Posts: 6
Registered: 07-15-2004 Location:
posted on 07-16-2004 at 01:14 |
Russian Scam Alert Investigates KhersonGirls.com!
Russian Scam Alert Investigates KhersonGirls.com!
RussianScamAlert investigates the online marriage agency KhersonGirls.com owned by Kevin Hayes. This site charges up to $8,500 for their services.
This month we take a look at a web service run by Kevin Hayes at:
www KhersonGirls com
www HonestMarriageAgencies com
www khersonwomen com
www khersongirls com
www khersonladies com
www khersonapartments com
www kherson com
www russianwomens com
www ukrainewomen net
www ukrainewomen info
www honestmarriageagency com
www honestmarriageagency net
www ukrainewomenagency com
www ukrainewomenagency net
www honestmarriageagencies com
www honestmarriageagencies net
www khersongirls com
www odessamarriageagency com
www kievmarriageagency com
www angelsinkherson com
www giftstogo com
Mr. Hayes states he made his money and retired at 34, and that making money is not the focus of his marriage agencies. Mr. Hayes spends a tremendous amount of time at his sites refering to other dating agencies as scams or possible scams. He offers no real back up other than he says people complain about these services or it is his personal opinion they are scams.
Mr. Hayes claims he is a retired Dot Com guy who made money and then retired to Kherson, Ukraine at age 34 to start his marriage agency. He claims he is not interested in making money from his business and works as a volunteer. He charges up to $8,500 each for his services. It seems strange to us that a young man would retire with money - and move to Kherson, Ukraine? It seems strange to us that he says he does not care about making money with his agency - yet he charges fees of up to $8,500 for his services. His site gives the impression most all other agencies are scams (listing over 80 agencies)- accept the ones he recommends or runs (and appears to profit share in some of them). His sites claims that one of his goals is to help the street children of Kherson. Throwing a party for orphaned children is a nice thing...but does that allow one to try and use this token gesture as a pretext for why you should do business with his company? How much does he actually do for the street children of Kherson...why does he put on his homepage that he helps the poor children in such a prominent way?
The questions to answer are why does he take so much effort to put down dozens of other agencies...and steer men towards specific agencies he has partnered with or owns? Why does he claim to be retired and not be interested in making money, yet charge up to $8,500 for his services(one of the highest prices we can find for any marriage service online)?
Frankly, we get suspicious when anyone says so many bad things about other agencies, offering little or no back up or explanation to support his positions. He refuses to remove agencies he defames on his sites that offer proof they are not scams and claims to be protected by the laws of the Ukraine - not subject to the laws of the U.S. He claims to pay U.S. taxes on all income earned in the Ukraine - but his domains are registered to him personally, not to any registered company.
American Airlines flies several million passengers per month, some of which complain. Does that make them a scam airline? Mr. Hayes seems to think any complaint about a service allows him to title the agency as a scam or questionable...but his own FAQ's say he allows his ladies to get complaints from 2 different men and still not be listed as a scammer?
Why anyone would put so much effort into defaming others, and why they would run a for profit business (charging men up to $8,500 each) while claiming to be a retired dot com guy not interested in making money? Scam or not? We don't know, but it deserves looking into.
Contact us with any information - good or bad - concerning this investigation.
Forwarded Message:
Subj: RE: Kherson Girls
Date: 7/5/2004 2:22:02 AM Central Standard Time
From: thomaslgraff@earthlink.net
To: RussianScam@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Hello Alex:
Let me offer my comments regarding your investigation.
I was a client of Kevin Hayes, having traveled to Kherson and met a number of nice girls via his agency. I was very fortunate to find my fiancee there with the help of a good interpreter. So, my success in Kherson was quite good. Unfortunately, I have to say that it was largely in spite of Kevin. I've know Kevin and Lana for about 3 years now. At the beginning of our association I was living in Florida and met with them several times. On a personal basis, I concluded that Kevin is a pathological liar. His endless stories just were not consistent and constantly were changing. But I did decide to go to Kherson and give it a try. For 3 weeks there I paid them about $2000. This included apartment and translation services. As I posted previously in RWL, I had a lot of problems with Kevin and how he handled issues I had with his office staff. Overall, I would never recommend Kevin as a viable resource — his is just too flakey and willing to work in his own best interest, regardless of what the client might wish.
To answer your specific comments:
Kevin does own 2 apartments in Kherson. Both are remodeled and western style. He has formulated his pricing structure to entire clients to rent these apartments. I also believe that the office in Kherson has been instructed to give preferential treatment to those clients staying in the KG apartments. Kevin also has agreements with several privately owned apartments which he offers to his clients. I also know that he received a kickback on clients he refers to the Hotel Frugat? in Kherson.
Kevin's stories about being wealthy are not true. His life story is basically this. He is from a family in north central Florida that is in the business of buying, renovating and selling houses to families that can't qualify for a normal loan. So Kevin's family sells them an over valued house and carried the financing. Kevin went into the military and was in it for 8 years as an enlisted man, serving most of his time at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. When he parted with the military, he and 3 other partners opened a small internet service provider in Ocala, Florida. This operated for a few years and was ultimately bought out by a larger ISP. I am not sure of the exact amount he received from his share of the business, but I estimate it to be around $350,000 — capital gains tax had to be paid on this amount, reducing what Kevin really got by 20% or so. With this money, he bought 4 houses in the Ocala area, renovated them and sold them with a contract for deed. Basically the monthly payments on these houses are what Kevin lives on. His personal residence is financed with a 97% Veteran's Administration loan.
I have the belief he has his operations in Kherson financed by a backer of some type. I don't know the details here, but he did approach me about investing with him. Regardless of the financing, Kherson Girls is a business that Kevin has every intention of turning a profit. This nonsense about just doing it for a hobby is just another example of the endless lies he spins.
Being an Engineer, I ran the numbers on Kevin's business in Kherson. Assuming a conservative number of guys going there, his business is already profitable. He has bragged to me before about both he and his wife Lana carrying $10,000 in cash with them every time they return from Kherson. I honestly believe he collects the funds there and brings them back into the US as undeclared income. There is certainly some angle he is working in having businesses in the two countries.
His claims of support of the local orphanages are untrue. I believe they give clothes and food to a small number (about of the street kids that hang out around the office. The website has some pics of a bunch of street kids — we all know that there are many street children in Kherson. It is very easy to give them a little money or food and get them to pose for some publicity photos.
The rumor that the office was raided by local police because of illegal software copies is true. I recall Kevin saying that he paid a police official a bribe of $2000 to get the computers back. Lana confirmed it indepently in a casual conversation.
By the way — of the two, Lana is the more intelligent one. I really have my doubts that she is planning to be with Kevin forever. Only time will tell…
Ahh — another thought for you. The office girls will readily say he is a tyrant to work for. They have enormous turnover there and his employees will privately admit they are afraid of him. I got to know some of the office girls and felt sorry for them.
This is about all that comes to mind. Drop me a note if you have more questions.
Tommy Graff
Hello ,
Finally someone decided to find out everything about this cheater. It
seemed that there is nothing to do with him, but we hope that your
investigation will help to show who he is. All the facts which are
written at this site are true, because the 80% of his services is lie,
and just 20% are real services which mostly are the renting of
apartments. And that he claims that it is not a business for him this
is his only business he does nothing except this. he really has the
most expensive services and client pays for every step even to take
him to hospital if he feels bad. And all this mud which he says about
other agencies is just dirty the removing of the other agencies and to
focus the attention at his own one. Nobody of his clients received the
real service, a lot of his ex-clients contacted us and they paid a lot
of money and received nothing. Also we deal with many girls from his
agency, whom he forced to sign the documents for the fiance visa with
the men whom they didn't like. He takes the money from the client for
the preparing the documents, just for the girl to live, for the girl's
English lessons. He says that he does it for the client to be happy
and satisfied, after he can refuse to do this services, but the client
went home quite happy. Finally he takes the money from the girl and
the gifts which the man gave her and if she doesn't want to give it
to him he puts her as a scam. Really he pays in Ukraine the minimal
taxes, and in USA he doesn't pay anything as it is the Ukrainian
agency. He lies about his help to the street children and if he did
something it was the tiny thing not more than a 100$ for two years.
His main statement is that he is an American and everybody have to
believe him, but actually the only true is that he is really an
American, but he lies about the other things.
We support you in this investigation we think that it will help whom
Kevin Hayes really is. If you'll need some more information we are
always glad to help you. And then he put us at the scam site, saying
that we are the bad agency as we sent him the viruses or false e-mail's
it is just ridiculous because everyday everybody receives plenty viruses.
if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
Igor A. Sayenko
mail: info@khersonpearls.com
web: www.khersonpearls.com
Posts: 1
Registered: 07-16-2004 Location:
posted on 07-17-2004 at 01:50 |
Zdorovo bratok!!!
Posts: 2
Registered: 07-29-2004 Location:
posted on 07-29-2004 at 21:10 |
Russian Scam Alert Investigates KhersonGirls.com!
Russian Scam Alert Investigates KhersonGirls.com!
RussianScamAlert investigates the online marriage agency KhersonGirls.com owned by Kevin Hayes. This site charges up to $8,500 for their services.
This month we take a look at a web service run by Kevin Hayes at:
www KhersonGirls com
www HonestMarriageAgencies com
www khersonwomen com
www khersongirls com
www khersonladies com
www khersonapartments com
www kherson com
www russianwomens com
www ukrainewomen net
www ukrainewomen info
www honestmarriageagency com
www honestmarriageagency net
www ukrainewomenagency com
www ukrainewomenagency net
www honestmarriageagencies com
www honestmarriageagencies net
www khersongirls com
www odessamarriageagency com
www kievmarriageagency com
www angelsinkherson com
www giftstogo com
Mr. Hayes states he made his money and retired at 34, and that making money is not the focus of his marriage agencies. Mr. Hayes spends a tremendous amount of time at his sites refering to other dating agencies as scams or possible scams. He offers no real back up other than he says people complain about these services or it is his personal opinion they are scams.
Mr. Hayes claims he is a retired Dot Com guy who made money and then retired to Kherson, Ukraine at age 34 to start his marriage agency. He claims he is not interested in making money from his business and works as a volunteer. He charges up to $8,500 each for his services. It seems strange to us that a young man would retire with money - and move to Kherson, Ukraine? It seems strange to us that he says he does not care about making money with his agency - yet he charges fees of up to $8,500 for his services. His site gives the impression most all other agencies are scams (listing over 80 agencies)- accept the ones he recommends or runs (and appears to profit share in some of them). His sites claims that one of his goals is to help the street children of Kherson. Throwing a party for orphaned children is a nice thing...but does that allow one to try and use this token gesture as a pretext for why you should do business with his company? How much does he actually do for the street children of Kherson...why does he put on his homepage that he helps the poor children in such a prominent way?
The questions to answer are why does he take so much effort to put down dozens of other agencies...and steer men towards specific agencies he has partnered with or owns? Why does he claim to be retired and not be interested in making money, yet charge up to $8,500 for his services(one of the highest prices we can find for any marriage service online)?
Frankly, we get suspicious when anyone says so many bad things about other agencies, offering little or no back up or explanation to support his positions. He refuses to remove agencies he defames on his sites that offer proof they are not scams and claims to be protected by the laws of the Ukraine - not subject to the laws of the U.S. He claims to pay U.S. taxes on all income earned in the Ukraine - but his domains are registered to him personally, not to any registered company.
American Airlines flies several million passengers per month, some of which complain. Does that make them a scam airline? Mr. Hayes seems to think any complaint about a service allows him to title the agency as a scam or questionable...but his own FAQ's say he allows his ladies to get complaints from 2 different men and still not be listed as a scammer?
Why anyone would put so much effort into defaming others, and why they would run a for profit business (charging men up to $8,500 each) while claiming to be a retired dot com guy not interested in making money? Scam or not? We don't know, but it deserves looking into.
Contact us with any information - good or bad - concerning this investigation.
Forwarded Message:
Subj: RE: Kherson Girls
Date: 7/5/2004 2:22:02 AM Central Standard Time
From: thomaslgraff@earthlink.net
To: RussianScam@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Hello Alex:
Let me offer my comments regarding your investigation.
I was a client of Kevin Hayes, having traveled to Kherson and met a number of nice girls via his agency. I was very fortunate to find my fiancee there with the help of a good interpreter. So, my success in Kherson was quite good. Unfortunately, I have to say that it was largely in spite of Kevin. I've know Kevin and Lana for about 3 years now. At the beginning of our association I was living in Florida and met with them several times. On a personal basis, I concluded that Kevin is a pathological liar. His endless stories just were not consistent and constantly were changing. But I did decide to go to Kherson and give it a try. For 3 weeks there I paid them about $2000. This included apartment and translation services. As I posted previously in RWL, I had a lot of problems with Kevin and how he handled issues I had with his office staff. Overall, I would never recommend Kevin as a viable resource — his is just too flakey and willing to work in his own best interest, regardless of what the client might wish.
To answer your specific comments:
Kevin does own 2 apartments in Kherson. Both are remodeled and western style. He has formulated his pricing structure to entire clients to rent these apartments. I also believe that the office in Kherson has been instructed to give preferential treatment to those clients staying in the KG apartments. Kevin also has agreements with several privately owned apartments which he offers to his clients. I also know that he received a kickback on clients he refers to the Hotel Frugat? in Kherson.
Kevin's stories about being wealthy are not true. His life story is basically this. He is from a family in north central Florida that is in the business of buying, renovating and selling houses to families that can't qualify for a normal loan. So Kevin's family sells them an over valued house and carried the financing. Kevin went into the military and was in it for 8 years as an enlisted man, serving most of his time at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. When he parted with the military, he and 3 other partners opened a small internet service provider in Ocala, Florida. This operated for a few years and was ultimately bought out by a larger ISP. I am not sure of the exact amount he received from his share of the business, but I estimate it to be around $350,000 — capital gains tax had to be paid on this amount, reducing what Kevin really got by 20% or so. With this money, he bought 4 houses in the Ocala area, renovated them and sold them with a contract for deed. Basically the monthly payments on these houses are what Kevin lives on. His personal residence is financed with a 97% Veteran's Administration loan.
I have the belief he has his operations in Kherson financed by a backer of some type. I don't know the details here, but he did approach me about investing with him. Regardless of the financing, Kherson Girls is a business that Kevin has every intention of turning a profit. This nonsense about just doing it for a hobby is just another example of the endless lies he spins.
Being an Engineer, I ran the numbers on Kevin's business in Kherson. Assuming a conservative number of guys going there, his business is already profitable. He has bragged to me before about both he and his wife Lana carrying $10,000 in cash with them every time they return from Kherson. I honestly believe he collects the funds there and brings them back into the US as undeclared income. There is certainly some angle he is working in having businesses in the two countries.
His claims of support of the local orphanages are untrue. I believe they give clothes and food to a small number (about of the street kids that hang out around the office. The website has some pics of a bunch of street kids — we all know that there are many street children in Kherson. It is very easy to give them a little money or food and get them to pose for some publicity photos.
The rumor that the office was raided by local police because of illegal software copies is true. I recall Kevin saying that he paid a police official a bribe of $2000 to get the computers back. Lana confirmed it indepently in a casual conversation.
By the way — of the two, Lana is the more intelligent one. I really have my doubts that she is planning to be with Kevin forever. Only time will tell…
Ahh — another thought for you. The office girls will readily say he is a tyrant to work for. They have enormous turnover there and his employees will privately admit they are afraid of him. I got to know some of the office girls and felt sorry for them.
This is about all that comes to mind. Drop me a note if you have more questions.
Tommy Graff
Hello ,
Finally someone decided to find out everything about this cheater. It
seemed that there is nothing to do with him, but we hope that your
investigation will help to show who he is. All the facts which are
written at this site are true, because the 80% of his services is lie,
and just 20% are real services which mostly are the renting of
apartments. And that he claims that it is not a business for him this
is his only business he does nothing except this. he really has the
most expensive services and client pays for every step even to take
him to hospital if he feels bad. And all this mud which he says about
other agencies is just dirty the removing of the other agencies and to
focus the attention at his own one. Nobody of his clients received the
real service, a lot of his ex-clients contacted us and they paid a lot
of money and received nothing. Also we deal with many girls from his
agency, whom he forced to sign the documents for the fiance visa with
the men whom they didn't like. He takes the money from the client for
the preparing the documents, just for the girl to live, for the girl's
English lessons. He says that he does it for the client to be happy
and satisfied, after he can refuse to do this services, but the client
went home quite happy. Finally he takes the money from the girl and
the gifts which the man gave her and if she doesn't want to give it
to him he puts her as a scam. Really he pays in Ukraine the minimal
taxes, and in USA he doesn't pay anything as it is the Ukrainian
agency. He lies about his help to the street children and if he did
something it was the tiny thing not more than a 100$ for two years.
His main statement is that he is an American and everybody have to
believe him, but actually the only true is that he is really an
American, but he lies about the other things.
We support you in this investigation we think that it will help whom
Kevin Hayes really is. If you'll need some more information we are
always glad to help you. And then he put us at the scam site, saying
that we are the bad agency as we sent him the viruses or false e-mail's
it is just ridiculous because everyday everybody receives plenty viruses.
if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
Igor A. Sayenko
mail: info@khersonpearls.com
web: www.khersonpearls.com
I second your motion Igor.... So he made money selling overpriced real estate.... wish I could do that.... So he was smart enought to get out of the ISP business before the bubble burst... Wish I dumped some tech investments when he did....
Post like this are lame-o. I never met Kevin, never emailed him, am probably never gonna use his services, but with all the attention he gets, if I ever do go to Kehrson, I will surly look him up.... after all it sound like he has done real estate and the tech business correctly.....
Posts: 2
Registered: 08-17-2004 Location:
Posts: 2
Registered: 08-11-2004 Location: Ukraine
posted on 08-18-2004 at 19:31 |
I not real like Mr.Hayes, better to say I don't like him at all, but I do not think, that he is so bad, as everybody told. I think someone make a dirty job for killing his agency and he made it good. Knowing, that I do not like kevin as a person - i think his agency not the worsest.
Posts: 3
Registered: 08-20-2004 Location:
posted on 08-20-2004 at 23:20 |
getmarriednow.com attacks khersongirls.com
Hey folks.
My agency is under attack from a site that owners wish to hide their identify. But I know the owner as John Briar jbrier1268@aol.com. The web site www.russianscamalert.com is using the domains khersongirls.org, khersongirls.biz , khersongirls.us , khersongirls.info to promote an attack on my agency. Also the email address kevinhayes@mail.ru isn't me it is someone else pretending to me.
The Mr Briar has offer 5,000 US dollars from someone in kherson to promote this attack. The only agencies in kherson that I'm aware of that link back to the site russianscamalert.com or agents sites of www.getmarriednow.com.
The site has only one purpose and that is to attack my agency. As everyone is aware I run a very honest and legit agency and it has cause some hardship on other agencies in kherson as their number of client decrease. No evidence is presenting on this site nor any legit creditials. Only a email address. Not even a real name.
The site doesn't like the ideal that I retired early. I don't know why any site would care, but I was very luckly to sale my ISP 5 years ago and make enough money from the sale not to have to work again. I do not collect a salary or pay check from the agency and those who have meet me understand that I do it because it is fun and I like to help out. For those who have been to kherson know that I spend alot of time and money working with the local children sheltors in kherson and have spent a large sum of money over the last 4 years. www.khersongirls.com/children
The site claims that I charge $8500.00 for service. I have never charges such a rate. Our rates are posted at www.khersongirls.com/rates.php
You can see the office yourself during business hours at www.khersongirls.com/camera . This is part of what is involved in doing business in kherson.
Kevin Hayes
Below are some emails that relate to this posting.
----- Original Message -----
From: RussianScam@aol.com
To: kevin@khersongirls.com
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 6:10 PM
Subject: Investigation of you
We were asked by an agency to remove our site investigating you once you ended your attacks on other agencies. We were going to remove site. We were just told not to do this. It is our information you are still posting bad things and have said you are not taking down bad info and will add more soon. We were also shown domain names copying other agency that you are part of. We will be furthering our try to get the truth our behind your business. We will be promoting the truth at khersongirls.org, khersongirls.biz , khersongirls.us , khersongirls.info as well as russianagencyscam.com . We have been given approval of marketing budget of 5 thousend U.S. $ to begin promoting truth about your agency.
If we find you stop attacks on other agencies and remove lies and copy sites we will consider stop investigation on you. If you do not we continue and push harder in all way.
