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Author: softsoap Subject: How to get a girl like you

Posts: 6
Registered: 06-03-2014

posted on 06-03-2014 at 16:32 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
How to get a girl like you

How to get a girl to like you?

1: Be her hero. Whenever she is in trouble or worried about something, don't just sit there with her. Acknowledge that you don't have all the answers, and that you may not know exactly what she's going through, but try to help make the situation better for her.
Ask her how you can help, but don't insist that she let you. Be patient with anything she goes through and be supportive. When you can make a difference, do so without hesitation, but also cautiously, as you don't want to hurt her in any way.
If she likes you already, go above and beyond the call of duty. Do something that she'd never expect you to do, like cooking her breakfast and then doing the dishes, and she'll fall even harder for you. You're showing her what you're made of.
If she doesn't like you yet, or you don't know how she feels about it, play it cool. Be calm. If you're the kind of guy that gets sweaty and stutters his words when he's around a girl, then just calm down. Think of her as just your friend who happens to look different. If you can't calm down, no sweat! Girls think it is adorable when guys trip over themselves. You'll make her laugh in a good way!

2: Don't fly too deep into the friend zone. Be friendly with her without always being available. Girls love guys who are a bit mysterious, so try to cultivate a bit of mystery — don't always pick up the phone, let on where you're going, etc. Be honest, but not always totally up front.

3: Pay attention to how you look. Your guy-friends probably didn't care that you walked around in the same clothes you mowed the lawn in, but the girl of your dreams probably won't be very impressed. Here are three simple things you can start doing right away that will help:
Shower and shave every day. If you're not yet old enough to shave, don't sweat it. You should be soon. Smell nice and look clean by showering or bathing regularly.
Wear clothes that actually fit. Not your older brother's clothes; not your dad's clothes. Wear your own clothes, and ones that flatter your figure. It doesn't matter how much money you have — every guy needs a good pair of jeans, a fitting t-shirt, a simple but elegant collared shirt, and shoes to fit the occasion.
Get in shape. Lose that excess flab if you can and turn it into muscle. Most girls like guys who have developed muscles that aren't so chiseled they're intimidating. Find an intramural sports league that you're interested in and go for it. You might even be able to impress your lady with your skills.

4: Be charming:You must at least have some kind of charm to appeal to a woman. Most men are charming in a couple different ways, but here are some charming ideas to think about:
Be a gentleman. This means opening doors, paying for a date, keeping your word, etc. Girls love to feel like a gentleman cares about them.
Be witty. Girls love guys who are great conversationalists, who can turn anything into a joke. Learn how to elegantly make fun of yourself.
Be intelligent. You should do your best to be well-read, informed about current-affairs, and curious. Women like men who are smart but still relatable.
5: Be reliable. Every girl wants a guy who, at the end of the day, is reliable — dependable not because he has to be, but because he wants to be. Being reliable is all about telling a girl that she has security with you. Try to be the most reliable guy you know.
Do what you say you're going to do. If you talk the talk, walk the walk. Girls don't like guys who say they're going to do something and never follow through with it.
Be punctual. Even though some girls are late to dates, a girl hates it when she has to wait on a guy. To her, it says: "I don't care enough about you to be on-time." If you're going to be late, let her know.
Have a good reputation. Be the guy that other guys want to vouch for. You never know whether she, or one of her friends, could ask around about you. And if she hears how you cheated on your ex-girlfriend, your reputation is shot and you'll have to rebuild it.

6: Try to be funny: This gives the girl a reason to relax. A person is more responsive and receptive when relaxed. This is similar to being witty, but with higher importance. It helps you connect with her emotionally/intellectually. She should enjoy your company and not be bored.

7: Don't be too pushy. It's a turnoff when you're always around her and touching her and flirting obnoxiously with her when she is not interested and has never shown any interest at all. Learn to give her the control, even if it's only the illusion of control.
If a girl doesn't want to make out, for example, or have sex, don't try to force it out of her. That's not the way to get her obsessed with you. Instead, listen to her wishes, understand why she has them, and respect them. You'll get more bees with honey than you will with vinegar.

8: Have financial independence. Most women don't care how much you make, or who your parents are, so long as you can provide for them. That's nice, because most men aren't blessed with wealth. Remember these things about money around women:
Women, like men, want to be spoiled some of the time. It doesn't have to be extravagant, but they like to be spoiled. Save enough money so that you can spoil her every once in a while.
Most women don't like men who flaunt their money. If you have money, don't flaunt it, because you just might scare her away.

