forcing the woman. The woman’s experience is heightened because she can enjoy the pleasure without the guilt, which makes her ovulate. The man expends considerable physical effort holding the woman’s body in place while at the same time performing the marital act. This causes release of endorphins, increasing male potency.

So, a woman who is forced gets more pleasure, and greatly increased chances of also getting a child! The guy doesn’t get anything. He does it simply because the woman needed it. Women who abort children sired by force are robbing themselves. The guy gave her his seed for free, no strings attached! But butt-ugly dikes tell normal women that even if their bodies respond with pleasure, they didn’t want to be forced, so these women kill their babies and submit to victim-hood, just so man-hating, gorilla-faced incest-survivors can get government funding for their vengeance-on-males programs!
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