----- Original Message -----
From: RussianScam@aol.com
To: kevin@khersongirls.com
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: Investigation of you
Kevin - we have spoke to GetMarriedNow office in Kherson and got email from U.S. manager John. Earlier request was to say they were removing all links to our investigative site and they request us to stop our investigation site. We were told you were stopping all negative reporting on other agencies and on getmarriednow. In between we get offer of $5000 from agency in Kherson to help publish our reports on you. This not from GetMarriednow. Our investigation start because you report bad on all agencies and it not true. Then we see other domains from you about getmarriednow. We then take domains khersongirls.info , .bus ., org, . us. We not activate them yet but will be tomorrow.
So question to you if we remove all investigation and domains on you do you do same for all agencies and getmarriednow too? If you agree to stop war we stop war too and not bother your business ever. If you keep lie about others and steal domains we keep up investigation and promotion with money and searches and more technology. We look at your links you send and we will ask those site to remove link to scam investigation too as site will go away if we agree to both stop.
We do not like what you do. No others like it too. If you stop we stop. If you grow we grow. If you keep attack we keep attack bigger. Your chance on deciding.
Agents site of getmarried.now copied from the site getmarriednow.net
http://khersongirl.narod.ru/ Notice the name of my agency in kherson is used in this web address.
http://ukraine- agency.boom.ru/
http://www.khersonbrides.com/kherson-girls.htm Again they use my agency name.
http:// olenakos.public.kherson.ua/Russian_dating.htm
http://kherson-girl.h12.ru/ again my site name.
Posts: 2
Registered: 07-29-2004 Location:
posted on 08-22-2004 at 19:29 |
kevin Hayes was asked why he accepted Western Union payments, which is a violation of Ukrainian law. Kevin claims his company is a Ukrainian corporation. He wrote back:
kevin@khersongirls.com writes: We do not accept Western Union for payment.
We then found this language stating he accepts Paypal and Western Union on his website and sent it to him:
From www.KhersonGirls.com site:
Client fund refund. 2 percent plus $5.00 if you used paypal.com Western Union plus $5.00 if you used Western Union. No charge if you paid by cash in office.
We wrote to him asking him to explain this text from his site since he had said he did not accept Western Union as payment.
In a message dated 8/20/04 4:54 pm, kevin@khersongirls.com writes:
Western union are picked up in Florida by my office. Not in Ukraine. Good try.
Then Kevin writes the following when he is told we are going to ask the IRS into his operation:
kevin@khersongirls.com writes: Plus you won't find any western unions in my name because nobody sent any.
So, here is a direct example of Kevin being caught lying. First he says he does not accept Western Union. Then when confronted with the fact that his site says he does he says the payments are picked up by his Florida office. Then he says he never picks up any payments in his name. So what is the real story?
Posts: 6
Registered: 07-15-2004 Location:
posted on 08-22-2004 at 19:36 |
Here is another email that can be posted talking about Kevin:
Here is another email that can be posted talking about Kevin:
You forget that both John Rayle and Myself are ready to submit sworn
statements attesting to
your comments regarding the smuggling in of unreported funds. John's son is
a political activitist with enough clout to actually get an US Attorney to
listen to what we have to say as well. You run a dirty operation, Kevin.
supposed support for the street children is patently false. It disgusts me
to consider your
false claims of helping the kids.
It is just a matter of time until you mess up and get nailed for your
troubles. For some
reason, there are a group of us just waiting to bring you down as well.
While I am one of
of the more vocal ones, rest assurured that there are several others who
feel the same way as me.
I guess it comes from you being an asshole and treating people like crap as
it suits you.
Tommy Graff
Posts: 3
Registered: 08-20-2004 Location:
posted on 08-24-2004 at 03:25 |
crendel, (getmarriednow)
I wonder how long you have hidden that you are working for getmarriednow on this list. Since you have part of a email that was written between me and John Briar you must be either John Briar owner of Getmarriednow or an employee. As stated to the email to John. Western Union isn't one of our payment options. We accept the same payment plan as you do.
It is very sad that you continue to attack my office, but you never seem to attack my success rate or our happy clients. The worst part is you continue to post under false names and hide the fact that your our an agency. No wonder your site doesn't show your name on it either.
Posts: 6
Registered: 07-15-2004 Location:
posted on 08-25-2004 at 03:43 |
The following questions were asked of Kevin Hayes several times:
The following questions were asked of Kevin Hayes several times. Each time he refused to answer. We can only assume he is not answering because the truth is not something he wants to confront.
1) Were your offices investigated in Kherson for pirated software? Yes or No
2) Did you pay a fine/bribe or $ to get out of having the equipment confiscated? Yes or No
3) In June of 2004 did your KhersonGirls.com site offer a package for $8,500 on the site? Yes or No
4) Did your site, as recently as last week, promote a way to pay for a client fund via Western Union or Pay Pal in direct violation of Ukranian law? Yes or No
5) Did you list over 80 agencies at your site, as recently as June of 2004, that you refered to as "Black Listed" or "Scams"? yes or no
6) Have you or your business given the local Kherson orphanages more than $500 in cash in 2004? Yes or No
7) Do you own 2 apartments in Kherson? Yes or No
8) Do you report the income those apartments generate to the IRS? Yes or No
9) Did you tell people, and has your wife told people, that you bring in undeclared cash to the U.S. when you return up to $10,000 each? yes or no
10) Does your business operate to earn a profit or not? Yes or No
This is from Kevin's site. Basically he is trying to say he can and will say whatever his opinion is, and if it is wrong, if it hurts others or causes damage, injury, etc., tough shit. He actually thinks some useless disclaimer like this can allow him to desecrate anyone he wants with his "opinion". What a load of crap...further evidence he has not lawyer. No lawyer in the world would allow this type of logic to dictate how a person posts defamatory info.
Disclaimer: This site is based on my opinion or opinion of others. Although we try to ensure that the information on this list from
groups and other list is accurate as possible, we accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by members
resulting from information published on this site.
Posts: 2
Registered: 08-17-2004 Location:
posted on 09-03-2004 at 21:03 |
alex, Khersonbrides.com getmarriednow.com
How many names are you going to post under. I understand that John Briar is paying to you attack my site because he has a legit complaint at www.honestmarraigeagencies.com/complaint/getmarriednow.htm
If you can't compete honestly you should get out of the business. John Briar send me these question that you posted because he can't find anything else to attack my agency on. So he starts to make up question that have nothing to do with my service.
If you want to make a comment answer this. How come your agency has a 100 percent guarantee if your client isn't married/engaged in 1 year you will refund their membership on your site, yet everyone who ask for the refund you refuse. These are the type of question you need to ask.
On your site www.khersongirls.boom.ru you know post negative comment about my wife.
Folks. Getmarriednow.com owner John briar is paying his staff in Kherson to post negative comment on my agencyusing false name and comments. This is the type of agency owner you need to avoid. The type who hides behind false names. Take a look at his site and ask yourself. Why doesn't the ower post his own name on his own site. Because he wants to hide from responcibility of his agency.
Posts: 6
Registered: 07-15-2004 Location:
posted on 09-05-2004 at 20:53 |
about Kevin Hayes, Lana Hayes, khersongirls…
Kevin -
There are over a dozen posts in my Lana's email account, all originating from the actions of you and your wife. You can twist the truth and claim your wife only sent one letter, yet the two of you also DID distribute the email address to others. The effect is obviously the same as writing them yourself. Again - you may think you are getting your points made by wordsmithing little lies like this, but I GUARANTEE you won't have the opportunity when a 100 pages of interrogatives are delivered into your hands.
Spare me more of your lies about what what was said between your wife and my fiancee. You previously said you were not there. Ask yourself which of the two girls has more credibility in her account of the conversation. Your wife made extremely negative comments about me, referred to me as a violent and emotionally unstable person and actively tried to discourage the relationship. Actually - you have made yet another enemy in your efforts - now my fiancee is agitated by this heartless manipulation by your wife.
One thing you say is true - I have something good in my life - my Lana. I don't want to invest the time it is going to take to really expose you and your unethical operations. I gave you an out to write a small check and apologize, but it looks like you are not going to take it. Fair enough. I'll just continue to make factual statements about you and your operation as it pleases me. I can likely cost you 100 times more that I offered to settle for in lost business over the next few years. But I'm a patient guy and what the heck - everyone needs a hobby. As for John - he is just a concerned friend. I have no control over what he does with correspondence on which I copy him. You are not just dealing with me - there are a group of well educated and motivated people working on you - I believe you feel the effects each day when you look at how much time you spend defending yourself.
As far as your wife being a hooker - I only have the basic facts and can judge her by her actions. Meeting with my fiancee in an effort to destroy our relationship is certainly something a heartless whore would do. Looking my fiancee right in the eyes and telling her lies would seem something a street whore would do. If the shoe fits, then so be it. The story of how you two met has 3 distinct variations that I am aware of. We have people looking into this matter now - let's see what develops. I feel it is a better than even money bet that significant evidence will surface to confirm this suspicion. Only time will tell about it. Again - you have apparently forgotten your guarantee to have the office in Kherson strictly ignore my fiancee.
You have posted personal emails of mine on RWL and your Yahoo group. You and your wife have also written letters where your expose confidential information about me and my business in Kherson. I still have the copies archived. You know - you are really not dealing with amateurs here. The more you run your mouth, the more you incriminate yourself.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:03 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
Lana only sent 1 email to Svetlana and I have a copy of it on her computer. It was sent on July 14th. No other emails were ever sent to her.
Tommy I am tired of you claiming that my wife was a prostitute. You know this isn't true and I find it very insulting. I never posted a single copy of any of your letters, but you know that John posted every one of them on many sites.
As far as apology. I believe we both owe each other one. You said some very mean things about my wife and me and gave them out to be posted on many sites. Calling my wife a prostitute is as low as you can get. And I responded to all of the posting. Let call it even and get on with our lifes.
You have a new life and a new wife. Svetlana is a wonderful lady and she is very much in love with you and told Lana how happy she was to meet you. Lana doesn't understand the attacks and neither does Svetlana.
You understand that everything you send to John will be posted on the internet So please don't send him any letters unless you want to continue this.
Let make this the last email about each other. I will check my sites for any comments about you and remove them.
Lana and I wish you the best of luck.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:42 PM
Subject: RE: Tom Graff
Kevin -
My girlfriend opened her email for the first time since arriving in the US today. Her email is now changed, don't bother sending any more hate mail to her.
Oddly - after your wife met with my girlfriend, hate email started filling up her email account. Obviously you sent your wife to get this personal information from my girlfriend and then used it in an effort to alienate her in our relationship.
I have the copies of these emails archived.
Feel free to file any lawsuit you feel the need to. I will Pro Se your legal bills through the roof. Also - are you ready to answer the interrogatives that myself and others will present? Under oath? I'd enjoy getting you to perjure yourself - which would happen as you are a pathological liar. Also - are you ready for the counter suit claim that will come along with my reply? Emotional suffering and damages? All the way through to a jury trial?
Naw - you'll just do nothing but lie and deny. It is your fate in life. The trouble with this methodology is that you have managed to amass a group of people like myself who despise you with a passion and are not cowed by your empty threats.
A thought came to us today. There are questions in the immigration paperwork asking if the fiancee was ever involved in prostitution. Did Lana Hayes answer these honestly? I have my doubts - and it is a pretty easy thing to get an investigation started with.
Tommy Graff
PS - Regarding my email - I wrote a private one regarding my personal opinion about you, your business practices and associated problems. It has been posted in places have never even heard of, modified beyond my control as well. I have a new life to start with Lana and you just are not worth the time to keep posting about. If you are looking for someone to blame - look elsewhere.
If you want me to go away - I'll accept a settlement of $2,000 and an apology. The apology is more important than the money. Reply in 24 hours. Otherwise - let's just keep going.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 1:52 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
I was not at the meeting with Lana and Svetlana. But I am aware she saw the site http://www.urod.ru/10.06.2004/1/comments . Lana did not take any letter from the office to show svetlana.
Tommy you assured me that you would not continue to attack my agency and yet your emails continue to show up on web sites. I have copy of the email to remind you.
I do not believe you that Svetlana knew the names of the girls you were emailing unless you post them somewhere on the internet. Svetlana had access to the internet and the above page has many links.
I will honor any request for refund for any service that was not provided. Please specify which service you are asking for a refund. Our service was to provide you with a wife and she is now at your home.
I'd rather drop this subject today then to take it all of the way to court. But you can be assured that I will.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:51 AM
Subject: RE: Tom Graff
First off, this entire event is causing a strain on a new relationship that is going well. I am not going to just throw my Lana into the fray after 3 days in the country.
I've spoken to my Lana about the matter. The plain and simple truth is that Lana Hayes called her on 3 separate occasions before twisting her arm into a face to face meeting. The meeting happened about 2 weeks before my Lana's departure to the US and lasted about 4 hours. The main topic was to relay letters I had written regarding KG business practices as well as confidential letters to others girls at the KG agency. My girl has no ax to grind with anyone here, no motivation to fabricate anything.
Lana Hayes and my girl were never "friends". In fact, they saw each other a total of 3 times.
Kevin, you had assured me that absolutely NO CONTACT would be made between the KG agency and my fiancee. In the event you have conveniently forgotten this promise, I have a copy of the email available to remind you. Yet another lie that you have told.
Kevin - you crossed the line completely with this. I always knew you had an underhanded and sleazy side to you, but to purposely undermine my relationship with my girl is beyond belief. Lana Hayes showed copies of negative comments I have made in various forums to my girl and stated it was hurting the business there. She also showed copies of correspondence I had with several girls in the KG agency before going there. So, please explain how my girl knew the names and details of the other girls I was writing? Answer - you told her through your wife. You worthless piece of shit. Well, if you feel like playing underhanded, let's tee it up and see where things go. You seem to think you are untouchable - you are not .
I have spent about $2,000 with you agency. I am asking for a complete and immediate refund.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:18 PM
To: ; Tommy Graff; legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
Tommy and John.
Yes, Svetlana and Lana are friends. Svetlana didn't want to tell Tommy, But I guess for some reason she did after she arrived. Lana at no point every talked bad about Tommy nor was the agency involved in there friendship. Lana never did understand the attacks from Tommy nor does she understand why they continue today. She had considered Tommy a friend.
What I do know is no letters where given to Svetlana from Lana or anyone in our office. This is a false claim.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
To: Kevin@khersongirls.com
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:01 PM
Subject: Tom Graff
Kevin - we have recieved a very serious complaint from Tom Graff. As you already know he says your wife called his fiance in Kherson and asked for a private meeting. At that meeting she gave copies of all the letters Tom had written to other ladies in your agency (before he met his fiance) and told Tom's fiance not to marry him and that he was violent.
This seems like the most outrageous conduct an agency has ever done to a client. So, we have two questions we will give you a chance to answer:
1) will you refund Tom all of the money he paid to your agency?
2) why did Lana engage in such conduct?
Please advise as a lot of people will want to know about your policy as it refers to your clients, their privacy, and their treatment by you and your wife.
Posts: 6
Registered: 07-15-2004 Location:
posted on 09-11-2004 at 07:06 |
We investigates the CORRUPT marriage agency KhersonGirls.com owned by Kevin Hayes.
We investigates the CORRUPT marriage agency KhersonGirls.com owned by Kevin Hayes.
Reports from kherson state mr. Hayes had his office raided for software piracy. He then bribed the police to not seize the equipment and not arrest him. If these reports are true and if someone will engage in criminal conduct, then bribe police, it seems that this person can not be trusted and certainly can not be deemed to be honest or trustworthy. We do not put any credence in anything mr. Hayes says. We contacted mr. Hayes. He refused talk to us. He said he was contacting a lawyer. He offered no info. Mr Hayes claims to be untouchable by u.s. laws as he registered his corporation in Ukraine. He claims to pay u.s. taxes on all income he earns and this has yet to be verified. If you have info on mr. Hayes and his business contact us. He posts his name, photo,personal website, and cell phone number, and participates in chat groups. In our opinion he is a limited public figure. This is our opinion - feel free to form your own. He is relentlessly attacking and defaming getmarriednow.com, an agency competing with mr. Hayes and refusing to give into his demands.We investigated a service run by Kevin Hayes at www KhersonGirls com and many SPAM sites:
www HonestMarriageAgencies com
www khersonwomen com
www khersongirls com
www khersonladies com
www khersonapartments com
www kherson com
www russianwomens com
www ukrainewomen net
www ukrainewomen info
www honestmarriageagency com
www honestmarriageagency net
www ukrainewomenagency com
www ukrainewomenagency net
www honestmarriageagencies com
www honestmarriageagencies net
www khersongirls com
www odessamarriageagency com
www kievmarriageagency com
www angelsinkherson com
www giftstogo com
Mr. Hayes states he made money and retired at 34, and that making money is not the focus of his agency. Mr. Hayes spends a lot of time referring to other agencies as scams. He offers no real back up or rebutal service. He says it is his personal opinion. He claims he is not interested in making money from his business and works as a volunteer. He charges up to $8,500 each for his services. It seems strange that he says he does not care about making money - yet charges up to $8,500 for his services. We found him to be dishonest. He is in this business to make money. We are sure of that. He also goes way out of his way to defame other sites or services. He claims one of his goals is to help the street children of Kherson but we have been told he does next to nothing for these children in terms of real donations.
Why does he makes such an effort to defame competing agencies...and steer men towards agencies he has partnered with or owns? Why does he claim to be retired and not be interested in making money, yet charge up to $8,500 for his services(one of the highest prices of any marriage service online)?
We get suspicious when he says so many bad things about others, offering little or no back up, rebuttal, or explanation. He refuses to remove agencies he defames that prove they are not scams and claims to be protected by the laws of the Ukraine. He says he pays U.S. taxes on all income earned in the Ukraine - but his domains are registered to him personally, not to any registered company. We find no record of his supposed U.S. company KGI International.
Reports have surfaced that his computers were siezed for using pirated software, that police were bribed as a result, and that he owns two apartments in Kherson that he tries to get men to rent from him to meet the ladies. We have been told he is 100% doing this for the money.
It is our conclusion Kevin Hayes is not being honest about a lot of things he says. He is also under investigation for organizing spam attacks on competing agencies and registering domain names of competing agencies in order to depict them as scams and steal their traffic. We have been told a law suit is on the horizon against Mr. Hayes. Our conclusion is that anyone who can engage in software piracy, bribes, and lie about their desire to make money and act the way he has does not deserve to be in business. We caution all men to avoid this agency at all costs. This is our opinion. Feel free to check the facts before forming yours.
Contact us with any info.
Read more about(www KhersonGirls com) Kevin Hayes's "HONESTY":
Posts: 6
Registered: 07-15-2004 Location:
posted on 09-20-2004 at 04:19 |
Exploiters of Children: Who Is Kevin Hayes and Lana?(khersongirls)
Exploiters of Children: Who Is Kevin Hayes and Lana?(khersongirls)
----- Original Message -----
From: Steven Palenko
To: office@khersongirls.com
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com ; RussianScam@aol.com ; alexzyuzyukin@list.ru ; info@khersonpearls.com ; help@getmarriednow.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 9:04 AM
Subject: Exploiters of Children
Kevin and Lana,
There are 2 types of people:
First are the ones who use Street Children to enhance their business and
Second people who use their business to enhance Street Children.
You and Lana are prime examples of the first. You are using the Street Children to enhance your business. Your site is a testament to your capitalist use of charities for personal and business gain. Look at your own site:
Who Is Kevin and Lana?
I could not find one photo that was not self indulgent. I could not find one link to a favorite charity. I could not find one photo of either you or Lana doing anything that resembled anything close to helping Street Children. Don't bother trying to update your site, I have copied you entire site date coded 9/11/04, 3 links deep took a while even with broadband. I will save it as proof.
If you would have spent 10% of the time or money exhibited on your personal web site, the Street Children wouldn t be worrying about medicine, clean clothes, food or diapers. I found the photo of you with the $2.00 bag of cookies at the orphanage sickening! You and Lana should be ashamed of your lack of support and exploitation of the Street Children.
Steven Palenko
ps cc sent to all of those listed from the pages I initially asked you about.
Posts: 3
Registered: 08-20-2004 Location:
posted on 09-28-2004 at 05:23 |
Here is a copy of one of the request to remove the comment from that you are sending out.
I have made the enclosed request. If you know of other recourse I will take it. If you know who is hosting the website I will contact the webmaster.
Steven Palenko
please read below;
----- Original Message -----
To: jbrier1268@aol.com
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 2:04 AM
Subject: Fw: Kevin Hays, Lana Hayes and Kherson Girls business.
Mr. Briar,
Recently I sent an email to the following email addresses:
legal@khersongirls.com ; RussianScam@aol.com ; alexzyuzyukin@list.ru ; info@khersonpearls.com ; help@getmarriednow.com
A copy of this email is now publicly displayed on your web site. I feel my conclusions were inaccurate. My apology has been sent to the same email addresses and I would appreciate the removal of my original email and also posting of my apology.