9: Don't flirt with other girls too much. A girl might really like you but if she sees you dancing or talking with another girl, that could be a dealbreaker. Make sure she knows you're interested in only her.
At the same time, have friends who are also girls. If you hang around friends who are also girls, she'll feel safer around you because other women are comfortable hanging out with you. If you never hang around any women, it could be a sign to her that you're illiterate when it comes to them.
Sometimes, women engage in a little competition — just like men! Therefore, it's helpful to have other women around, provided you don't get involved or flirt with them.

10: Compliment her. Give her some good old-fashioned compliments. Don't compliment her ability to do every little thing perfectly, or you'll seem too needy or obsessive yourself. But a well-placed compliment can make a girl remember you for days on end!
Be sincere when you compliment. Figure out what you like about her best — what you think makes her most unique — and tell her. If it's the truth, it will automatically come out as sincere.
Reinforce how she views herself. If she thinks of herself as an athlete, reinforce her competitive spirit or athletic skills. If she thinks of herself as a thinker, praise her smarts. Whatever she thinks of herself as, compliment that aspect of her the most.
Focus more on her personality than her appearance. If you have to get in a compliment about her appearance, stay away from the more feminine areas and stick to complimenting these:

  1. Smile
  2. Hair
  3. Eyes
  4. Lips
  5. Clothes (style, appearance, etc.)

11: Give her reasons to be reminded of you. Sing or hum songs, talk about movies, share favorite places. Anything that, when she hears/sees it again, will make her think of you.

12: Balance your sensitive side with your masculine side. Girls like guys who are in touch with their feminine side without being girly at all. That means you have to understand where she's coming from but still be thoroughly manly if you can. Learn a lesson from the following cues:
It's OK to cry at a movie...if that movie is about sports. While most girls don't like sports, it's a badge of your manliness to her. Be prepared to stick with sports while still making time to see her.
It's OK to dress well...but not too well. As discussed earlier, girls love a guy who can dress nicely. But as soon as the guy dresses nicer than her, that can be a big turnoff.

13: Most of all, do not use guides such as this one literally. You should not make building a relationship with her a script. The most important thing to do when looking for a meaningful relationship is to relax around her, and let your true personality shine through. Do not force yourself to fit a stereotype. You're better off waiting until you can find a girl who likes you, not a stereotypical "cool" guy. A relationship in which you can be yourself is much, much more meaningful than one in which you have to pretend to be someone else
14: Girls have no idea what they want. Be yourself and be a gentlemen. Let her do what she wants and act like you care about her.

Don't keep talking for hours; give her a chance to talk.
Never insult her, especially if she is shy, and even if it is a joke, unless you know she will know it is a joke.
If she wants you to kiss her, and you know it, kiss her when the time is right, or she might get bored or think you're not interested in being more than friends and move on to someone that will, even if they aren't as cool, intelligent, or good looking as you.
Show that you are confident by maintaining good posture. Master the art of approaching a girl, while talking you shouldn't get too excited, neither throw all sorts questions nor give her detailed answers, leave her curious enough to want you and know you more. Women love mystery.
After you're really good friends it's a good thing on Valentine's day to bring her flowers or something to tell her that you like her that way.
Don't compliment her unless you actually feel she's looking particularly pretty, or has done something very well.


Try not to talk to her all the time everyday. She will like the odd two days of talking, but if you constantly talk to her and try to force conversation, you will just annoy her. Ease off every now and then to show you're not too clingy which in most cases is a turnoff, let her come to you.
Never go too far when teasing a woman. Calling her fat or insulting her looks is rude and a turn-off.
Don't talk to girls about other girls. Try not to gossip.
Some girls do get offended by "the chivalry stuff." Make sure you know the type of girl you are dealing with. Some may see it as sexist, annoyingly nice, or it may seem like you are trying to assert superiority.
If a woman says she isn't interested, back off. No means no.

View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By LoveDoctor (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 0
Registered: 11-08-2017

posted on 11-08-2017 at 09:36 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
how to make her like u

Just entertain her. Make her laugh. It's simple.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By JulliYa (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 6
Registered: 06-15-2020
Location: Phoenix, Arizona

posted on 10-12-2020 at 05:54 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Lovedoctor is neurotic

The LoveDoctor says "Don't talk too much..."

The LoveDoctor should listen to his/her own advice.

2000 words in a post to detail every do and don't ever conceived. I think the LoveDoctor is probably a woman.

You would make me crazy if you were with me. All those rules hide an inferiority complex or anger. Neurotic, for sure.

Instead of following the LoveDoctor's advice, try something simple like...oh, how about, being yourself. When a person finds someone of interest, they should be themself and try to bring tenderness and laughter. Rules are for robots when it comes to love.

The LoveDoctor should just STFU and relax. Take a pill, or a drink.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By softsoap (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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