You do not and were not given my permission to display my email to the general public. Please remove it.
Steven Palenko
----- Original Message -----
To: Kherson Office
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com ; RussianScam@aol.com ; alexzyuzyukin@list.ru ; info@khersonpearls.com ; help@getmarriednow.com
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 5:34 PM
Subject: RE: Kevin Hays, Lana Hayes and Kherson Girls business.
RE: Kevin Hays, Lana Hayes and Kherson Girls business.
I Steven Palenko apologize for my derogatory remarks to the above listed persons and business regarding their charity work. My remarks were made in haste with out proper investigation. My initial questions were not answered, rather I was directed to figure it out for myself by the following statement and questions.
Read the sties again and ask yourself two questions.
1. Why does the owner of these sites hide themselves.
2. What evidence is shown on these sites.
Evidence has now been offered and accepted by me to support their efforts for helping local charities.
Steven Palenko
Posts: 1
Registered: 09-27-2004 Location:
posted on 09-28-2004 at 05:39 |
alex employee of getmarriednow
You forgot to post steven second email.
I have made the enclosed request. If you know of other recourse I will take it. If you know who is hosting the website I will contact the webmaster.
Steven Palenko
please read below;
----- Original Message -----
To: jbrier1268@aol.com
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 2:04 AM
Subject: Fw: Kevin Hays, Lana Hayes and Kherson Girls business.
Mr. Briar,
Recently I sent an email to the following email addresses:
legal@khersongirls.com ; RussianScam@aol.com ; alexzyuzyukin@list.ru ; info@khersonpearls.com ; help@getmarriednow.com
A copy of this email is now publicly displayed on your web site. I feel my conclusions were inaccurate. My apology has been sent to the same email addresses and I would appreciate the removal of my original email and also posting of my apology.
You do not and were not given my permission to display my email to the general public. Please remove it.
Steven Palenko
The only complaint that is legit is the complaint at www.honestmarriageagencies.com/complaint/getmarriednow.htm the rest of your complaints are partial emails, false statments and lies that you post hiding your own idenity.
This show the type of agency you run. If you can't compete honestly you should get out of the business.
Junior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: 10-09-2004 Location:
posted on 10-09-2004 at 07:09 |
You forgot to mention that you are working with khersonbrides and getmarriednow.com both competor agencies in kherson.
As far your your below comment. I spoke to John Rayle and he is quite mad that tommy use his name and his son's in this email. He had told tommy that he would not be involved is these statements.
I understand that their is a group of agencies in kherson who don't want me open. But I'm sorry that you don't like my low prices, great apartment and honest service but you have to get used to it.
Junior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: 10-09-2004 Location:
posted on 10-28-2004 at 04:51 |
getmarriednow.com and khersonbrides.com scam agencies
I wanted to add these two agencies to the list of agencies to avoid.
I host a site www.honestmarriageagencies.com that has posted complaints about these sites. Because I have complaints about these agencies they have created 27 fales sites and additional posting to attack my agency.
If you are considering using they can also help you with lotto numbers, black magic spells and just about every other internet scam business.
See www.khersonbrides.net and www.getmarriednow.net for more details.
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-05-2004 at 05:20 |
How manager KhersonGirls Making threats to American Citizens..
How manager KhersonGirls Making threats to American Citizens..
Hardly realistic Kevin. You might convince yourself that you have the ability to tell me who to talk to and what I can voice as my opinion, but it is a fantasy. I correspond with people via the internet all the time and have no control how my emails might be edited and transmitted to third parties. Further, I doubt there are "16 websites" featuring my old emails. And besides, how can you know what I might have told anyone?
I really do believe that your wife was once in the escort business. So what? It is your business and only my opinion. I was there too and met some very interesting girls. Don't you recall telling me that you had a few hookers in your agency? As I recall it, you said that you wanted to help them get out of the life of being prostitutes. Life is different over there - I don't judge the girls for doing what it takes to live. So in the end, I think that while you were in Ukraine, you found a hot little hooker and brought her home. Now that you have her knocked up, you want her to be respectable and are in denial. Just calling them how I see them.
I have formed my opinion based on knowing you and your spouse for a couple years now. I also have an idea what life is like in the Former Soviet Union.
Spare me the denials regarding Yana's letter This is your agency manager, using the company email, to send a threatening letter to an ex-client. Since this is your business, I can only assume that you knew about it and allowed it to be sent.
I don't know why you keep keeping this conflict alive with me, if you would just shut up and leave me alone, I would likely drop the matter.
By the way, I see that Russian Women's List has again proven you a lair. This time it is regarding your membership in the Angelica Network.... Amazing how you keep getting tagged with this label. Are we all just making it up or is it true?
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:51 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: George Ranalli
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
It is very simply why you got this letter from Yana. She has seen your email's on the internet. Your email that you sent to John Briar now exist on over 16 web sites. Your comment calling Yana daughter a prostitute and whore got the same response if someone had said the same thing about your wife or daughter.
You were warned by me and quite aware that any email you sent to Mr Briar would end up being posted on the internet. Yet you continue to send email and make false comment that you are now calling your opinion.
In fact this email was again sent to Mr. Briar and a new email address Zarecki1@aol.com I expect it to show up on the internet within 24hrs. You will be explaining to a judge why you sent these email to Mr. Briar.
It was no my agency sending you the email but a Mother responding to comment about her daughter.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Cc: Zarecki1@aol.com ; John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:01 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Kevin Hayes -
I don't quite understand your attempt at English, but let me reply to what I think you might be trying to say....
I have never given anyone permission to post my private correspondence and have no control over what happens to my letters after they are delivered.
Further - In said correspondence, I've merely said what I believe to be factual and expressed my opinion.
Perhaps you should spend your efforts trying to determine why your mother-in-law and Agency Manager is making threats to ex-clients. I'll be sending
certified copies of this email and a complaint letter along to the various governmental agencies. This email from Yana Alexandrovna is very telling and shows
what type of operation you actually are running. Just imagine - your own Agency Manager is sending threatening emails to an ex-client - merely because she doesn't agree with my opinion.
And you represent yourself and your business as being reputable and honest. You are a sorry joke.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 10:35 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
Mr briar sent me a copy of your email. I have included it with the documents being prepared at this time. I was not aware that Yana was going to send this letter to you. But you must understand by giving Mr briar and his associates permission to post your email have gotten back to Yana.
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: ladies@khersongirls.com
Cc: John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Yana -
Making threats to American Citizens is a very serious issue and will not enhance your chances of obtaining a visa to the United States. Unlike Ukraine, in the US- one can't just bribe the police and contine to do what they desire. I will of course send this corresponce to the proper authorities and ask for an investigation to be started.
I also note that this email from you is consistent with the type of treatment I have come to expect from the Kherson Girls Marriage Agency.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: ladies@khersongirls.com [mailto:ladies@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:50 AM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Kherson Girls
When I was looking for wife for you I thought that you are a good person. I really wanted to help you. And I think I did it. And you found a wife from my agency.
Now I don't know why you got quarreled with you Kevin and direct your hatred to my daughter and her future child. I'm a very strong person and didn't want to interfere in it for a long time hoping that you will make up.
You are a future father and you will have children. Understand me in a right way . I ask you to leave my daughter and Kevin in peace. As for agency Kevin doesn't need it. I could hardly persuade him not to close it, because I have life purpose and predestination -to help people. I can help girls and men to find each other. All that is done at the agency is my work, not Kevin's. The chief of the agency is me, not Kevin. And nothing is done without my permission. If you go on to outrage me , I will act in another way.
I don't threaten you, but you have to know if you don't stop I will stop you at the point where you are now and forever. If you write one more letter to Kevin or at the webside about my children you will know my power and what is”mother's love”
You should not answer.
Yana Alexandrovna.
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Read more about(www.KhersonGirls.com) Kevin Hayes's "HONESTY":
Complaints#1, Complaints#2, Complaints#3, Complaints#4,
Complaints#5, Complaints#6, Complaints#7, Complaints#8
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-05-2004 at 05:26 |
Exploiters of Children: Who Is Kevin Hayes and Lana Hayes(KhersonGirls.com)?
Exploiters of Children: Who Is Kevin Hayes and Lana Hayes(KhersonGirls.com)?
----- Original Message -----
From: Steven Palenko
To: office@khersongirls.com
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com ; RussianScam@aol.com ; alexzyuzyukin@list.ru ; info@khersonpearls.com ; help@getmarriednow.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 9:04 AM
Subject: Exploiters of Children
Kevin and Lana,
There are 2 types of people:
First are the ones who use Street Children to enhance their business and
Second people who use their business to enhance Street Children.
You and Lana are prime examples of the first. You are using the Street Children to enhance your business. Your site is a testament to your capitalist use of charities for personal and business gain. Look at your own site:
Who Is Kevin and Lana?
I could not find one photo that was not self indulgent. I could not find one link to a favorite charity. I could not find one photo of either you or Lana doing anything that resembled anything close to helping Street Children. Don't bother trying to update your site, I have copied you entire site date coded 9/11/04, 3 links deep took a while even with broadband. I will save it as proof.
If you would have spent 10% of the time or money exhibited on your personal web site, the Street Children wouldn t be worrying about medicine, clean clothes, food or diapers. I found the photo of you with the $2.00 bag of cookies at the orphanage sickening! You and Lana should be ashamed of your lack of support and exploitation of the Street Children.
Steven Palenko
ps cc sent to all of those listed from the pages I initially asked you about.
Junior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: 10-09-2004 Location:
posted on 11-05-2004 at 06:13 |
alex (employee of khersonbrides/getmarriednow
I want to show the reader just what type of agency you run. The email above are false and you continue to post them even after Tommy Graff and Steve ask you too stop using there names on your scam sites.
This is why people no longer use your agencies, because you provide fake services. You even attack the support we provide to the children sheltors in kherson. While your agency does nothing but scam your clients. see www.khersongirls.com/children
Here is another email you forgot to post.
From: Steven Palenko
To: Kherson Office
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com ; RussianScam@aol.com ; alexzyuzyukin@list.ru ; info@khersonpearls.com ; help@getmarriednow.com
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 7:34 PM
Subject: RE: Kevin Hays, Lana Hayes and Kherson Girls business.
RE: Kevin Hays, Lana Hayes and Kherson Girls business.
I Steven Palenko apologize for my derogatory remarks to the above listed persons and business regarding their charity work. My remarks were made in haste with out proper investigation. My initial questions were not answered, rather I was directed to figure it out for myself by the following statement and questions.
Read the sties again and ask yourself two questions.
1. Why does the owner of these sites hide themselves.
2. What evidence is shown on these sites.
Evidence has now been offered and accepted by me to support their efforts for helping local charities.
I have found that no only does khersongirls help out the children in kherson but they donate there time for free. I plan to use there agency in the future.
Steven Palenko
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:19 AM
Subject: just from me to you
I hope you enjoy my letter being posted on the web site. I am doing this because I enjoy it. I never gave permission for my private emails to be posted. These were private email between us and John Briar. You will never be able to prove any of my lies If you want to pay me $2000.00 I will consider asking getmarriednow to remove them. If you do not want to pay me I will have John post them on every site.
Tommy G.
So alex keep posting your lies and hiding behind false sites and names. I will keep posting the truth and your site info.
Kevin Hayes
(352) 266-8155. (A real name and phone number)
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-05-2004 at 09:06 |
The agency GetMarriedNow.com and KhersonBrides.com are attacked now by khersongirls (Kevin Hayes). K
!!!GetMarriedNow.com agency is under attack from a site khersongirls.com(Kevin Hayes)!!!
Dear Visitor!
The agency GetMarriedNow.com and KhersonBrides.com are attacked now by khersongirls (Kevin Hayes). Kevin Hayes opened several FALSE and SPAM sites ILLEGALLY using registered names of GetMarridNow® and KhersonBrides®: (khersonbrides.net; getmarriednow.net; honestmarriageagencies.com; honestmarriageagencies.net). The information in these illegal sites have nothing in common with the activities of GetMarridNow.com and KhersonBrides.com.
We reserve the right to show the information about khersongrils and Kevin Hayes.
We recommend NOT using the service of khersongirls as this business is based only on getting money from the trusting clients.
The following questions were asked of Kevin Hayes (www.khersongirls.com) several times. Each time he refused to answer. We can only assume he is not answering because the truth is not something he wants to confront.
1) Were your offices investigated in Kherson for pirated software? Yes or No
2) Did you pay a fine/bribe or $ to get out of having the equipment confiscated? Yes or No
3) In June of 2004 did your KhersonGirls.com site offer a package for $8,500 on the site? Yes or No
4) Did your site, as recently as last week, promote a way to pay for a client fund via Western Union or Pay Pal in direct violation of Ukranian law? Yes or No
5) Did you list over 280 agencies at your site, as recently as June of 2004, that you refered to as "Black Listed" or "Scams"? Yes or No
6) Have you or your business given the local Kherson orphanages more than $500 in cash in 2004? Yes or No
7) Do you own 2 apartments in Kherson? Yes or No
8) Do you report the income those apartments generate to the IRS? Yes or No
9) Did you tell people, and has your wife told people, that you bring in undeclared cash to the U.S. when you return up to $10,000 each? yes or no
10) Does your business operate to earn a profit or not? Yes or No
Read more about(www.KhersonGirls.com) Kevin Hayes's "HONESTY":
This is from Kevin's (www.KhersonGirls.com) site. Basically he is trying to say he can and will say whatever his opinion is, and if it is wrong, if it hurts others or causes damage, injury, etc., tough shit. He actually thinks some useless disclaimer like this can allow him to desecrate anyone he wants with his "opinion". What a load of crap...further evidence he has not lawyer. No lawyer in the world would allow this type of logic to dictate how a person posts defamatory info.
Disclaimer: This site is based on my opinion or opinion of others. Although we try to ensure that the information on this list from
groups and other list is accurate as possible, we accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by members
resulting from information published on this site.
kevin Hayes was asked why he accepted Western Union payments, which is a violation of Ukrainian law. Kevin claims his company is a Ukrainian corporation. He wrote back:
kevin@khersongirls.com writes: We do not accept Western Union for payment.
We then found this language stating he accepts Paypal and Western Union on his website and sent it to him:
From www.KhersonGirls.com site:
Client fund refund. 2 percent plus $5.00 if you used paypal.com Western Union plus $5.00 if you used Western Union. No charge if you paid by cash in office.
We wrote to him asking him to explain this text from his site since he had said he did not accept Western Union as payment.
In a message dated 8/20/04 4:54 pm, kevin@khersongirls.com writes:
Western union are picked up in Florida by my office. Not in Ukraine. Good try.
Then Kevin writes the following when he is told we are going to ask the IRS into his operation:
kevin@khersongirls.com writes: Plus you won't find any western unions in my name because nobody sent any.
So, here is a direct example of Kevin being caught lying. First he says he does not accept Western Union. Then when confronted with the fact that his site says he does he says the payments are picked up by his Florida office. Then he says he never picks up any payments in his name. So what is the real story?
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-05-2004 at 09:39 |
Hello, I was a client of Kevin Hayes(khersongirls.com)
Hello, I was a client of Kevin Hayes, (khersongirls.com)having traveled to Kherson and met a number of nice girls via his agency. I was very fortunate to find my fiancee there with the help of a good interpreter. So, my success in Kherson was quite good. Unfortunately, I have to say that it was largely in spite of Kevin. I've know Kevin and Lana for about 3 years now. At the beginning of our association I was living in Florida and met with them several times. On a personal basis, I concluded that Kevin is a pathological liar. His endless stories just were not consistent and constantly were changing. But I did decide to go to Kherson and give it a try. For 3 weeks there I paid them about $2000. This included apartment and translation services. As I posted previously in RWL, I had a lot of problems with Kevin and how he handled issues I had with his office staff. Overall, I would never recommend Kevin as a viable resource — his is just too flakey and willing to work in his own best interest, regardless of what the client might wish.
To answer your specific comments:
Kevin does own 2 apartments in Kherson. Both are remodeled and western style. He has formulated his pricing structure to entire clients to rent these apartments. I also believe that the office in Kherson has been instructed to give preferential treatment to those clients staying in the KG apartments. Kevin also has agreements with several privately owned apartments which he offers to his clients. I also know that he received a kickback on clients he refers to the Hotel Frugat? in Kherson.
Kevin's stories about being wealthy are not true. His life story is basically this. He is from a family in north central Florida that is in the business of buying, renovating and selling houses to families that can't qualify for a normal loan. So Kevin's family sells them an over valued house and carried the financing. Kevin went into the military and was in it for 8 years as an enlisted man, serving most of his time at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. When he parted with the military, he and 3 other partners opened a small internet service provider in Ocala, Florida. This operated for a few years and was ultimately bought out by a larger ISP. I am not sure of the exact amount he received from his share of the business, but I estimate it to be around $350,000 — capital gains tax had to be paid on this amount, reducing what Kevin really got by 20% or so. With this money, he bought 4 houses in the Ocala area, renovated them and sold them with a contract for deed. Basically the monthly payments on these houses are what Kevin lives on. His personal residence is financed with a 97% Veteran's Administration loan.
I have the belief he has his operations in Kherson financed by a backer of some type. I don't know the details here, but he did approach me about investing with him. Regardless of the financing, Kherson Girls is a business that Kevin has every intention of turning a profit. This nonsense about just doing it for a hobby is just another example of the endless lies he spins.
Being an Engineer, I ran the numbers on Kevin's business in Kherson. Assuming a conservative number of guys going there, his business is already profitable. He has bragged to me before about both he and his wife Lana carrying $10,000 in cash with them every time they return from Kherson. I honestly believe he collects the funds there and brings them back into the US as undeclared income. There is certainly some angle he is working in having businesses in the two countries.
His claims of support of the local orphanages are untrue. I believe they give clothes and food to a small number (about of the street kids that hang out around the office. The website has some pics of a bunch of street kids — we all know that there are many street children in Kherson. It is very easy to give them a little money or food and get them to pose for some publicity photos.
The rumor that the office was raided by local police because of illegal software copies is true. I recall Kevin saying that he paid a police official a bribe of $2000 to get the computers back. Lana confirmed it indepently in a casual conversation.
By the way — of the two, Lana is the more intelligent one. I really have my doubts that she is planning to be with Kevin forever. Only time will tell…
Ahh — another thought for you. The office girls will readily say he is a tyrant to work for. They have enormous turnover there and his employees will privately admit they are afraid of him. I got to know some of the office girls and felt sorry for them.
This is about all that comes to mind. Drop me a note if you have more questions.
Tommy Graff
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-05-2004 at 09:49 |
Hello, I was a client of Kevin Hayes(khersonGirls.com)
Hello, I was a client of Kevin Hayes(khersonGirls.com), having traveled to Kherson and met a number of nice girls via his agency. I was very fortunate to find my fiancee there with the help of a good interpreter. So, my success in Kherson was quite good. Unfortunately, I have to say that it was largely in spite of Kevin. I've know Kevin and Lana for about 3 years now. At the beginning of our association I was living in Florida and met with them several times. On a personal basis, I concluded that Kevin is a pathological liar. His endless stories just were not consistent and constantly were changing. But I did decide to go to Kherson and give it a try. For 3 weeks there I paid them about $2000. This included apartment and translation services. As I posted previously in RWL, I had a lot of problems with Kevin and how he handled issues I had with his office staff. Overall, I would never recommend Kevin as a viable resource — his is just too flakey and willing to work in his own best interest, regardless of what the client might wish.
To answer your specific comments:
Kevin does own 2 apartments in Kherson. Both are remodeled and western style. He has formulated his pricing structure to entire clients to rent these apartments. I also believe that the office in Kherson has been instructed to give preferential treatment to those clients staying in the KG apartments. Kevin also has agreements with several privately owned apartments which he offers to his clients. I also know that he received a kickback on clients he refers to the Hotel Frugat? in Kherson.
Kevin's stories about being wealthy are not true. His life story is basically this. He is from a family in north central Florida that is in the business of buying, renovating and selling houses to families that can't qualify for a normal loan. So Kevin's family sells them an over valued house and carried the financing. Kevin went into the military and was in it for 8 years as an enlisted man, serving most of his time at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. When he parted with the military, he and 3 other partners opened a small internet service provider in Ocala, Florida. This operated for a few years and was ultimately bought out by a larger ISP. I am not sure of the exact amount he received from his share of the business, but I estimate it to be around $350,000 — capital gains tax had to be paid on this amount, reducing what Kevin really got by 20% or so. With this money, he bought 4 houses in the Ocala area, renovated them and sold them with a contract for deed. Basically the monthly payments on these houses are what Kevin lives on. His personal residence is financed with a 97% Veteran's Administration loan.
I have the belief he has his operations in Kherson financed by a backer of some type. I don't know the details here, but he did approach me about investing with him. Regardless of the financing, Kherson Girls is a business that Kevin has every intention of turning a profit. This nonsense about just doing it for a hobby is just another example of the endless lies he spins.
Being an Engineer, I ran the numbers on Kevin's business in Kherson. Assuming a conservative number of guys going there, his business is already profitable. He has bragged to me before about both he and his wife Lana carrying $10,000 in cash with them every time they return from Kherson. I honestly believe he collects the funds there and brings them back into the US as undeclared income. There is certainly some angle he is working in having businesses in the two countries.
His claims of support of the local orphanages are untrue. I believe they give clothes and food to a small number (about of the street kids that hang out around the office. The website has some pics of a bunch of street kids — we all know that there are many street children in Kherson. It is very easy to give them a little money or food and get them to pose for some publicity photos.
The rumor that the office was raided by local police because of illegal software copies is true. I recall Kevin saying that he paid a police official a bribe of $2000 to get the computers back. Lana confirmed it indepently in a casual conversation.
By the way — of the two, Lana is the more intelligent one. I really have my doubts that she is planning to be with Kevin forever. Only time will tell…
Ahh — another thought for you. The office girls will readily say he is a tyrant to work for. They have enormous turnover there and his employees will privately admit they are afraid of him. I got to know some of the office girls and felt sorry for them.
This is about all that comes to mind. Drop me a note if you have more questions.
Tommy Graff
Junior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: 10-09-2004 Location:
posted on 11-05-2004 at 15:10 |
khersonbrides continue to scams
You continue to post Tommy emails even after he admitted to everyone that they are not true.
The only thing you are showing is how desperate the situation has become for you company in kherson.
I was told today that the Kherson Police have your agency under investigation for tax fraud. Operating without a license and fraud. If you can't run a honest company you need to get out of the business.
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:19 AM
Subject: just from me to you
I hope you enjoy my letter being posted on the web site. I am doing this because I enjoy it. I never gave permission for my private emails to be posted. These were private email between us and John Briar. You will never be able to prove any of my lies If you want to pay me $2000.00 I will consider asking getmarriednow to remove them. If you do not want to pay me I will have John post them on every site.
Tommy G.
So alex keep posting your lies and hiding behind false sites and names. I will keep posting the truth and your site info.
Kevin Hayes
(352) 266-8155. (A real name and phone number)
Junior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: 10-09-2004 Location:
posted on 11-05-2004 at 15:23 |
kherson brides scams
You continue to post Tommy emails even after he admitted to everyone that they are not true.
The only thing you are showing is how desperate the situation has become for you company in kherson. This is why khersonbrides.com is loosing client to my office khersongirls.com . It is because of your poor service.
See www.khersonbrides.net and www.getmarriednow.net
I was told today that the Kherson Police have your agency under investigation for tax fraud. Operating without a license and fraud. If you can't run a honest company you need to get out of the business.
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:19 AM
Subject: just from me to you
I hope you enjoy my letter being posted on the web site. I am doing this because I enjoy it. I never gave permission for my private emails to be posted. These were private email between us and John Briar. You will never be able to prove any of my lies If you want to pay me $2000.00 I will consider asking getmarriednow to remove them. If you do not want to pay me I will have John post them on every site.
Tommy G.
So alex keep posting your lies and hiding behind false sites and names. I will keep posting the truth and your site info.
Kevin Hayes
(352) 266-8155. (A real name and phone number)
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-05-2004 at 22:15 |
We investigates the CORRUPT marriage agency KhersonGirls.com owned by Kevin Hayes.
We investigates the CORRUPT marriage agency KhersonGirls.com owned by Kevin Hayes.
Reports from kherson state mr. Hayes had his office raided for software piracy. He
then bribed the police to not seize the equipment and not arrest him. If these
reports are true and if someone will engage in criminal conduct, then bribe police,
it seems that this person can not be trusted and certainly can not be deemed to be
honest or trustworthy. We do not put any credence in anything mr. Hayes says. We
contacted mr. Hayes. He refused talk to us. He said he was contacting a lawyer. He
offered no info. Mr Hayes claims to be untouchable by u.s. laws as he registered his
corporation in Ukraine. He claims to pay u.s. taxes on all income he earns and this
has yet to be verified. If you have info on mr. Hayes and his business contact us.
He posts his name, photo,personal website, and cell phone number, and participates
in chat groups. In our opinion he is a limited public figure. This is our opinion -
feel free to form your own. He is relentlessly attacking and defaming
getmarriednow.com, an agency competing with mr. Hayes and refusing to give into his
demands.We investigated a service run by Kevin Hayes at www KhersonGirls com and
many SPAM sites:
www HonestMarriageAgencies com
www khersonwomen com
www khersongirls com
www khersonladies com
www khersonapartments com
www kherson com
www russianwomens com
www ukrainewomen net
www ukrainewomen info
www honestmarriageagency com
www honestmarriageagency net
www ukrainewomenagency com
www ukrainewomenagency net
www honestmarriageagencies com
www honestmarriageagencies net
www khersongirls com
www odessamarriageagency com
www kievmarriageagency com
www angelsinkherson com
www giftstogo com
Mr. Hayes states he made money and retired at 34, and that making money is not the
focus of his agency. Mr. Hayes spends a lot of time referring to other agencies as
scams. He offers no real back up or rebutal service. He says it is his personal
opinion. He claims he is not interested in making money from his business and works
as a volunteer. He charges up to $8,500 each for his services. It seems strange that
he says he does not care about making money - yet charges up to $8,500 for his
services. We found him to be dishonest. He is in this business to make money. We are
sure of that. He also goes way out of his way to defame other sites or services. He
claims one of his goals is to help the street children of Kherson but we have been
told he does next to nothing for these children in terms of real donations.
Why does he makes such an effort to defame competing agencies...and steer men
towards agencies he has partnered with or owns? Why does he claim to be retired and
not be interested in making money, yet charge up to $8,500 for his services(one of
the highest prices of any marriage service online)?
We get suspicious when he says so many bad things about others, offering little or
no back up, rebuttal, or explanation. He refuses to remove agencies he defames that
prove they are not scams and claims to be protected by the laws of the Ukraine. He
says he pays U.S. taxes on all income earned in the Ukraine - but his domains are
registered to him personally, not to any registered company. We find no record of
his supposed U.S. company KGI International.
Reports have surfaced that his computers were siezed for using pirated software,
that police were bribed as a result, and that he owns two apartments in Kherson that
he tries to get men to rent from him to meet the ladies. We have been told he is
100% doing this for the money.
It is our conclusion Kevin Hayes is not being honest about a lot of things he says.
He is also under investigation for organizing spam attacks on competing agencies and
registering domain names of competing agencies in order to depict them as scams and
steal their traffic. We have been told a law suit is on the horizon against Mr.
Hayes. Our conclusion is that anyone who can engage in software piracy, bribes, and
lie about their desire to make money and act the way he has does not deserve to be
in business. We caution all men to avoid this agency at all costs. This is our
opinion. Feel free to check the facts before forming yours.
Contact us with any info.
FALSE Khersongirls.com marriage agency in kherson ukraine.
Why did I have to create a site about this agency.
For starters this is the worst type of web site any agency should ever have to
create. A site that explain why another competitor shouldn't be allow to keep it
office doors open. For those who are not aware of who I am my name is Real Kevin
Hayes and I own a agency in kherson called www.khersongirls.org,
www.khersongirls.info and a site www.khersongirls.us . The purpose of my agency
was to create a honest marriage agency without a desire for high profits and a
purpose of just helping out others who seek a wife like I did. What I did was
created something that some of the local agencies did not like. Lower rates, fair
service and honest ladies. This has cause some problems in the profits of such
agencies and a desire to attack my agency..
My first encounter with the agency Khersongirls.com was about a year ago. One of
their clients by the name of Tony contacted me about his lady Nadia who was listed
in my agency as available. He was happy to inform me that they had become engaged
and ask If I would remove her from our agency. Which I did per our policy. He also
ask if I would be kind enough to contact the local manager (FALSE Kevin Hayes ) who
had introduce the two of them to remove Nadia profile from their site. A strange
request but I didn't mind doing it. My response back from Helen the manager was
very simple. Engaged ladies are not remove from the site because of the fact that
some men may call of the engagements and the lady should have other options. It took
Tony, Nadia and 12 years of email-bombs to finally get her remove off. Today Tony
and Nadia are married in America.
Jump to current situation. FALSE Khersongirls.com s is a agent/business
partner/associate of the network run by the agency Khersonwomen.com (KW) . As noted
in the site www.khersongirls.us this agency has a few complaints posted by their
clients. Shortly after posting these complaints. New web sites started to show up
with no owners name being identified and false statements being published. The only
factor common in these sites were parts of private emails that I had sent to the
owner of KW. It became apparent that someone had created these sites and was hiding
their identification. I started to monitor these sites, board posting and noticed
that the poster on the internet were quite often writing false statement on Russian
language boards. This gave me the insight the who ever was posting some of these
site spoke Russian.
Within a short time frame I notice that spam, false email posting and site
management was coming from kherson that included private email context between
myself and the owner of KW. A simple conclusion was made that whoever was behind
these sites also have access to the web site Khersongirls.com since the same text
was now showing up on this site.
Today the site FALSE Khersongirls.com has become so bold as to include false
statement on their own home page such as personal attacks on my wife, family, office
and staff. No longer hiding the fact that this is illegal and morally wrong. They
have also refused to remove such comment from the email owners when they learned
that they had been lie too and wanted to correct there statements.
A simple check on the internet today and you will see a dozen's such sites. I have
112233 1/2 sites on record not including their sub pages. Each of these site hide
the owner identification and include modified emails txt. False emails, false
statements and just about every dirty comment that can be made. Some of the comment
are just plainly cruel against my family.
In order to justify any complaint the owner of a site should as a min provide the
following items. 1/2. identify the owner of the site. 2/3. Identify the complainant.
3/4. provide documentation of the evidence and 4/5. Provide a valid contact
information. You will notice that none of the false sites provide this type of
verification. Simply reason is the information is false and they owner do not want
to be identified.
For the record my agency has only one client ever post a complaint and he is getting
married to a lady from our agency and if this is the worst that we can do. I am
proud that even our single complainant we manage to find a wife for. Not that he
has anything to complain about.
In conclusion I wish to provide my direct email account kevinhayes@mail.ru feel free
to contact me to clarify any statement you find about myself, my family, my agency
and my staff. also I would like to show a few complaint that I have received about
FALSE Khersongirls.com including supporting documentation.
Again for the record please be aware that Khersongirls.com isn't recommend by me as
an agency you should use and don't be surprise if you can't find the owner name and
address on his site. He doesn't want you to know who he is or where his office is
located. But you won't have any problems finding out how to pay him.
I hope this hasn't detour you ideals of finding a wonder lady in kherson Ukraine.
But gave you some insights on the problems and ethics of one of the agencies that
isn't reflected in the ladies.
As always please contact me if you have any questions.
Real Kevin Hayes
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-05-2004 at 22:25 |
FALSE Khersongirls.com marriage agency in kherson ukraine.
FALSE Khersongirls.com marriage agency in kherson ukraine.
Why did I have to create a site about this agency.
For starters this is the worst type of web site any agency should ever have to
create. A site that explain why another competitor shouldn't be allow to keep it
office doors open. For those who are not aware of who I am my name is Real Kevin
Hayes and I own a agency in kherson called www.khersongirls.org,
www.khersongirls.info and a site www.khersongirls.us . The purpose of my agency
was to create a honest marriage agency without a desire for high profits and a
purpose of just helping out others who seek a wife like I did. What I did was
created something that some of the local agencies did not like. Lower rates, fair
service and honest ladies. This has cause some problems in the profits of such
agencies and a desire to attack my agency..
My first encounter with the agency Khersongirls.com was about a year ago. One of
their clients by the name of Tony contacted me about his lady Nadia who was listed
in my agency as available. He was happy to inform me that they had become engaged
and ask If I would remove her from our agency. Which I did per our policy. He also
ask if I would be kind enough to contact the local manager (FALSE Kevin Hayes ) who
had introduce the two of them to remove Nadia profile from their site. A strange
request but I didn't mind doing it. My response back from Helen the manager was
very simple. Engaged ladies are not remove from the site because of the fact that
some men may call of the engagements and the lady should have other options. It took
Tony, Nadia and 12 years of email-bombs to finally get her remove off. Today Tony
and Nadia are married in America.
Jump to current situation. FALSE Khersongirls.com s is a agent/business
partner/associate of the network run by the agency Khersonwomen.com (KW) . As noted
in the site www.khersongirls.us this agency has a few complaints posted by their
clients. Shortly after posting these complaints. New web sites started to show up
with no owners name being identified and false statements being published. The only
factor common in these sites were parts of private emails that I had sent to the
owner of KW. It became apparent that someone had created these sites and was hiding
their identification. I started to monitor these sites, board posting and noticed
that the poster on the internet were quite often writing false statement on Russian
language boards. This gave me the insight the who ever was posting some of these
site spoke Russian.
Within a short time frame I notice that spam, false email posting and site
management was coming from kherson that included private email context between
myself and the owner of KW. A simple conclusion was made that whoever was behind
these sites also have access to the web site Khersongirls.com since the same text
was now showing up on this site.
Today the site FALSE Khersongirls.com has become so bold as to include false
statement on their own home page such as personal attacks on my wife, family, office
and staff. No longer hiding the fact that this is illegal and morally wrong. They
have also refused to remove such comment from the email owners when they learned
that they had been lie too and wanted to correct there statements.
A simple check on the internet today and you will see a dozen's such sites. I have
112233 1/2 sites on record not including their sub pages. Each of these site hide
the owner identification and include modified emails txt. False emails, false
statements and just about every dirty comment that can be made. Some of the comment
are just plainly cruel against my family.
In order to justify any complaint the owner of a site should as a min provide the
following items. 1/2. identify the owner of the site. 2/3. Identify the complainant.
3/4. provide documentation of the evidence and 4/5. Provide a valid contact
information. You will notice that none of the false sites provide this type of
verification. Simply reason is the information is false and they owner do not want
to be identified.
For the record my agency has only one client ever post a complaint and he is getting
married to a lady from our agency and if this is the worst that we can do. I am
proud that even our single complainant we manage to find a wife for. Not that he
has anything to complain about.
In conclusion I wish to provide my direct email account kevinhayes@mail.ru feel free
to contact me to clarify any statement you find about myself, my family, my agency
and my staff. also I would like to show a few complaint that I have received about
FALSE Khersongirls.com including supporting documentation.
Again for the record please be aware that Khersongirls.com isn't recommend by me as
an agency you should use and don't be surprise if you can't find the owner name and
address on his site. He doesn't want you to know who he is or where his office is
located. But you won't have any problems finding out how to pay him.
I hope this hasn't detour you ideals of finding a wonder lady in kherson Ukraine.
But gave you some insights on the problems and ethics of one of the agencies that
isn't reflected in the ladies.
As always please contact me if you have any questions.
Real Kevin Hayes
Junior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: 10-09-2004 Location:
posted on 11-06-2004 at 00:21 |
another false site from khersonbrides.com
showing off your false site pretending to be me is just another low trick and shows your real charactor. Creating a Russian email address isn't a smart way of doing it either.
This is what I call a cowards site. Someone who pretends to be someone else.
Junior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: 10-09-2004 Location:
posted on 11-06-2004 at 00:27 |
khersonbrides false sites
another false site from khersonbrides.com
showing off your false site pretending to be me is just another low trick and shows your real charactor. Creating a Russian email address isn't a smart way of doing it either.
This is what I call a cowards site. Someone who pretends to be someone else.
Kevin Hayes
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-06-2004 at 04:36 |
We investigates the CORRUPT marriage agency KhersonGirls.com owned by Kevin Hayes.
We investigates the CORRUPT marriage agency KhersonGirls.com owned by Kevin Hayes.
Reports from kherson state mr. Hayes had his office raided for software piracy. He then bribed the police to not seize the equipment and not arrest him. If these reports are true and if someone will engage in criminal conduct, then bribe police, it seems that this person can not be trusted and certainly can not be deemed to be honest or trustworthy. We do not put any credence in anything mr. Hayes says. We contacted mr. Hayes. He refused talk to us. He said he was contacting a lawyer. He offered no info. Mr Hayes claims to be untouchable by u.s. laws as he registered his corporation in Ukraine. He claims to pay u.s. taxes on all income he earns and this has yet to be verified. If you have info on mr. Hayes and his business contact us. He posts his name, photo,personal website, and cell phone number, and participates in chat groups. In our opinion he is a limited public figure. This is our opinion - feel free to form your own. He is relentlessly attacking and defaming getmarriednow.com, an agency competing with mr. Hayes and refusing to give into his demands.We investigated a service run by Kevin Hayes at www KhersonGirls com and many SPAM sites:
www HonestMarriageAgencies com
www khersonwomen com
www khersongirls com
www khersonladies com
www khersonapartments com
www kherson com
www russianwomens com
www ukrainewomen net
www ukrainewomen info
www honestmarriageagency com
www honestmarriageagency net
www ukrainewomenagency com
www ukrainewomenagency net
www honestmarriageagencies com
www honestmarriageagencies net
www khersongirls com
www odessamarriageagency com
www kievmarriageagency com
www angelsinkherson com
www giftstogo com
Mr. Hayes states he made money and retired at 34, and that making money is not the focus of his agency. Mr. Hayes spends a lot of time referring to other agencies as scams. He offers no real back up or rebutal service. He says it is his personal opinion. He claims he is not interested in making money from his business and works as a volunteer. He charges up to $8,500 each for his services. It seems strange that he says he does not care about making money - yet charges up to $8,500 for his services. We found him to be dishonest. He is in this business to make money. We are sure of that. He also goes way out of his way to defame other sites or services. He claims one of his goals is to help the street children of Kherson but we have been told he does next to nothing for these children in terms of real donations.
Why does he makes such an effort to defame competing agencies...and steer men towards agencies he has partnered with or owns? Why does he claim to be retired and not be interested in making money, yet charge up to $8,500 for his services(one of the highest prices of any marriage service online)?
We get suspicious when he says so many bad things about others, offering little or no back up, rebuttal, or explanation. He refuses to remove agencies he defames that prove they are not scams and claims to be protected by the laws of the Ukraine. He says he pays U.S. taxes on all income earned in the Ukraine - but his domains are registered to him personally, not to any registered company. We find no record of his supposed U.S. company KGI International.
Reports have surfaced that his computers were siezed for using pirated software, that police were bribed as a result, and that he owns two apartments in Kherson that he tries to get men to rent from him to meet the ladies. We have been told he is 100% doing this for the money.
It is our conclusion Kevin Hayes is not being honest about a lot of things he says. He is also under investigation for organizing spam attacks on competing agencies and registering domain names of competing agencies in order to depict them as scams and steal their traffic. We have been told a law suit is on the horizon against Mr. Hayes. Our conclusion is that anyone who can engage in software piracy, bribes, and lie about their desire to make money and act the way he has does not deserve to be in business. We caution all men to avoid this agency at all costs. This is our opinion. Feel free to check the facts before forming yours.
Contact us with any info.
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-06-2004 at 04:46 |
ALERT: How manager KhersonGirls.com Making threats to American Citizens..
Hardly realistic Kevin. You might convince yourself that you have the ability to tell me who to talk to and what I can voice as my opinion, but it is a fantasy. I correspond with people via the internet all the time and have no control how my emails might be edited and transmitted to third parties. Further, I doubt there are "16 websites" featuring my old emails. And besides, how can you know what I might have told anyone?
I really do believe that your wife was once in the escort business. So what? It is your business and only my opinion. I was there too and met some very interesting girls. Don't you recall telling me that you had a few hookers in your agency? As I recall it, you said that you wanted to help them get out of the life of being prostitutes. Life is different over there - I don't judge the girls for doing what it takes to live. So in the end, I think that while you were in Ukraine, you found a hot little hooker and brought her home. Now that you have her knocked up, you want her to be respectable and are in denial. Just calling them how I see them.
I have formed my opinion based on knowing you and your spouse for a couple years now. I also have an idea what life is like in the Former Soviet Union.
Spare me the denials regarding Yana's letter This is your agency manager, using the company email, to send a threatening letter to an ex-client. Since this is your business, I can only assume that you knew about it and allowed it to be sent.
I don't know why you keep keeping this conflict alive with me, if you would just shut up and leave me alone, I would likely drop the matter.
By the way, I see that Russian Women's List has again proven you a lair. This time it is regarding your membership in the Angelica Network.... Amazing how you keep getting tagged with this label. Are we all just making it up or is it true?
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:51 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: George Ranalli
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
It is very simply why you got this letter from Yana(Yadviga Moliboga- full name). She has seen your email's on the internet. Your email that you sent to John Briar now exist on over 16 web sites. Your comment calling Yana daughter a prostitute and whore got the same response if someone had said the same thing about your wife or daughter.
You were warned by me and quite aware that any email you sent to Mr Briar would end up being posted on the internet. Yet you continue to send email and make false comment that you are now calling your opinion.
In fact this email was again sent to Mr. Briar and a new email address Zarecki1@aol.com I expect it to show up on the internet within 24hrs. You will be explaining to a judge why you sent these email to Mr. Briar.
It was no my agency sending you the email but a Mother responding to comment about her daughter.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Cc: Zarecki1@aol.com ; John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:01 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Kevin Hayes -
I don't quite understand your attempt at English, but let me reply to what I think you might be trying to say....
I have never given anyone permission to post my private correspondence and have no control over what happens to my letters after they are delivered.
Further - In said correspondence, I've merely said what I believe to be factual and expressed my opinion.
Perhaps you should spend your efforts trying to determine why your mother-in-law and Agency Manager is making threats to ex-clients. I'll be sending
certified copies of this email and a complaint letter along to the various governmental agencies. This email from Yana Alexandrovna is very telling and shows
what type of operation you actually are running. Just imagine - your own Agency Manager is sending threatening emails to an ex-client - merely because she doesn't agree with my opinion.
And you represent yourself and your business as being reputable and honest. You are a sorry joke.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 10:35 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
Mr briar sent me a copy of your email. I have included it with the documents being prepared at this time. I was not aware that Yana was going to send this letter to you. But you must understand by giving Mr briar and his associates permission to post your email have gotten back to Yana.
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: ladies@khersongirls.com
Cc: John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Yana -
Making threats to American Citizens is a very serious issue and will not enhance your chances of obtaining a visa to the United States. Unlike Ukraine, in the US- one can't just bribe the police and contine to do what they desire. I will of course send this corresponce to the proper authorities and ask for an investigation to be started.
I also note that this email from you is consistent with the type of treatment I have come to expect from the Kherson Girls Marriage Agency.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: ladies@khersongirls.com [mailto:ladies@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:50 AM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Kherson Girls
When I was looking for wife for you I thought that you are a good person. I really wanted to help you. And I think I did it. And you found a wife from my agency.
Now I don't know why you got quarreled with you Kevin and direct your hatred to my daughter and her future child. I'm a very strong person and didn't want to interfere in it for a long time hoping that you will make up.
You are a future father and you will have children. Understand me in a right way . I ask you to leave my daughter and Kevin in peace. As for agency Kevin doesn't need it. I could hardly persuade him not to close it, because I have life purpose and predestination -to help people. I can help girls and men to find each other. All that is done at the agency is my work, not Kevin's. The chief of the agency is me, not Kevin. And nothing is done without my permission. If you go on to outrage me , I will act in another way.
I don't threaten you, but you have to know if you don't stop I will stop you at the point where you are now and forever. If you write one more letter to Kevin or at the webside about my children you will know my power and what is”mother's love”
You should not answer.
Yana Alexandrovna. (Yadviga Moliboga- full name)
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.772 / Virus Database: 519 - Release Date: 01.10.2004
Read more about(www.KhersonGirls.com) Kevin Hayes's "HONESTY":
Complaints#1, Complaints#2, Complaints#3, Complaints#4,
Complaints#5, Complaints#6, Complaints#7, Complaints#8
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-09-2004 at 05:12 |
KHERSONGIRLS.com(owned by kEVIN hAYES) SCAM FOR 100% ?!?!!!!!!!!!!!
KHERSONGIRLS.com(owned by kEVIN hAYES) SCAM FOR 100% ?!?!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello ,
Finally someone decided to find out everything about this cheater. It
seemed that there is nothing to do with him, but we hope that your
investigation will help to show who he is. All the facts which are
written at this site are true, because the 99% of his services is lie,
and just 1% are real services which mostly are the renting of
apartments. And that he claims that it is not a business for him this
is his only business he does nothing except this. he really has the
most expensive services and client pays for every step even to take
him to hospital if he feels bad. And all this mud which he says about
other agencies is just dirty the removing of the other agencies and to
focus the attention at his own one. Nobody of his clients received the
real service, a lot of his ex-clients contacted us and they paid a lot
of money and received nothing. Also we deal with many girls from his
agency, whom he forced to sign the documents for the fiance visa with
the men whom they didn't like. He takes the money from the client for
the preparing the documents, just for the girl to live, for the girl's
English lessons. He says that he does it for the client to be happy
and satisfied, after he can refuse to do this services, but the client
went home quite happy. Finally he takes the money from the girl and
the gifts which the man gave her and if she doesn't want to give it
to him he puts her as a scam. Really he pays in Ukraine the minimal
taxes, and in USA he doesn't pay anything as it is the Ukrainian
agency. He lies about his help to the street children and if he did
something it was the tiny thing not more than a 10$ for two years.
His main statement is that he is an American and everybody have to
believe him, but actually the only true is that he is really an
American, but he lies about the other things.
We support you in this investigation we think that it will help whom
Kevin Hayes really is. If you'll need some more information we are
always glad to help you. And then he put us at the scam site, saying
that we are the bad agency as we sent him the viruses or false e-mail's
it is just ridiculous because everyday everybody receives plenty viruses.
if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
Igor A. Sayenko
mail: info@khersonpearls.com
web: www.khersonpearls.com
Junior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: 10-09-2004 Location:
posted on 11-10-2004 at 19:52 |
khersonbrides scam site
Alex (oleg)
There was no investigation just a false site you created.
Khersonbrides.com / khersonbrides a marriage agency in kherson ukraine.
Why did I have to create a site about this agency.
For starters this is the worst type of web site any agency should ever have to create. A site that explain why another competitor shouldn't be allow to keep it office doors open. For those who are not aware of who I am my name is Kevin Hayes and I own a agency in kherson called www.Khersongirls.com and a site www.honestmarriageagencies.com . The purpose of my agency was to create a honest marriage agency without a desire for high profits and a purpose of just helping out others who seek a wife like I did. What I did was created something that some of the local agencies did not like. Lower rates, fair service and honest ladies. This has cause some problems in the profits of such agencies and a desire to attack my agency..
My first encounter with the agency khersonbrides was about a year ago. One of their clients by the name of Tony contacted me about his lady Nadia who was listed in my agency as available. He was happy to inform me that they had become engaged and ask If I would remove her from our agency. Which I did per our policy. He also ask if I would be kind enough to contact the local manager Helen who had introduce the two of them to remove Nadia profile from their site. A strange request but I didn't mind doing it. My response back from Helen the manager was very simple. Engaged ladies are not remove from the site because of the fact that some men may call of the engagements and the lady should have other options. It took Tony, Nadia and I 3 1/2 months of emails to finally get her remove. Today Tony and Nadia are married in America.
Jump to current situation. khersonbrides is a agent/business partner/associate of the network run by the agency getmarriednow.com (GMN) . As noted in the site www.honestmarriageagency.com this agency has a few complaints posted by their clients. Shortly after posting these complaints. New web sites started to show up with no owners name being identified and false statements being published. The only factor common in these sites were parts of private emails that I had sent to the owner of GMN. It became apparent that someone had created these sites and was hiding their identification. I started to monitor these sites, board posting and noticed that the poster on the internet were quite often writing false statement on Russian language boards. This gave me the insight the who ever was posting some of these site spoke Russian.
Within a short time frame I notice that spam, false email posting and site management was coming from kherson that included private email context between myself and the owner of GMN. A simple conclusion was made that whoever was behind these sites also have access to the web site khersonbrides.com since the same text was now showing up on this site.
Today the site khersonbrides.com has become so bold as to include false statement on their own home page such as personal attacks on my wife, family, office and staff. No longer hiding the fact that this is illegal and morally wrong. They have also refused to remove such comment from the email owners when they learned that they had been lie too and wanted to correct there statements.
A simple check on the internet today and you will see a dozen's such sites. I have 27 sites on record not including their sub pages. Each of these site hide the owner identification and include modified emails txt. False emails, false statements and just about every dirty comment that can be made. Some of the comment are just plainly cruel against my family.
In order to justify any complaint the owner of a site should as a min provide the following items. 1. identify the owner of the site. 2. Identify the complainant. 3. provide documentation of the evidence and 4. Provide a valid contact information. You will notice that none of the false sites provide this type of verification. Simply reason is the information is false and they owner do not want to be identified.
For the record my agency has only one client who ever posted a complaint anywhere and he is getting married to a lady from our agency and if this is the worst that we can do. I am proud that even our single complainant we manage to find a wife for. Not that he has anything to complain about.
In conclusion I wish to provide my direct email account kevin@khersongirls.com feel free to contact me to clarify any statement you find about myself, my family, my agency and my staff. also I would like to show a few complaint that I have received about khersonbrides.com including supporting documentation.
Again for the record please be aware that khersonbrides isn't recommend by me as an agency you should use and don't be surprise if you can't find the owner name and address on his site. He doesn't want you to know who he is or where his office is located. But you won't have any problems finding out how to pay him.
I hope this hasn't detour you ideals of finding a wonder lady in kherson Ukraine. But gave you some insights on the problems and ethics of one of the agencies that isn't reflected in the ladies.
As always please contact me if you have any questions.
Kevin Hayes
Junior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: 10-09-2004 Location:
posted on 11-10-2004 at 19:57 |
khersonbrides using false emails
Tommy sent you a letters asking you to stop posting his comments. And you continue to post his lies. Just how low can you go.
Khersonbrides.com / khersonbrides a marriage agency in kherson ukraine.
Why did I have to create a site about this agency.
For starters this is the worst type of web site any agency should ever have to create. A site that explain why another competitor shouldn't be allow to keep it office doors open. For those who are not aware of who I am my name is Kevin Hayes and I own a agency in kherson called www.Khersongirls.com and a site www.honestmarriageagencies.com . The purpose of my agency was to create a honest marriage agency without a desire for high profits and a purpose of just helping out others who seek a wife like I did. What I did was created something that some of the local agencies did not like. Lower rates, fair service and honest ladies. This has cause some problems in the profits of such agencies and a desire to attack my agency..
My first encounter with the agency khersonbrides was about a year ago. One of their clients by the name of Tony contacted me about his lady Nadia who was listed in my agency as available. He was happy to inform me that they had become engaged and ask If I would remove her from our agency. Which I did per our policy. He also ask if I would be kind enough to contact the local manager Helen who had introduce the two of them to remove Nadia profile from their site. A strange request but I didn't mind doing it. My response back from Helen the manager was very simple. Engaged ladies are not remove from the site because of the fact that some men may call of the engagements and the lady should have other options. It took Tony, Nadia and I 3 1/2 months of emails to finally get her remove. Today Tony and Nadia are married in America.
Jump to current situation. khersonbrides is a agent/business partner/associate of the network run by the agency getmarriednow.com (GMN) . As noted in the site www.honestmarriageagency.com this agency has a few complaints posted by their clients. Shortly after posting these complaints. New web sites started to show up with no owners name being identified and false statements being published. The only factor common in these sites were parts of private emails that I had sent to the owner of GMN. It became apparent that someone had created these sites and was hiding their identification. I started to monitor these sites, board posting and noticed that the poster on the internet were quite often writing false statement on Russian language boards. This gave me the insight the who ever was posting some of these site spoke Russian.
Within a short time frame I notice that spam, false email posting and site management was coming from kherson that included private email context between myself and the owner of GMN. A simple conclusion was made that whoever was behind these sites also have access to the web site khersonbrides.com since the same text was now showing up on this site.
Today the site khersonbrides.com has become so bold as to include false statement on their own home page such as personal attacks on my wife, family, office and staff. No longer hiding the fact that this is illegal and morally wrong. They have also refused to remove such comment from the email owners when they learned that they had been lie too and wanted to correct there statements.
A simple check on the internet today and you will see a dozen's such sites. I have 27 sites on record not including their sub pages. Each of these site hide the owner identification and include modified emails txt. False emails, false statements and just about every dirty comment that can be made. Some of the comment are just plainly cruel against my family.
In order to justify any complaint the owner of a site should as a min provide the following items. 1. identify the owner of the site. 2. Identify the complainant. 3. provide documentation of the evidence and 4. Provide a valid contact information. You will notice that none of the false sites provide this type of verification. Simply reason is the information is false and they owner do not want to be identified.
For the record my agency has only one client who ever posted a complaint anywhere and he is getting married to a lady from our agency and if this is the worst that we can do. I am proud that even our single complainant we manage to find a wife for. Not that he has anything to complain about.
In conclusion I wish to provide my direct email account kevin@khersongirls.com feel free to contact me to clarify any statement you find about myself, my family, my agency and my staff. also I would like to show a few complaint that I have received about khersonbrides.com including supporting documentation.
Again for the record please be aware that khersonbrides isn't recommend by me as an agency you should use and don't be surprise if you can't find the owner name and address on his site. He doesn't want you to know who he is or where his office is located. But you won't have any problems finding out how to pay him.
I hope this hasn't detour you ideals of finding a wonder lady in kherson Ukraine. But gave you some insights on the problems and ethics of one of the agencies that isn't reflected in the ladies.
As always please contact me if you have any questions.
Kevin Hayes
Junior Member
Posts: 13
Registered: 10-09-2004 Location:
posted on 11-10-2004 at 20:06 |
khersonbrides false statement
Getting another illegal agency in kherson to send you a email then posting it on the internet.
When scam agencies complaine about my agency it acctually makes my day. Because I know being honest has hurt your bussiness.
For the record all of the claims are false. We never take money from the ladies nor do we make them sign any statements.
Just ask our clients. Not our competitors.
Kevin Hayes
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-11-2004 at 15:27 |
How kEVIN hAYES www.KhersonGirls.com Making threats to American Citizens & another agencies…
How kEVIN hAYES www.KhersonGirls.com Making threats to American Citizens & another agencies…
Kevin -
There are over a dozen posts in my Lana's email account, all originating from the actions of you
and your wife. You can twist the truth and claim your wife only sent one letter, yet the two of
you also DID distribute the email address to others. The effect is obviously the same as writing
them yourself. Again - you may think you are getting your points made by wordsmithing little lies
like this, but I GUARANTEE you won't have the opportunity when a 100 pages of interrogatives are
delivered into your hands.
Spare me more of your lies about what what was said between your wife and my fiancee. You
previously said you were not there. Ask yourself which of the two girls has more credibility in
her account of the conversation. Your wife made extremely negative comments about me, referred to
me as a violent and emotionally unstable person and actively tried to discourage the relationship.
Actually - you have made yet another enemy in your efforts - now my fiancee is agitated by this
heartless manipulation by your wife.
One thing you say is true - I have something good in my life - my Lana. I don't want to invest the
time it is going to take to really expose you and your unethical operations. I gave you an out to
write a small check and apologize, but it looks like you are not going to take it. Fair enough.
I'll just continue to make factual statements about you and your operation as it pleases me. I can
likely cost you 100 times more that I offered to settle for in lost business over the next few
years. But I'm a patient guy and what the heck - everyone needs a hobby. As for John - he is just
a concerned friend. I have no control over what he does with correspondence on which I copy him.
You are not just dealing with me - there are a group of well educated and motivated people working
on you - I believe you feel the effects each day when you look at how much time you spend
defending yourself.
As far as your wife being a hooker - I only have the basic facts and can judge her by her actions.
Meeting with my fiancee in an effort to destroy our relationship is certainly something a
heartless whore would do. Looking my fiancee right in the eyes and telling her lies would seem
something a street whore would do. If the shoe fits, then so be it. The story of how you two met
has 3 distinct variations that I am aware of. We have people looking into this matter now - let's
see what develops. I feel it is a better than even money bet that significant evidence will
surface to confirm this suspicion. Only time will tell about it. Again - you have apparently
forgotten your guarantee to have the office in Kherson strictly ignore my fiancee.
You have posted personal emails of mine on RWL and your Yahoo group. You and your wife have also
written letters where your expose confidential information about me and my business in Kherson. I
still have the copies archived. You know - you are really not dealing with amateurs here. The more
you run your mouth, the more you incriminate yourself.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:03 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
Lana only sent 1 email to Svetlana and I have a copy of it on her computer. It was sent on July
14th. No other emails were ever sent to her.
Tommy I am tired of you claiming that my wife was a prostitute. You know this isn't true and I
find it very insulting. I never posted a single copy of any of your letters, but you know that
John posted every one of them on many sites.
As far as apology. I believe we both owe each other one. You said some very mean things about my
wife and me and gave them out to be posted on many sites. Calling my wife a prostitute is as low
as you can get. And I responded to all of the posting. Let call it even and get on with our lifes.
You have a new life and a new wife. Svetlana is a wonderful lady and she is very much in love with
you and told Lana how happy she was to meet you. Lana doesn't understand the attacks and neither
does Svetlana.
You understand that everything you send to John will be posted on the internet So please don't
send him any letters unless you want to continue this.
Let make this the last email about each other. I will check my sites for any comments about you
and remove them.
Lana and I wish you the best of luck.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:42 PM
Subject: RE: Tom Graff
Kevin -
My girlfriend opened her email for the first time since arriving in the US today. Her email is now
changed, don't bother sending any more hate mail to her.
Oddly - after your wife met with my girlfriend, hate email started filling up her email account.
Obviously you sent your wife to get this personal information from my girlfriend and then used it
in an effort to alienate her in our relationship.
I have the copies of these emails archived.
Feel free to file any lawsuit you feel the need to. I will Pro Se your legal bills through the
roof. Also - are you ready to answer the interrogatives that myself and others will present? Under
oath? I'd enjoy getting you to perjure yourself - which would happen as you are a pathological
liar. Also - are you ready for the counter suit claim that will come along with my reply?
Emotional suffering and damages? All the way through to a jury trial?
Naw - you'll just do nothing but lie and deny. It is your fate in life. The trouble with this
methodology is that you have managed to amass a group of people like myself who despise you with a
passion and are not cowed by your empty threats.
A thought came to us today. There are questions in the immigration paperwork asking if the fiancee
was ever involved in prostitution. Did Lana Hayes answer these honestly? I have my doubts - and it
is a pretty easy thing to get an investigation started with.
Tommy Graff
PS - Regarding my email - I wrote a private one regarding my personal opinion about you, your
business practices and associated problems. It has been posted in places have never even heard of,
modified beyond my control as well. I have a new life to start with Lana and you just are not
worth the time to keep posting about. If you are looking for someone to blame - look elsewhere.
If you want me to go away - I'll accept a settlement of $2,000 and an apology. The apology is more
important than the money. Reply in 24 hours. Otherwise - let's just keep going.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 1:52 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
I was not at the meeting with Lana and Svetlana. But I am aware she saw the site
http://www.urod.ru/10.06.2004/1/comments . Lana did not take any letter from the office to show
Tommy you assured me that you would not continue to attack my agency and yet your emails continue
to show up on web sites. I have copy of the email to remind you.
I do not believe you that Svetlana knew the names of the girls you were emailing unless you post
them somewhere on the internet. Svetlana had access to the internet and the above page has many
I will honor any request for refund for any service that was not provided. Please specify which
service you are asking for a refund. Our service was to provide you with a wife and she is now at
your home.
I'd rather drop this subject today then to take it all of the way to court. But you can be assured
that I will.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:51 AM
Subject: RE: Tom Graff
First off, this entire event is causing a strain on a new relationship that is going well. I am
not going to just throw my Lana into the fray after 3 days in the country.
I've spoken to my Lana about the matter. The plain and simple truth is that Lana Hayes called her
on 3 separate occasions before twisting her arm into a face to face meeting. The meeting happened
about 2 weeks before my Lana's departure to the US and lasted about 4 hours. The main topic was to
relay letters I had written regarding KG business practices as well as confidential letters to
others girls at the KG agency. My girl has no ax to grind with anyone here, no motivation to
fabricate anything.
Lana Hayes and my girl were never "friends". In fact, they saw each other a total of 3 times.
Kevin, you had assured me that absolutely NO CONTACT would be made between the KG agency and my
fiancee. In the event you have conveniently forgotten this promise, I have a copy of the email
available to remind you. Yet another lie that you have told.
Kevin - you crossed the line completely with this. I always knew you had an underhanded and sleazy
side to you, but to purposely undermine my relationship with my girl is beyond belief. Lana Hayes
showed copies of negative comments I have made in various forums to my girl and stated it was
hurting the business there. She also showed copies of correspondence I had with several girls in
the KG agency before going there. So, please explain how my girl knew the names and details of the
other girls I was writing? Answer - you told her through your wife. You worthless piece of shit.
Well, if you feel like playing underhanded, let's tee it up and see where things go. You seem to
think you are untouchable - you are not .
I have spent about $2,000 with you agency. I am asking for a complete and immediate refund.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:18 PM
To: ; Tommy Graff; legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
Tommy and John.
Yes, Svetlana and Lana are friends. Svetlana didn't want to tell Tommy, But I guess for some
reason she did after she arrived. Lana at no point every talked bad about Tommy nor was the agency
involved in there friendship. Lana never did understand the attacks from Tommy nor does she
understand why they continue today. She had considered Tommy a friend.
What I do know is no letters where given to Svetlana from Lana or anyone in our office. This is a
false claim.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
To: Kevin@khersongirls.com
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:01 PM
Subject: Tom Graff
Kevin - we have recieved a very serious complaint from Tom Graff. As you already know he says your
wife called his fiance in Kherson and asked for a private meeting. At that meeting she gave copies
of all the letters Tom had written to other ladies in your agency (before he met his fiance) and
told Tom's fiance not to marry him and that he was violent.
This seems like the most outrageous conduct an agency has ever done to a client. So, we have two
questions we will give you a chance to answer:
1) will you refund Tom all of the money he paid to your agency?
2) why did Lana engage in such conduct?
Please advise as a lot of people will want to know about your policy as it refers to your clients,
their privacy, and their treatment by you and your wife.
Hardly realistic Kevin. You might convince yourself that you have the ability to tell me who to
talk to and what I can voice as my opinion, but it is a fantasy. I correspond with people via the
internet all the time and have no control how my emails might be edited and transmitted to third
parties. Further, I doubt there are "16 websites" featuring my old emails. And besides, how can
you know what I might have told anyone?
I really do believe that your wife was once in the escort business. So what? It is your business
and only my opinion. I was there too and met some very interesting girls. Don't you recall telling
me that you had a few hookers in your agency? As I recall it, you said that you wanted to help
them get out of the life of being prostitutes. Life is different over there - I don't judge the
girls for doing what it takes to live. So in the end, I think that while you were in Ukraine, you
found a hot little hooker and brought her home. Now that you have her knocked up, you want her to
be respectable and are in denial. Just calling them how I see them.
I have formed my opinion based on knowing you and your spouse for a couple years now. I also have
an idea what life is like in the Former Soviet Union.
Spare me the denials regarding Yana's letter This is your agency manager, using the company email,
to send a threatening letter to an ex-client. Since this is your business, I can only assume that
you knew about it and allowed it to be sent.
I don't know why you keep keeping this conflict alive with me, if you would just shut up and leave
me alone, I would likely drop the matter.
By the way, I see that Russian Women's List has again proven you a lair. This time it is regarding
your membership in the Angelica Network.... Amazing how you keep getting tagged with this label.
Are we all just making it up or is it true?
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:51 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: George Ranalli
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
It is very simply why you got this letter from Yana. She has seen your email's on the internet.
Your email that you sent to John Briar now exist on over 16 web sites. Your comment calling Yana
daughter a prostitute and whore got the same response if someone had said the same thing about
your wife or daughter.
You were warned by me and quite aware that any email you sent to Mr Briar would end up being
posted on the internet. Yet you continue to send email and make false comment that you are now
calling your opinion.
In fact this email was again sent to Mr. Briar and a new email address Zarecki1@aol.com I expect
it to show up on the internet within 24hrs. You will be explaining to a judge why you sent these
email to Mr. Briar.
It was no my agency sending you the email but a Mother responding to comment about her daughter.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Cc: Zarecki1@aol.com ; John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:01 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Kevin Hayes -
I don't quite understand your attempt at English, but let me reply to what I think you might be
trying to say....
I have never given anyone permission to post my private correspondence and have no control over
what happens to my letters after they are delivered.
Further - In said correspondence, I've merely said what I believe to be factual and expressed my
Perhaps you should spend your efforts trying to determine why your mother-in-law and Agency
Manager is making threats to ex-clients. I'll be sending
certified copies of this email and a complaint letter along to the various governmental agencies.
This email from Yana Alexandrovna is very telling and shows
what type of operation you actually are running. Just imagine - your own Agency Manager is sending
threatening emails to an ex-client - merely because she doesn't agree with my opinion.
And you represent yourself and your business as being reputable and honest. You are a sorry joke.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 10:35 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
Mr briar sent me a copy of your email. I have included it with the documents being prepared at
this time. I was not aware that Yana was going to send this letter to you. But you must understand
by giving Mr briar and his associates permission to post your email have gotten back to Yana.
(Yadviga Moliboga- full name)
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: ladies@khersongirls.com
Cc: John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Yana -
Making threats to American Citizens is a very serious issue and will not enhance your chances of
obtaining a visa to the United States. Unlike Ukraine, in the US- one can't just bribe the police
and contine to do what they desire. I will of course send this corresponce to the proper
authorities and ask for an investigation to be started.
I also note that this email from you is consistent with the type of treatment I have come to
expect from the Kherson Girls Marriage Agency.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: ladies@khersongirls.com [mailto:ladies@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:50 AM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Kherson Girls
When I was looking for wife for you I thought that you are a good person. I really wanted to help
you. And I think I did it. And you found a wife from my agency.
Now I don't know why you got quarreled with you Kevin and direct your hatred to my daughter and
her future child. I'm a very strong person and didn't want to interfere in it for a long time
hoping that you will make up.
You are a future father and you will have children. Understand me in a right way . I ask you to
leave my daughter and Kevin in peace. As for agency Kevin doesn't need it. I could hardly persuade
him not to close it, because I have life purpose and predestination -to help people. I can help
girls and men to find each other. All that is done at the agency is my work, not Kevin's. The
chief of the agency is me, not Kevin. And nothing is done without my permission. If you go on to
outrage me , I will act in another way.
I don't threaten you, but you have to know if you don't stop I will stop you at the point where
you are now and forever. If you write one more letter to Kevin or at the webside about my children
you will know my power and what is”mother's love”
You should not answer.
Yana Alexandrovna. (Yadviga Moliboga- full name)
Read more about(www.KhersonGirls.com) Kevin Hayes's "HONESTY": www.khersongirls.org
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-11-2004 at 15:36 |
How kEVIN hAYES www.KhersonGirls.com Making threats to American Citizens & another agencies…
How kEVIN hAYES www.KhersonGirls.com Making threats to American Citizens & another agencies…
Kevin -
There are over a dozen posts in my Lana's email account, all originating from the actions of you and your wife. You can twist the truth and claim your wife only sent one letter, yet the two of you also DID distribute the email address to others. The effect is obviously the same as writing them yourself. Again - you may think you are getting your points made by wordsmithing little lies like this, but I GUARANTEE you won't have the opportunity when a 100 pages of interrogatives are delivered into your hands.
Spare me more of your lies about what what was said between your wife and my fiancee. You previously said you were not there. Ask yourself which of the two girls has more credibility in her account of the conversation. Your wife made extremely negative comments about me, referred to me as a violent and emotionally unstable person and actively tried to discourage the relationship. Actually - you have made yet another enemy in your efforts - now my fiancee is agitated by this heartless manipulation by your wife.
One thing you say is true - I have something good in my life - my Lana. I don't want to invest the time it is going to take to really expose you and your unethical operations. I gave you an out to write a small check and apologize, but it looks like you are not going to take it. Fair enough. I'll just continue to make factual statements about you and your operation as it pleases me. I can likely cost you 100 times more that I offered to settle for in lost business over the next few years. But I'm a patient guy and what the heck - everyone needs a hobby. As for John - he is just a concerned friend. I have no control over what he does with correspondence on which I copy him. You are not just dealing with me - there are a group of well educated and motivated people working on you - I believe you feel the effects each day when you look at how much time you spend defending yourself.
As far as your wife being a hooker - I only have the basic facts and can judge her by her actions. Meeting with my fiancee in an effort to destroy our relationship is certainly something a heartless whore would do. Looking my fiancee right in the eyes and telling her lies would seem something a street whore would do. If the shoe fits, then so be it. The story of how you two met has 3 distinct variations that I am aware of. We have people looking into this matter now - let's see what develops. I feel it is a better than even money bet that significant evidence will surface to confirm this suspicion. Only time will tell about it. Again - you have apparently forgotten your guarantee to have the office in Kherson strictly ignore my fiancee.
You have posted personal emails of mine on RWL and your Yahoo group. You and your wife have also written letters where your expose confidential information about me and my business in Kherson. I still have the copies archived. You know - you are really not dealing with amateurs here. The more you run your mouth, the more you incriminate yourself.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:03 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
Lana only sent 1 email to Svetlana and I have a copy of it on her computer. It was sent on July 14th. No other emails were ever sent to her.
Tommy I am tired of you claiming that my wife was a prostitute. You know this isn't true and I find it very insulting. I never posted a single copy of any of your letters, but you know that John posted every one of them on many sites.
As far as apology. I believe we both owe each other one. You said some very mean things about my wife and me and gave them out to be posted on many sites. Calling my wife a prostitute is as low as you can get. And I responded to all of the posting. Let call it even and get on with our lifes.
You have a new life and a new wife. Svetlana is a wonderful lady and she is very much in love with you and told Lana how happy she was to meet you. Lana doesn't understand the attacks and neither does Svetlana.
You understand that everything you send to John will be posted on the internet So please don't send him any letters unless you want to continue this.
Let make this the last email about each other. I will check my sites for any comments about you and remove them.
Lana and I wish you the best of luck.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:42 PM
Subject: RE: Tom Graff
Kevin -
My girlfriend opened her email for the first time since arriving in the US today. Her email is now changed, don't bother sending any more hate mail to her.
Oddly - after your wife met with my girlfriend, hate email started filling up her email account. Obviously you sent your wife to get this personal information from my girlfriend and then used it in an effort to alienate her in our relationship.
I have the copies of these emails archived.
Feel free to file any lawsuit you feel the need to. I will Pro Se your legal bills through the roof. Also - are you ready to answer the interrogatives that myself and others will present? Under oath? I'd enjoy getting you to perjure yourself - which would happen as you are a pathological liar. Also - are you ready for the counter suit claim that will come along with my reply? Emotional suffering and damages? All the way through to a jury trial?
Naw - you'll just do nothing but lie and deny. It is your fate in life. The trouble with this methodology is that you have managed to amass a group of people like myself who despise you with a passion and are not cowed by your empty threats.
A thought came to us today. There are questions in the immigration paperwork asking if the fiancee was ever involved in prostitution. Did Lana Hayes answer these honestly? I have my doubts - and it is a pretty easy thing to get an investigation started with.
Tommy Graff
PS - Regarding my email - I wrote a private one regarding my personal opinion about you, your business practices and associated problems. It has been posted in places have never even heard of, modified beyond my control as well. I have a new life to start with Lana and you just are not worth the time to keep posting about. If you are looking for someone to blame - look elsewhere.
If you want me to go away - I'll accept a settlement of $2,000 and an apology. The apology is more important than the money. Reply in 24 hours. Otherwise - let's just keep going.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 1:52 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
I was not at the meeting with Lana and Svetlana. But I am aware she saw the site http://www.urod.ru/10.06.2004/1/comments . Lana did not take any letter from the office to show svetlana.
Tommy you assured me that you would not continue to attack my agency and yet your emails continue to show up on web sites. I have copy of the email to remind you.
I do not believe you that Svetlana knew the names of the girls you were emailing unless you post them somewhere on the internet. Svetlana had access to the internet and the above page has many links.
I will honor any request for refund for any service that was not provided. Please specify which service you are asking for a refund. Our service was to provide you with a wife and she is now at your home.
I'd rather drop this subject today then to take it all of the way to court. But you can be assured that I will.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:51 AM
Subject: RE: Tom Graff
First off, this entire event is causing a strain on a new relationship that is going well. I am not going to just throw my Lana into the fray after 3 days in the country.
I've spoken to my Lana about the matter. The plain and simple truth is that Lana Hayes called her on 3 separate occasions before twisting her arm into a face to face meeting. The meeting happened about 2 weeks before my Lana's departure to the US and lasted about 4 hours. The main topic was to relay letters I had written regarding KG business practices as well as confidential letters to others girls at the KG agency. My girl has no ax to grind with anyone here, no motivation to fabricate anything.
Lana Hayes and my girl were never "friends". In fact, they saw each other a total of 3 times.
Kevin, you had assured me that absolutely NO CONTACT would be made between the KG agency and my fiancee. In the event you have conveniently forgotten this promise, I have a copy of the email available to remind you. Yet another lie that you have told.
Kevin - you crossed the line completely with this. I always knew you had an underhanded and sleazy side to you, but to purposely undermine my relationship with my girl is beyond belief. Lana Hayes showed copies of negative comments I have made in various forums to my girl and stated it was hurting the business there. She also showed copies of correspondence I had with several girls in the KG agency before going there. So, please explain how my girl knew the names and details of the other girls I was writing? Answer - you told her through your wife. You worthless piece of shit. Well, if you feel like playing underhanded, let's tee it up and see where things go. You seem to think you are untouchable - you are not .
I have spent about $2,000 with you agency. I am asking for a complete and immediate refund.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:18 PM
To: ; Tommy Graff; legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
Tommy and John.
Yes, Svetlana and Lana are friends. Svetlana didn't want to tell Tommy, But I guess for some reason she did after she arrived. Lana at no point every talked bad about Tommy nor was the agency involved in there friendship. Lana never did understand the attacks from Tommy nor does she understand why they continue today. She had considered Tommy a friend.
What I do know is no letters where given to Svetlana from Lana or anyone in our office. This is a false claim.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
To: Kevin@khersongirls.com
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:01 PM
Subject: Tom Graff
Kevin - we have recieved a very serious complaint from Tom Graff. As you already know he says your wife called his fiance in Kherson and asked for a private meeting. At that meeting she gave copies of all the letters Tom had written to other ladies in your agency (before he met his fiance) and told Tom's fiance not to marry him and that he was violent.
This seems like the most outrageous conduct an agency has ever done to a client. So, we have two questions we will give you a chance to answer:
1) will you refund Tom all of the money he paid to your agency?
2) why did Lana engage in such conduct?
Please advise as a lot of people will want to know about your policy as it refers to your clients, their privacy, and their treatment by you and your wife.
Hardly realistic Kevin. You might convince yourself that you have the ability to tell me who to talk to and what I can voice as my opinion, but it is a fantasy. I correspond with people via the internet all the time and have no control how my emails might be edited and transmitted to third parties. Further, I doubt there are "16 websites" featuring my old emails. And besides, how can you know what I might have told anyone?
I really do believe that your wife was once in the escort business. So what? It is your business and only my opinion. I was there too and met some very interesting girls. Don't you recall telling me that you had a few hookers in your agency? As I recall it, you said that you wanted to help them get out of the life of being prostitutes. Life is different over there - I don't judge the girls for doing what it takes to live. So in the end, I think that while you were in Ukraine, you found a hot little hooker and brought her home. Now that you have her knocked up, you want her to be respectable and are in denial. Just calling them how I see them.
I have formed my opinion based on knowing you and your spouse for a couple years now. I also have an idea what life is like in the Former Soviet Union.
Spare me the denials regarding Yana's letter This is your agency manager, using the company email, to send a threatening letter to an ex-client. Since this is your business, I can only assume that you knew about it and allowed it to be sent.
I don't know why you keep keeping this conflict alive with me, if you would just shut up and leave me alone, I would likely drop the matter.
By the way, I see that Russian Women's List has again proven you a lair. This time it is regarding your membership in the Angelica Network.... Amazing how you keep getting tagged with this label. Are we all just making it up or is it true?
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:51 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: George Ranalli
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
It is very simply why you got this letter from Yana. She has seen your email's on the internet. Your email that you sent to John Briar now exist on over 16 web sites. Your comment calling Yana daughter a prostitute and whore got the same response if someone had said the same thing about your wife or daughter.
You were warned by me and quite aware that any email you sent to Mr Briar would end up being posted on the internet. Yet you continue to send email and make false comment that you are now calling your opinion.
In fact this email was again sent to Mr. Briar and a new email address Zarecki1@aol.com I expect it to show up on the internet within 24hrs. You will be explaining to a judge why you sent these email to Mr. Briar.
It was no my agency sending you the email but a Mother responding to comment about her daughter.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Cc: Zarecki1@aol.com ; John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:01 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Kevin Hayes -
I don't quite understand your attempt at English, but let me reply to what I think you might be trying to say....
I have never given anyone permission to post my private correspondence and have no control over what happens to my letters after they are delivered.
Further - In said correspondence, I've merely said what I believe to be factual and expressed my opinion.
Perhaps you should spend your efforts trying to determine why your mother-in-law and Agency Manager is making threats to ex-clients. I'll be sending
certified copies of this email and a complaint letter along to the various governmental agencies. This email from Yana Alexandrovna is very telling and shows
what type of operation you actually are running. Just imagine - your own Agency Manager is sending threatening emails to an ex-client - merely because she doesn't agree with my opinion.
And you represent yourself and your business as being reputable and honest. You are a sorry joke.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 10:35 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
Mr briar sent me a copy of your email. I have included it with the documents being prepared at this time. I was not aware that Yana was going to send this letter to you. But you must understand by giving Mr briar and his associates permission to post your email have gotten back to Yana. (Yadviga Moliboga- full name)
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: ladies@khersongirls.com
Cc: John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Yana -
Making threats to American Citizens is a very serious issue and will not enhance your chances of obtaining a visa to the United States. Unlike Ukraine, in the US- one can't just bribe the police and contine to do what they desire. I will of course send this corresponce to the proper authorities and ask for an investigation to be started.
I also note that this email from you is consistent with the type of treatment I have come to expect from the Kherson Girls Marriage Agency.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: ladies@khersongirls.com [mailto:ladies@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:50 AM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Kherson Girls
When I was looking for wife for you I thought that you are a good person. I really wanted to help you. And I think I did it. And you found a wife from my agency.
Now I don't know why you got quarreled with you Kevin and direct your hatred to my daughter and her future child. I'm a very strong person and didn't want to interfere in it for a long time hoping that you will make up.
You are a future father and you will have children. Understand me in a right way . I ask you to leave my daughter and Kevin in peace. As for agency Kevin doesn't need it. I could hardly persuade him not to close it, because I have life purpose and predestination -to help people. I can help girls and men to find each other. All that is done at the agency is my work, not Kevin's. The chief of the agency is me, not Kevin. And nothing is done without my permission. If you go on to outrage me , I will act in another way.
I don't threaten you, but you have to know if you don't stop I will stop you at the point where you are now and forever. If you write one more letter to Kevin or at the webside about my children you will know my power and what is”mother's love”
You should not answer.
Yana Alexandrovna. (Yadviga Moliboga- full name)
Read more about(www.KhersonGirls.com) Kevin Hayes's "HONESTY":
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 11-04-2004 Location:
posted on 11-11-2004 at 16:24 |
How kEVIN hAYES www.KhersonGirls.com Making threats to American Citizens & another agencies…
Kevin -
There are over a dozen posts in my Lana's email account, all originating from the actions of you and your wife. You can twist the truth and claim your wife only sent one letter, yet the two of you also DID distribute the email address to others. The effect is obviously the same as writing them yourself. Again - you may think you are getting your points made by wordsmithing little lies like this, but I GUARANTEE you won't have the opportunity when a 100 pages of interrogatives are delivered into your hands.
Spare me more of your lies about what what was said between your wife and my fiancee. You previously said you were not there. Ask yourself which of the two girls has more credibility in her account of the conversation. Your wife made extremely negative comments about me, referred to me as a violent and emotionally unstable person and actively tried to discourage the relationship. Actually - you have made yet another enemy in your efforts - now my fiancee is agitated by this heartless manipulation by your wife.
One thing you say is true - I have something good in my life - my Lana. I don't want to invest the time it is going to take to really expose you and your unethical operations. I gave you an out to write a small check and apologize, but it looks like you are not going to take it. Fair enough. I'll just continue to make factual statements about you and your operation as it pleases me. I can likely cost you 100 times more that I offered to settle for in lost business over the next few years. But I'm a patient guy and what the heck - everyone needs a hobby. As for John - he is just a concerned friend. I have no control over what he does with correspondence on which I copy him. You are not just dealing with me - there are a group of well educated and motivated people working on you - I believe you feel the effects each day when you look at how much time you spend defending yourself.
As far as your wife being a hooker - I only have the basic facts and can judge her by her actions. Meeting with my fiancee in an effort to destroy our relationship is certainly something a heartless whore would do. Looking my fiancee right in the eyes and telling her lies would seem something a street whore would do. If the shoe fits, then so be it. The story of how you two met has 3 distinct variations that I am aware of. We have people looking into this matter now - let's see what develops. I feel it is a better than even money bet that significant evidence will surface to confirm this suspicion. Only time will tell about it. Again - you have apparently forgotten your guarantee to have the office in Kherson strictly ignore my fiancee.
You have posted personal emails of mine on RWL and your Yahoo group. You and your wife have also written letters where your expose confidential information about me and my business in Kherson. I still have the copies archived. You know - you are really not dealing with amateurs here. The more you run your mouth, the more you incriminate yourself.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:03 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
Lana only sent 1 email to Svetlana and I have a copy of it on her computer. It was sent on July 14th. No other emails were ever sent to her.
Tommy I am tired of you claiming that my wife was a prostitute. You know this isn't true and I find it very insulting. I never posted a single copy of any of your letters, but you know that John posted every one of them on many sites.
As far as apology. I believe we both owe each other one. You said some very mean things about my wife and me and gave them out to be posted on many sites. Calling my wife a prostitute is as low as you can get. And I responded to all of the posting. Let call it even and get on with our lifes.
You have a new life and a new wife. Svetlana is a wonderful lady and she is very much in love with you and told Lana how happy she was to meet you. Lana doesn't understand the attacks and neither does Svetlana.
You understand that everything you send to John will be posted on the internet So please don't send him any letters unless you want to continue this.
Let make this the last email about each other. I will check my sites for any comments about you and remove them.
Lana and I wish you the best of luck.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:42 PM
Subject: RE: Tom Graff
Kevin -
My girlfriend opened her email for the first time since arriving in the US today. Her email is now changed, don't bother sending any more hate mail to her.
Oddly - after your wife met with my girlfriend, hate email started filling up her email account. Obviously you sent your wife to get this personal information from my girlfriend and then used it in an effort to alienate her in our relationship.
I have the copies of these emails archived.
Feel free to file any lawsuit you feel the need to. I will Pro Se your legal bills through the roof. Also - are you ready to answer the interrogatives that myself and others will present? Under oath? I'd enjoy getting you to perjure yourself - which would happen as you are a pathological liar. Also - are you ready for the counter suit claim that will come along with my reply? Emotional suffering and damages? All the way through to a jury trial?
Naw - you'll just do nothing but lie and deny. It is your fate in life. The trouble with this methodology is that you have managed to amass a group of people like myself who despise you with a passion and are not cowed by your empty threats.
A thought came to us today. There are questions in the immigration paperwork asking if the fiancee was ever involved in prostitution. Did Lana Hayes answer these honestly? I have my doubts - and it is a pretty easy thing to get an investigation started with.
Tommy Graff
PS - Regarding my email - I wrote a private one regarding my personal opinion about you, your business practices and associated problems. It has been posted in places have never even heard of, modified beyond my control as well. I have a new life to start with Lana and you just are not worth the time to keep posting about. If you are looking for someone to blame - look elsewhere.
If you want me to go away - I'll accept a settlement of $2,000 and an apology. The apology is more important than the money. Reply in 24 hours. Otherwise - let's just keep going.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 1:52 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
I was not at the meeting with Lana and Svetlana. But I am aware she saw the site www.urod.ru/10.06.2004/1/comments . Lana did not take any letter from the office to show svetlana.
Tommy you assured me that you would not continue to attack my agency and yet your emails continue to show up on web sites. I have copy of the email to remind you.
I do not believe you that Svetlana knew the names of the girls you were emailing unless you post them somewhere on the internet. Svetlana had access to the internet and the above page has many links.
I will honor any request for refund for any service that was not provided. Please specify which service you are asking for a refund. Our service was to provide you with a wife and she is now at your home.
I'd rather drop this subject today then to take it all of the way to court. But you can be assured that I will.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:51 AM
Subject: RE: Tom Graff
First off, this entire event is causing a strain on a new relationship that is going well. I am not going to just throw my Lana into the fray after 3 days in the country.
I've spoken to my Lana about the matter. The plain and simple truth is that Lana Hayes called her on 3 separate occasions before twisting her arm into a face to face meeting. The meeting happened about 2 weeks before my Lana's departure to the US and lasted about 4 hours. The main topic was to relay letters I had written regarding KG business practices as well as confidential letters to others girls at the KG agency. My girl has no ax to grind with anyone here, no motivation to fabricate anything.
Lana Hayes and my girl were never "friends". In fact, they saw each other a total of 3 times.
Kevin, you had assured me that absolutely NO CONTACT would be made between the KG agency and my fiancee. In the event you have conveniently forgotten this promise, I have a copy of the email available to remind you. Yet another lie that you have told.
Kevin - you crossed the line completely with this. I always knew you had an underhanded and sleazy side to you, but to purposely undermine my relationship with my girl is beyond belief. Lana Hayes showed copies of negative comments I have made in various forums to my girl and stated it was hurting the business there. She also showed copies of correspondence I had with several girls in the KG agency before going there. So, please explain how my girl knew the names and details of the other girls I was writing? Answer - you told her through your wife. You worthless piece of shit. Well, if you feel like playing underhanded, let's tee it up and see where things go. You seem to think you are untouchable - you are not .
I have spent about $2,000 with you agency. I am asking for a complete and immediate refund.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:18 PM
To: ; Tommy Graff; legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
Tommy and John.
Yes, Svetlana and Lana are friends. Svetlana didn't want to tell Tommy, But I guess for some reason she did after she arrived. Lana at no point every talked bad about Tommy nor was the agency involved in there friendship. Lana never did understand the attacks from Tommy nor does she understand why they continue today. She had considered Tommy a friend.
What I do know is no letters where given to Svetlana from Lana or anyone in our office. This is a false claim.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
To: Kevin@khersongirls.com
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:01 PM
Subject: Tom Graff
Kevin - we have recieved a very serious complaint from Tom Graff. As you already know he says your wife called his fiance in Kherson and asked for a private meeting. At that meeting she gave copies of all the letters Tom had written to other ladies in your agency (before he met his fiance) and told Tom's fiance not to marry him and that he was violent.
This seems like the most outrageous conduct an agency has ever done to a client. So, we have two questions we will give you a chance to answer:
1) will you refund Tom all of the money he paid to your agency?
2) why did Lana engage in such conduct?
Please advise as a lot of people will want to know about your policy as it refers to your clients, their privacy, and their treatment by you and your wife.
Hardly realistic Kevin. You might convince yourself that you have the ability to tell me who to talk to and what I can voice as my opinion, but it is a fantasy. I correspond with people via the internet all the time and have no control how my emails might be edited and transmitted to third parties. Further, I doubt there are "16 websites" featuring my old emails. And besides, how can you know what I might have told anyone?
I really do believe that your wife was once in the escort business. So what? It is your business and only my opinion. I was there too and met some very interesting girls. Don't you recall telling me that you had a few hookers in your agency? As I recall it, you said that you wanted to help them get out of the life of being prostitutes. Life is different over there - I don't judge the girls for doing what it takes to live. So in the end, I think that while you were in Ukraine, you found a hot little hooker and brought her home. Now that you have her knocked up, you want her to be respectable and are in denial. Just calling them how I see them.
I have formed my opinion based on knowing you and your spouse for a couple years now. I also have an idea what life is like in the Former Soviet Union.
Spare me the denials regarding Yana's letter This is your agency manager, using the company email, to send a threatening letter to an ex-client. Since this is your business, I can only assume that you knew about it and allowed it to be sent.
I don't know why you keep keeping this conflict alive with me, if you would just shut up and leave me alone, I would likely drop the matter.
By the way, I see that Russian Women's List has again proven you a lair. This time it is regarding your membership in the Angelica Network.... Amazing how you keep getting tagged with this label. Are we all just making it up or is it true?
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:51 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: George Ranalli
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
It is very simply why you got this letter from Yana. She has seen your email's on the internet. Your email that you sent to John Briar now exist on over 16 web sites. Your comment calling Yana daughter a prostitute and whore got the same response if someone had said the same thing about your wife or daughter.
You were warned by me and quite aware that any email you sent to Mr Briar would end up being posted on the internet. Yet you continue to send email and make false comment that you are now calling your opinion.
In fact this email was again sent to Mr. Briar and a new email address Zarecki1@aol.com I expect it to show up on the internet within 24hrs. You will be explaining to a judge why you sent these email to Mr. Briar.
It was no my agency sending you the email but a Mother responding to comment about her daughter.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Cc: Zarecki1@aol.com ; John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:01 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Kevin Hayes -
I don't quite understand your attempt at English, but let me reply to what I think you might be trying to say....
I have never given anyone permission to post my private correspondence and have no control over what happens to my letters after they are delivered.
Further - In said correspondence, I've merely said what I believe to be factual and expressed my opinion.
Perhaps you should spend your efforts trying to determine why your mother-in-law and Agency Manager is making threats to ex-clients. I'll be sending
certified copies of this email and a complaint letter along to the various governmental agencies. This email from Yana Alexandrovna is very telling and shows
what type of operation you actually are running. Just imagine - your own Agency Manager is sending threatening emails to an ex-client - merely because she doesn't agree with my opinion.
And you represent yourself and your business as being reputable and honest. You are a sorry joke.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 10:35 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
Mr briar sent me a copy of your email. I have included it with the documents being prepared at this time. I was not aware that Yana was going to send this letter to you. But you must understand by giving Mr briar and his associates permission to post your email have gotten back to Yana. (Yadviga Moliboga- full name)
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: ladies@khersongirls.com
Cc: John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Yana -
Making threats to American Citizens is a very serious issue and will not enhance your chances of obtaining a visa to the United States. Unlike Ukraine, in the US- one can't just bribe the police and contine to do what they desire. I will of course send this corresponce to the proper authorities and ask for an investigation to be started.
I also note that this email from you is consistent with the type of treatment I have come to expect from the Kherson Girls Marriage Agency.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: ladies@khersongirls.com [mailto:ladies@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:50 AM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Kherson Girls
When I was looking for wife for you I thought that you are a good person. I really wanted to help you. And I think I did it. And you found a wife from my agency.
Now I don't know why you got quarreled with you Kevin and direct your hatred to my daughter and her future child. I'm a very strong person and didn't want to interfere in it for a long time hoping that you will make up.
You are a future father and you will have children. Understand me in a right way . I ask you to leave my daughter and Kevin in peace. As for agency Kevin doesn't need it. I could hardly persuade him not to close it, because I have life purpose and predestination -to help people. I can help girls and men to find each other. All that is done at the agency is my work, not Kevin's. The chief of the agency is me, not Kevin. And nothing is done without my permission. If you go on to outrage me , I will act in another way.
I don't threaten you, but you have to know if you don't stop I will stop you at the point where you are now and forever. If you write one more letter to Kevin or at the webside about my children you will know my power and what is”mother's love”
You should not answer.
Yana Alexandrovna. (Yadviga Moliboga- full name)
Read more about(www.KhersonGirls.com) Kevin Hayes's "HONESTY":
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posted on 11-11-2004 at 18:26 |
khersonbrides scam
If you put as much time in helping your clients instead of attacking other agencies maybe you wouldn't be such as scam site.
When you hide behind false sites and false names it just shows how false you really are.
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posted on 11-11-2004 at 18:32 |
khersonbrides false post
Khersonbrides.com / khersonbrides a marriage agency in kherson ukraine.
Why did I have to create a site about this agency.
For starters this is the worst type of web site any agency should ever have to create. A site that explain why another competitor shouldn't be allow to keep it office doors open. For those who are not aware of who I am my name is Kevin Hayes and I own a agency in kherson called www.Khersongirls.com and a site www.honestmarriageagencies.com . The purpose of my agency was to create a honest marriage agency without a desire for high profits and a purpose of just helping out others who seek a wife like I did. What I did was created something that some of the local agencies did not like. Lower rates, fair service and honest ladies. This has cause some problems in the profits of such agencies and a desire to attack my agency..
My first encounter with the agency khersonbrides was about a year ago. One of their clients by the name of Tony contacted me about his lady Nadia who was listed in my agency as available. He was happy to inform me that they had become engaged and ask If I would remove her from our agency. Which I did per our policy. He also ask if I would be kind enough to contact the local manager Helen who had introduce the two of them to remove Nadia profile from their site. A strange request but I didn't mind doing it. My response back from Helen the manager was very simple. Engaged ladies are not remove from the site because of the fact that some men may call of the engagements and the lady should have other options. It took Tony, Nadia and I 3 1/2 months of emails to finally get her remove. Today Tony and Nadia are married in America.
Jump to current situation. khersonbrides is a agent/business partner/associate of the network run by the agency getmarriednow.com (GMN) . As noted in the site www.honestmarriageagency.com this agency has a few complaints posted by their clients. Shortly after posting these complaints. New web sites started to show up with no owners name being identified and false statements being published. The only factor common in these sites were parts of private emails that I had sent to the owner of GMN. It became apparent that someone had created these sites and was hiding their identification. I started to monitor these sites, board posting and noticed that the poster on the internet were quite often writing false statement on Russian language boards. This gave me the insight the who ever was posting some of these site spoke Russian.
Within a short time frame I notice that spam, false email posting and site management was coming from kherson that included private email context between myself and the owner of GMN. A simple conclusion was made that whoever was behind these sites also have access to the web site khersonbrides.com since the same text was now showing up on this site.
Today the site khersonbrides.com has become so bold as to include false statement on their own home page such as personal attacks on my wife, family, office and staff. No longer hiding the fact that this is illegal and morally wrong. They have also refused to remove such comment from the email owners when they learned that they had been lie too and wanted to correct there statements.
A simple check on the internet today and you will see a dozen's such sites. I have 27 sites on record not including their sub pages. Each of these site hide the owner identification and include modified emails txt. False emails, false statements and just about every dirty comment that can be made. Some of the comment are just plainly cruel against my family.
In order to justify any complaint the owner of a site should as a min provide the following items. 1. identify the owner of the site. 2. Identify the complainant. 3. provide documentation of the evidence and 4. Provide a valid contact information. You will notice that none of the false sites provide this type of verification. Simply reason is the information is false and they owner do not want to be identified.
For the record my agency has only one client who ever posted a complaint anywhere and he is getting married to a lady from our agency and if this is the worst that we can do. I am proud that even our single complainant we manage to find a wife for. Not that he has anything to complain about.
In conclusion I wish to provide my direct email account kevin@khersongirls.com feel free to contact me to clarify any statement you find about myself, my family, my agency and my staff. also I would like to show a few complaint that I have received about khersonbrides.com including supporting documentation.
Again for the record please be aware that khersonbrides isn't recommend by me as an agency you should use and don't be surprise if you can't find the owner name and address on his site. He doesn't want you to know who he is or where his office is located. But you won't have any problems finding out how to pay him.
I hope this hasn't detour you ideals of finding a wonder lady in kherson Ukraine. But gave you some insights on the problems and ethics of one of the agencies that isn't reflected in the ladies.
As always please contact me if you have any questions.
Kevin Hayes
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kharkov kharkov ladies kharkov marriage agency Ukraine kharkov marriage agency kharkov marriage
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posted on 11-26-2004 at 18:42 |
Anti-scam sites owners. Who are they...?
Anti-scam sites owners. Who are they...?
It is very difficult for any agency to run a blacklist list or an anti-scam list. I used to have a non-recommend list on one of my site but it became too difficult to maintain verification on the sites listed. So I change my policy to a recommend agency site and a site to post complaints about other agencies as long as you had documented proof and would post your name and contact information. The site is www.russianscamalert.com & Kherson Brides Black List I try to stay neutral and recommend agency that meet my requirements posted on the site. (I need more recommendations, as the list is small). In Kherson I still have a blacklist of ladies, but I now limited it to ladies who have Police records in Kherson for running scams. This way I have a copy of both sides of the stories and I confirm the stories with each party.
What you have to watch out for is false sites created just to attack another agencies. For example the site www.honestmarriageagencies.com is run by www.khersongirls.com owner Kevin Hayes and associates a competitor of mine in Kherson. This site was a personal attack on me.
Anyway my suggestion is to always look over an anti-scam site and see if it is neutral and try to post a comment about one of their agency. If a site only has positive comment only about an agency and you know that agency has a bad history there is a good chance that the site isn't legit or you see paid advertisement.
Also when you see complaint looks at the complainer. See if he/she gives a real name and email address that can be verified. Many agencies will post false reports using false names to attack other agencies reputations.
As always I hope this helps.
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Registered: 12-25-2004 Location:
posted on 12-25-2004 at 12:35 |
How kEVIN hAYES www.KhersonGirls.com Making threats to American Citizens & another agencies…
Kevin -
There are over a dozen posts in my Lana's email account, all originating from the actions of you and your wife. You can twist the truth and claim your wife only sent one letter, yet the two of you also DID distribute the email address to others. The effect is obviously the same as writing them yourself. Again - you may think you are getting your points made by wordsmithing little lies like this, but I GUARANTEE you won't have the opportunity when a 100 pages of interrogatives are delivered into your hands.
Spare me more of your lies about what what was said between your wife and my fiancee. You previously said you were not there. Ask yourself which of the two girls has more credibility in her account of the conversation. Your wife made extremely negative comments about me, referred to me as a violent and emotionally unstable person and actively tried to discourage the relationship. Actually - you have made yet another enemy in your efforts - now my fiancee is agitated by this heartless manipulation by your wife.
One thing you say is true - I have something good in my life - my Lana. I don't want to invest the time it is going to take to really expose you and your unethical operations. I gave you an out to write a small check and apologize, but it looks like you are not going to take it. Fair enough. I'll just continue to make factual statements about you and your operation as it pleases me. I can likely cost you 100 times more that I offered to settle for in lost business over the next few years. But I'm a patient guy and what the heck - everyone needs a hobby. As for John - he is just a concerned friend. I have no control over what he does with correspondence on which I copy him. You are not just dealing with me - there are a group of well educated and motivated people working on you - I believe you feel the effects each day when you look at how much time you spend defending yourself.
As far as your wife being a hooker - I only have the basic facts and can judge her by her actions. Meeting with my fiancee in an effort to destroy our relationship is certainly something a heartless whore would do. Looking my fiancee right in the eyes and telling her lies would seem something a street whore would do. If the shoe fits, then so be it. The story of how you two met has 3 distinct variations that I am aware of. We have people looking into this matter now - let's see what develops. I feel it is a better than even money bet that significant evidence will surface to confirm this suspicion. Only time will tell about it. Again - you have apparently forgotten your guarantee to have the office in Kherson strictly ignore my fiancee.
You have posted personal emails of mine on RWL and your Yahoo group. You and your wife have also written letters where your expose confidential information about me and my business in Kherson. I still have the copies archived. You know - you are really not dealing with amateurs here. The more you run your mouth, the more you incriminate yourself.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:03 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
Lana only sent 1 email to Svetlana and I have a copy of it on her computer. It was sent on July 14th. No other emails were ever sent to her.
Tommy I am tired of you claiming that my wife was a prostitute. You know this isn't true and I find it very insulting. I never posted a single copy of any of your letters, but you know that John posted every one of them on many sites.
As far as apology. I believe we both owe each other one. You said some very mean things about my wife and me and gave them out to be posted on many sites. Calling my wife a prostitute is as low as you can get. And I responded to all of the posting. Let call it even and get on with our lifes.
You have a new life and a new wife. Svetlana is a wonderful lady and she is very much in love with you and told Lana how happy she was to meet you. Lana doesn't understand the attacks and neither does Svetlana.
You understand that everything you send to John will be posted on the internet So please don't send him any letters unless you want to continue this.
Let make this the last email about each other. I will check my sites for any comments about you and remove them.
Lana and I wish you the best of luck.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:42 PM
Subject: RE: Tom Graff
Kevin -
My girlfriend opened her email for the first time since arriving in the US today. Her email is now changed, don't bother sending any more hate mail to her.
Oddly - after your wife met with my girlfriend, hate email started filling up her email account. Obviously you sent your wife to get this personal information from my girlfriend and then used it in an effort to alienate her in our relationship.
I have the copies of these emails archived.
Feel free to file any lawsuit you feel the need to. I will Pro Se your legal bills through the roof. Also - are you ready to answer the interrogatives that myself and others will present? Under oath? I'd enjoy getting you to perjure yourself - which would happen as you are a pathological liar. Also - are you ready for the counter suit claim that will come along with my reply? Emotional suffering and damages? All the way through to a jury trial?
Naw - you'll just do nothing but lie and deny. It is your fate in life. The trouble with this methodology is that you have managed to amass a group of people like myself who despise you with a passion and are not cowed by your empty threats.
A thought came to us today. There are questions in the immigration paperwork asking if the fiancee was ever involved in prostitution. Did Lana Hayes answer these honestly? I have my doubts - and it is a pretty easy thing to get an investigation started with.
Tommy Graff
PS - Regarding my email - I wrote a private one regarding my personal opinion about you, your business practices and associated problems. It has been posted in places have never even heard of, modified beyond my control as well. I have a new life to start with Lana and you just are not worth the time to keep posting about. If you are looking for someone to blame - look elsewhere.
If you want me to go away - I'll accept a settlement of $2,000 and an apology. The apology is more important than the money. Reply in 24 hours. Otherwise - let's just keep going.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 1:52 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
I was not at the meeting with Lana and Svetlana. But I am aware she saw the site www.urod.ru/10.06.2004/1/comments . Lana did not take any letter from the office to show svetlana.
Tommy you assured me that you would not continue to attack my agency and yet your emails continue to show up on web sites. I have copy of the email to remind you.
I do not believe you that Svetlana knew the names of the girls you were emailing unless you post them somewhere on the internet. Svetlana had access to the internet and the above page has many links.
I will honor any request for refund for any service that was not provided. Please specify which service you are asking for a refund. Our service was to provide you with a wife and she is now at your home.
I'd rather drop this subject today then to take it all of the way to court. But you can be assured that I will.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:51 AM
Subject: RE: Tom Graff
First off, this entire event is causing a strain on a new relationship that is going well. I am not going to just throw my Lana into the fray after 3 days in the country.
I've spoken to my Lana about the matter. The plain and simple truth is that Lana Hayes called her on 3 separate occasions before twisting her arm into a face to face meeting. The meeting happened about 2 weeks before my Lana's departure to the US and lasted about 4 hours. The main topic was to relay letters I had written regarding KG business practices as well as confidential letters to others girls at the KG agency. My girl has no ax to grind with anyone here, no motivation to fabricate anything.
Lana Hayes and my girl were never "friends". In fact, they saw each other a total of 3 times.
Kevin, you had assured me that absolutely NO CONTACT would be made between the KG agency and my fiancee. In the event you have conveniently forgotten this promise, I have a copy of the email available to remind you. Yet another lie that you have told.
Kevin - you crossed the line completely with this. I always knew you had an underhanded and sleazy side to you, but to purposely undermine my relationship with my girl is beyond belief. Lana Hayes showed copies of negative comments I have made in various forums to my girl and stated it was hurting the business there. She also showed copies of correspondence I had with several girls in the KG agency before going there. So, please explain how my girl knew the names and details of the other girls I was writing? Answer - you told her through your wife. You worthless piece of shit. Well, if you feel like playing underhanded, let's tee it up and see where things go. You seem to think you are untouchable - you are not .
I have spent about $2,000 with you agency. I am asking for a complete and immediate refund.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:18 PM
To: ; Tommy Graff; legal@khersongirls.com
Subject: Re: Tom Graff
Tommy and John.
Yes, Svetlana and Lana are friends. Svetlana didn't want to tell Tommy, But I guess for some reason she did after she arrived. Lana at no point every talked bad about Tommy nor was the agency involved in there friendship. Lana never did understand the attacks from Tommy nor does she understand why they continue today. She had considered Tommy a friend.
What I do know is no letters where given to Svetlana from Lana or anyone in our office. This is a false claim.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
To: Kevin@khersongirls.com
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:01 PM
Subject: Tom Graff
Kevin - we have recieved a very serious complaint from Tom Graff. As you already know he says your wife called his fiance in Kherson and asked for a private meeting. At that meeting she gave copies of all the letters Tom had written to other ladies in your agency (before he met his fiance) and told Tom's fiance not to marry him and that he was violent.
This seems like the most outrageous conduct an agency has ever done to a client. So, we have two questions we will give you a chance to answer:
1) will you refund Tom all of the money he paid to your agency?
2) why did Lana engage in such conduct?
Please advise as a lot of people will want to know about your policy as it refers to your clients, their privacy, and their treatment by you and your wife.
Hardly realistic Kevin. You might convince yourself that you have the ability to tell me who to talk to and what I can voice as my opinion, but it is a fantasy. I correspond with people via the internet all the time and have no control how my emails might be edited and transmitted to third parties. Further, I doubt there are "16 websites" featuring my old emails. And besides, how can you know what I might have told anyone?
I really do believe that your wife was once in the escort business. So what? It is your business and only my opinion. I was there too and met some very interesting girls. Don't you recall telling me that you had a few hookers in your agency? As I recall it, you said that you wanted to help them get out of the life of being prostitutes. Life is different over there - I don't judge the girls for doing what it takes to live. So in the end, I think that while you were in Ukraine, you found a hot little hooker and brought her home. Now that you have her knocked up, you want her to be respectable and are in denial. Just calling them how I see them.
I have formed my opinion based on knowing you and your spouse for a couple years now. I also have an idea what life is like in the Former Soviet Union.
Spare me the denials regarding Yana's letter This is your agency manager, using the company email, to send a threatening letter to an ex-client. Since this is your business, I can only assume that you knew about it and allowed it to be sent.
I don't know why you keep keeping this conflict alive with me, if you would just shut up and leave me alone, I would likely drop the matter.
By the way, I see that Russian Women's List has again proven you a lair. This time it is regarding your membership in the Angelica Network.... Amazing how you keep getting tagged with this label. Are we all just making it up or is it true?
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:51 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Cc: George Ranalli
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
It is very simply why you got this letter from Yana. She has seen your email's on the internet. Your email that you sent to John Briar now exist on over 16 web sites. Your comment calling Yana daughter a prostitute and whore got the same response if someone had said the same thing about your wife or daughter.
You were warned by me and quite aware that any email you sent to Mr Briar would end up being posted on the internet. Yet you continue to send email and make false comment that you are now calling your opinion.
In fact this email was again sent to Mr. Briar and a new email address Zarecki1@aol.com I expect it to show up on the internet within 24hrs. You will be explaining to a judge why you sent these email to Mr. Briar.
It was no my agency sending you the email but a Mother responding to comment about her daughter.
Kevin Hayes
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: Kevin Hayes
Cc: Zarecki1@aol.com ; John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:01 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Kevin Hayes -
I don't quite understand your attempt at English, but let me reply to what I think you might be trying to say....
I have never given anyone permission to post my private correspondence and have no control over what happens to my letters after they are delivered.
Further - In said correspondence, I've merely said what I believe to be factual and expressed my opinion.
Perhaps you should spend your efforts trying to determine why your mother-in-law and Agency Manager is making threats to ex-clients. I'll be sending
certified copies of this email and a complaint letter along to the various governmental agencies. This email from Yana Alexandrovna is very telling and shows
what type of operation you actually are running. Just imagine - your own Agency Manager is sending threatening emails to an ex-client - merely because she doesn't agree with my opinion.
And you represent yourself and your business as being reputable and honest. You are a sorry joke.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hayes [mailto:kevin@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 10:35 PM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Re: Kherson Girls
Mr briar sent me a copy of your email. I have included it with the documents being prepared at this time. I was not aware that Yana was going to send this letter to you. But you must understand by giving Mr briar and his associates permission to post your email have gotten back to Yana. (Yadviga Moliboga- full name)
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Graff
To: ladies@khersongirls.com
Cc: John Brier
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Kherson Girls
Yana -
Making threats to American Citizens is a very serious issue and will not enhance your chances of obtaining a visa to the United States. Unlike Ukraine, in the US- one can't just bribe the police and contine to do what they desire. I will of course send this corresponce to the proper authorities and ask for an investigation to be started.
I also note that this email from you is consistent with the type of treatment I have come to expect from the Kherson Girls Marriage Agency.
Tommy Graff
-----Original Message-----
From: ladies@khersongirls.com [mailto:ladies@khersongirls.com]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:50 AM
To: Thomas Graff
Subject: Kherson Girls
When I was looking for wife for you I thought that you are a good person. I really wanted to help you. And I think I did it. And you found a wife from my agency.
Now I don't know why you got quarreled with you Kevin and direct your hatred to my daughter and her future child. I'm a very strong person and didn't want to interfere in it for a long time hoping that you will make up.
You are a future father and you will have children. Understand me in a right way . I ask you to leave my daughter and Kevin in peace. As for agency Kevin doesn't need it. I could hardly persuade him not to close it, because I have life purpose and predestination -to help people. I can help girls and men to find each other. All that is done at the agency is my work, not Kevin's. The chief of the agency is me, not Kevin. And nothing is done without my permission. If you go on to outrage me , I will act in another way.
I don't threaten you, but you have to know if you don't stop I will stop you at the point where you are now and forever. If you write one more letter to Kevin or at the webside about my children you will know my power and what is”mother's love”
You should not answer.
Yana Alexandrovna. (Yadviga Moliboga- full name)
Read more about(www.KhersonGirls.com) Kevin Hayes's "HONESTY":
Posts: 3
Registered: 12-25-2004 Location:
posted on 12-25-2004 at 12:48 |
honestmarriageagencies.com and khersongirls.com COMPLAINTS of FRAUD!
We attempt to promote honest marriage agencies at www.getmarriednow.com & www.khersonbrides.com but every once is a while we get documented complaints about another agency. Below you can find two agencies that their clients provided documented proof of fraud and false advertisements.
Both of these agencies continue to refuse to honor this commitment with there own clients and attack the submitter of the complaints. This is why it is so important when dealing with any agency that you know who the owner of the agency is. If an agency refused to post their owners name and address on the site then I highly recommend that you avoid such agencies. Otherwise you will never know the name of the person who scams you.
Posts: 3
Registered: 12-25-2004 Location:
posted on 12-25-2004 at 12:55 |
honestmarriageagencies.com and khersongirls.com COMPLAINTS of FRAUD!
We attempt to promote honest marriage agencies at www.getmarriednow.com & www.khersonbrides.com but every once is a while we get documented complaints about another agency. Below you can find two agencies that their clients provided documented proof of fraud and false advertisements.
Both of these agencies continue to refuse to honor this commitment with there own clients and attack the submitter of the complaints. This is why it is so important when dealing with any agency that you know who the owner of the agency is. If an agency refused to post their owners name and address on the site then I highly recommend that you avoid such agencies. Otherwise you will never know the name of the person who scams you.
Posts: 2
Registered: 01-22-2011 Location:
posted on 01-22-2011 at 04:31 |
Kevin Hayes is a liar and a crook
Let me just say as a life long florida resident, that I know Kevin Hayes personally and everything documented about him here on this website is true. Kevin is a liar, a crook, and a cheat. To be quite honest, I have never used his mail order bride business....I was a tenant of his.
First of all, Kevin who claims that he has retired at the age of 34 is completely false. Hey coowns a real estate business claiming to provide affordable housing for people. You can google ocalahomes or actually, google "francis frick". He's far from retired because he's too darn busy running to the court house trying to evict people. Did he evict me? No, but you will see on the marion county court website numerous cases involving him and others. Right there, if a man is going to lie about being retired, there's definetly something up with that. I have personally known families that have struggled with him during hard times and he's always intimidated and threatened them, stolen their money and never came through with promises he's made.
Here is one of his many real estate links verifying that he is in fact is still employed.
If you don't believe me, drop him a line and ask him yourself
I would strongly encourage you to think about having any dealings with this man.
'Russian Scam Alert Investigates KhersonGirls.com!
RussianScamAlert investigates the online marriage agency KhersonGirls.com owned by Kevin Hayes. This site charges up to $8,500 for their services.
This month we take a look at a web service run by Kevin Hayes at:
www KhersonGirls com
www HonestMarriageAgencies com
www khersonwomen com
www khersongirls com
www khersonladies com
www khersonapartments com
www kherson com
www russianwomens com
www ukrainewomen net
www ukrainewomen info
www honestmarriageagency com
www honestmarriageagency net
www ukrainewomenagency com
www ukrainewomenagency net
www honestmarriageagencies com
www honestmarriageagencies net
www khersongirls com
www odessamarriageagency com
www kievmarriageagency com
www angelsinkherson com
www giftstogo com
Mr. Hayes states he made his money and retired at 34, and that making money is not the focus of his marriage agencies. Mr. Hayes spends a tremendous amount of time at his sites refering to other dating agencies as scams or possible scams. He offers no real back up other than he says people complain about these services or it is his personal opinion they are scams.
Mr. Hayes claims he is a retired Dot Com guy who made money and then retired to Kherson, Ukraine at age 34 to start his marriage agency. He claims he is not interested in making money from his business and works as a volunteer. He charges up to $8,500 each for his services. It seems strange to us that a young man would retire with money - and move to Kherson, Ukraine? It seems strange to us that he says he does not care about making money with his agency - yet he charges fees of up to $8,500 for his services. His site gives the impression most all other agencies are scams (listing over 80 agencies)- accept the ones he recommends or runs (and appears to profit share in some of them). His sites claims that one of his goals is to help the street children of Kherson. Throwing a party for orphaned children is a nice thing...but does that allow one to try and use this token gesture as a pretext for why you should do business with his company? How much does he actually do for the street children of Kherson...why does he put on his homepage that he helps the poor children in such a prominent way?
The questions to answer are why does he take so much effort to put down dozens of other agencies...and steer men towards specific agencies he has partnered with or owns? Why does he claim to be retired and not be interested in making money, yet charge up to $8,500 for his services(one of the highest prices we can find for any marriage service online)?
Frankly, we get suspicious when anyone says so many bad things about other agencies, offering little or no back up or explanation to support his positions. He refuses to remove agencies he defames on his sites that offer proof they are not scams and claims to be protected by the laws of the Ukraine - not subject to the laws of the U.S. He claims to pay U.S. taxes on all income earned in the Ukraine - but his domains are registered to him personally, not to any registered company.
American Airlines flies several million passengers per month, some of which complain. Does that make them a scam airline? Mr. Hayes seems to think any complaint about a service allows him to title the agency as a scam or questionable...but his own FAQ's say he allows his ladies to get complaints from 2 different men and still not be listed as a scammer?
Why anyone would put so much effort into defaming others, and why they would run a for profit business (charging men up to $8,500 each) while claiming to be a retired dot com guy not interested in making money? Scam or not? We don't know, but it deserves looking into.
Contact us with any information - good or bad - concerning this investigation.
Forwarded Message:
Subj: RE: Kherson Girls
Date: 7/5/2004 2:22:02 AM Central Standard Time
From: thomaslgraff@earthlink.net
To: RussianScam@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Hello Alex:
Let me offer my comments regarding your investigation.
I was a client of Kevin Hayes, having traveled to Kherson and met a number of nice girls via his agency. I was very fortunate to find my fiancee there with the help of a good interpreter. So, my success in Kherson was quite good. Unfortunately, I have to say that it was largely in spite of Kevin. I've know Kevin and Lana for about 3 years now. At the beginning of our association I was living in Florida and met with them several times. On a personal basis, I concluded that Kevin is a pathological liar. His endless stories just were not consistent and constantly were changing. But I did decide to go to Kherson and give it a try. For 3 weeks there I paid them about $2000. This included apartment and translation services. As I posted previously in RWL, I had a lot of problems with Kevin and how he handled issues I had with his office staff. Overall, I would never recommend Kevin as a viable resource � his is just too flakey and willing to work in his own best interest, regardless of what the client might wish.
To answer your specific comments:
Kevin does own 2 apartments in Kherson. Both are remodeled and western style. He has formulated his pricing structure to entire clients to rent these apartments. I also believe that the office in Kherson has been instructed to give preferential treatment to those clients staying in the KG apartments. Kevin also has agreements with several privately owned apartments which he offers to his clients. I also know that he received a kickback on clients he refers to the Hotel Frugat? in Kherson.
Kevin's stories about being wealthy are not true. His life story is basically this. He is from a family in north central Florida that is in the business of buying, renovating and selling houses to families that can't qualify for a normal loan. So Kevin's family sells them an over valued house and carried the financing. Kevin went into the military and was in it for 8 years as an enlisted man, serving most of his time at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. When he parted with the military, he and 3 other partners opened a small internet service provider in Ocala, Florida. This operated for a few years and was ultimately bought out by a larger ISP. I am not sure of the exact amount he received from his share of the business, but I estimate it to be around $350,000 � capital gains tax had to be paid on this amount, reducing what Kevin really got by 20% or so. With this money, he bought 4 houses in the Ocala area, renovated them and sold them with a contract for deed. Basically the monthly payments on these houses are what Kevin lives on. His personal residence is financed with a 97% Veteran's Administration loan.
I have the belief he has his operations in Kherson financed by a backer of some type. I don't know the details here, but he did approach me about investing with him. Regardless of the financing, Kherson Girls is a business that Kevin has every intention of turning a profit. This nonsense about just doing it for a hobby is just another example of the endless lies he spins.
Being an Engineer, I ran the numbers on Kevin's business in Kherson. Assuming a conservative number of guys going there, his business is already profitable. He has bragged to me before about both he and his wife Lana carrying $10,000 in cash with them every time they return from Kherson. I honestly believe he collects the funds there and brings them back into the US as undeclared income. There is certainly some angle he is working in having businesses in the two countries.
His claims of support of the local orphanages are untrue. I believe they give clothes and food to a small number (about of the street kids that hang out around the office. The website has some pics of a bunch of street kids � we all know that there are many street children in Kherson. It is very easy to give them a little money or food and get them to pose for some publicity photos.
The rumor that the office was raided by local police because of illegal software copies is true. I recall Kevin saying that he paid a police official a bribe of $2000 to get the computers back. Lana confirmed it indepently in a casual conversation.
By the way � of the two, Lana is the more intelligent one. I really have my doubts that she is planning to be with Kevin forever. Only time will tell�
Ahh � another thought for you. The office girls will readily say he is a tyrant to work for. They have enormous turnover there and his employees will privately admit they are afraid of him. I got to know some of the office girls and felt sorry for them.
This is about all that comes to mind. Drop me a note if you have more questions.
Tommy Graff
Hello ,
Finally someone decided to find out everything about this cheater. It
seemed that there is nothing to do with him, but we hope that your
investigation will help to show who he is. All the facts which are
written at this site are true, because the 80% of his services is lie,
and just 20% are real services which mostly are the renting of
apartments. And that he claims that it is not a business for him this
is his only business he does nothing except this. he really has the
most expensive services and client pays for every step even to take
him to hospital if he feels bad. And all this mud which he says about
other agencies is just dirty the removing of the other agencies and to
focus the attention at his own one. Nobody of his clients received the
real service, a lot of his ex-clients contacted us and they paid a lot
of money and received nothing. Also we deal with many girls from his
agency, whom he forced to sign the documents for the fiance visa with
the men whom they didn't like. He takes the money from the client for
the preparing the documents, just for the girl to live, for the girl's
English lessons. He says that he does it for the client to be happy
and satisfied, after he can refuse to do this services, but the client
went home quite happy. Finally he takes the money from the girl and
the gifts which the man gave her and if she doesn't want to give it
to him he puts her as a scam. Really he pays in Ukraine the minimal
taxes, and in USA he doesn't pay anything as it is the Ukrainian
agency. He lies about his help to the street children and if he did
something it was the tiny thing not more than a 100$ for two years.
His main statement is that he is an American and everybody have to
believe him, but actually the only true is that he is really an
American, but he lies about the other things.
We support you in this investigation we think that it will help whom
Kevin Hayes really is. If you'll need some more information we are
always glad to help you. And then he put us at the scam site, saying
that we are the bad agency as we sent him the viruses or false e-mail's
it is just ridiculous because everyday everybody receives plenty viruses.
if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
Igor A. Sayenko
mail: info@khersonpearls.com
web: www.khersonpearls.com
Posts: 2
Registered: 01-22-2011 Location:
posted on 01-22-2011 at 04:34 |
Kevin Hayes is a liar and a crook
If Kevin was innocent of any of the accusations against him, he wouldn't let peoples comments bother him so much by responding to them. How childish is that.
How many names are you going to post under. I understand that John Briar is paying to you attack my site because he has a legit complaint at www.honestmarraigeagencies.com/complaint/getmarriednow.htm
If you can't compete honestly you should get out of the business. John Briar send me these question that you posted because he can't find anything else to attack my agency on. So he starts to make up question that have nothing to do with my service.
If you want to make a comment answer this. How come your agency has a 100 percent guarantee if your client isn't married/engaged in 1 year you will refund their membership on your site, yet everyone who ask for the refund you refuse. These are the type of question you need to ask.
On your site www.khersongirls.boom.ru you know post negative comment about my wife.
Folks. Getmarriednow.com owner John briar is paying his staff in Kherson to post negative comment on my agencyusing false name and comments. This is the type of agency owner you need to avoid. The type who hides behind false names. Take a look at his site and ask yourself. Why doesn't the ower post his own name on his own site. Because he wants to hide from responcibility of his agency.
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